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Left out of the national apology and reconciliation process begun in 2008, survivors of residential schools in Labrador and Newfoundland received a formal apology from the Canadian government in 2017. This recognition finally brought them... more
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      Canadian StudiesAnthropologyIndigenous StudiesNewfoundland and Labrador
Réflexion autour de la nouvelle création de la Compagnie Hic&Nunc autour du chant de gorge Création novembre 2019 - Soutenue par le CRDJ, le Pannonica/Nantes Jazz Action, L'Athénor, CNCM de Saint... more
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      InuitPatrimoine Culturel immatérielCréation MusicaleDiplomatie Culturelle
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental GeographyEnvironmental Science
Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic traces the political journey toward self-governance taken by three predominantly Inuit regions over the past forty years: Nunavik in northern Québec, the Inuvialuit Settlement... more
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      Public AdministrationIndigenous StudiesIndigenous PoliticsFederalism
The purpose of this paper is to document some successful features of public schools within Nunavut, according to the personal experiences of a group of 14 principals, vice-principals, and teachers. At the start of this paper, I explained... more
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    • Inuit
Abraham Ulrikab fournit, avec son journal 1 , une précieuse perspective autochtone sur le phénomène des zoos humains du XIXe siècle. Inuit du Labrador converti au protestantisme par les missionnaires moraviens, il est engagé en 1880 par... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureInuitInuit Studies
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      Documentary FilmGreenlandInuit
In 1929, the Northwest Territories adopted An Ordinance Respecting Dogs. Considered by civil servants and many non-Aboriginal workers of the North as an effective way to protect local populations against the threat of sick and dangerous... more
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      InuitNorthwest Territories
Helmcken Falls is a 141 m (463 ft) waterfall on the Murtle River within Wells Gray Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada. The protection of Helmcken Falls was one of the reasons for the creation of Wells Gray Provincial Park in... more
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      HistoryNative American StudiesMythologyCanadian History
The concepts of mental health and illness of the Inuit of Nunavik (Northern Québec) were studied through ethnographic interviews, participant observation and a questionnaire survey. The aim was to document Inuit knowledge and practices in... more
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      Indigenous StudiesMental HealthStigmaCultural Psychiatry
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      The Tattoo'Decolonization' and the politics of settler state/Indigenous relationsDecolonizationBody Modification
Previous work on Inuit has analyzed the morpheme pi as a ‘dummy root’ or ‘empty stem’; a morphological or phonological filler which satisfies a language-specific requirement that words contain lexical roots. We argue instead that pi is a... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsIndigenous LanguagesSyntax
In this chapter, we introduce the concept of ‘placemaking’ to the Canadian Arctic context, a term frequently used in urban planning and architectural settings to describe and characterise how spaces are formed by organic and systematic... more
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      ArchitectureSpace and PlacePlacemakingArctic
Introduction to a special issue on Education and knowledge transfer in the Canadian Arctic
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      EducationKnowledge TransferInuitNunavut
Background: Inuit interpreters are key players in end-of-life (EOL) care for Nunavik patients and families. This emotionally intensive work requires expertise in French, English and Inuit dialects to negotiate linguistic and cultural... more
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      End of life careInuitTranslator and Interpreter Training
In June 2019 Canada’s National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls released its final report. This short Reflection focuses on the National Inquiry’s supplementary legal analysis, which concerns the law of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesGenocide StudiesMetis StudiesAboriginal history in Canada
Booklet on the meaning and use of the North Slope Iñupiaq postbase 'niq'. Popular scientific version of MA thesis on the semantics and pragmatics of the North Slope Iñupiaq postbase 'niq'. The booklet is based on knowledge shared by:... more
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      Semantics/PragmaticsInuit Language StudiesLanguage LearningInuit
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      Inuit Language StudiesInuitInuit traditional knowledgeInuit archaeology/anthropology
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      Indigenous LeadershipInuit
In this paper, we present results from a project to reanalyze the Morris Bay Kayak, which was discovered by Lauge Koch in Washington Land, northwest Greenland in 1921. This reanalysis is significant because the role of kayak hunting in... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyArctic ArchaeologyNorth American archaeologyGreenland
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      Arctic GovernanceGreenlandInuitIndigenous Sovereignty
Inuit approaches to childrearing reflect a particular concept of person- hood that may be termed relational, ecocentric, and cosmocentric (Kirmayer, 2007; Kirmayer, Fletcher, & Watt, 2008). As described in the first part of this... more
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      Psychological AnthropologyChild DevelopmentCultural PsychologyCulture
Still largely based on EuroCanadian knowledge and Western teachings, Education in Nunavut remains a negative experience for many Nunavut youth as the result of culturally inappropriate schooling and worldview mismatch. Mismatch occurs as... more
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      Indigenous educationCross-Cultural StudiesIndigenous science educationIndigenous ecological knowledges and practices
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      InuitKayak Ethnography
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      Christian MissionsCulture ContactWhalingInuit
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries most explorers, whalers, and ethnographers perceived Inuit traditions, especially shamanism, to be in a state of decline. The assumption that Inuit culture was on the brink of disappearance... more
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Drawing on ethnographic research methods, this thesis investigates how community members in Rankin Inlet are engaging with historical and contemporary mining encounters in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut. The town of Rankin Inlet... more
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      EthnographyCanadian HistoryArctic Social ScienceIndustrial History
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      Arctic ArchaeologyCanadaGreenlandInuit
En el ideario colectivo de Kalaallit Nunaat navega el 21 de junio de 2021 como fecha clave para su futuro, pero ¿por qué esa fecha?, ¿qué es Kalaallit Nunaat y por qué es tan importante su ejemplo para los pueblos inuit? Francesc Bailón... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyAnthropology
"My Father Was Told to Talk to the Environment First Before Anything Else" Arctic Environmental Education in the Language of the Land, Chapter 16 (pp 285-298) in Fields of Green: Restorying Culture, Environment, and Education” by... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous LanguagesEnvironmental Studies
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionSocial Anthropology
Background: Increasing longevity for Inuit living in Nunavik, northern Quebec, has resulted in heightened rates of cancers and chronic diseases necessitating complex treatments. Consequently, end-of-life (EOL) care, once the domain of... more
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      Palliative CareEnd of life careInuit
In public discourse in Nunavut on the painful subject of elevated rates of suicide in the territory, one hears a wide range of opinions on the question of ‘what was the suicide rate in our society before settlement in communities?’... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesMarxismSuicideInuit
Cet article propose de considérer les cérémonies de remise de diplômes au Nunavik comme une scène où se jouent et s’exposent les significations attribuées à l’école et à la réussite scolaire. Les Inuit et les Qallunaat y participent à... more
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The scars left by the death of Siasi Tullaugak and Sharon Barron, two Inuuk women, are still deep. They were part of the homeless Montreal Inuit community who gathered for a vigil in September 2017 to remember the young women . Their... more
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      SociologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesHomelessness
This book is an investigation of how neurodiverse people are like hunter-gatherers. A few years ago I started out with the idea that neurodiverse (ASD, ADHD, gifted, etc.) are like hunter-gatherers in being more egalitarian and less... more
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      Native American StudiesNeurodiversityHunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyInuit
Where is the line between fair use and exploitation? Between inspiration and appropriation? Between honouring and commodifying? These are important questions today as consumers, artists and musicians, product developers, retailers, and... more
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      EthicsIndigenous StudiesIntellectual PropertyYoga
Głoszenie Ewangelii na rozległych kanadyjskich „Terytoriach Północno-Zachodnich”, wpisało się mocno w historię Zgromadzenia Misjonarzy Oblatów Maryi Niepokalanej. Na początku XIX w. ten ogromny teren był zaludniony jedynie przez... more
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      MissiologyHistory of CanadaInuitKanada
The internet provides numerous helpful resources for understanding mental health issues affecting the lives of many people. Companion to "Effective Counseling Skills" by the same author, this volume has been prepared for counselors and... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyEducationSocial Work
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      Native American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesNative American Literature (Literature)
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'Art is that which takes something real and makes it more real than it was before'
by Tommy Akulukjuk and Derek Rasmussen
pp59-70; Chapter 6, in
Art, EcoJustice, and Education: Intersecting Theories and Practices
(2018) Routledge, NY.
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      Indigenous StudiesArtArt TheoryIndigenous education
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries most explorers, whalers, and ethnographers perceived Inuit traditions, especially shamanism, to be in a state of decline. The assumption that Inuit culture was on the brink of disappearance... more
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      ShamanismInuitEldersInuit archaeology/anthropology
This dissertation conducts a critical analysis and discussion of the dynamics between power configurations and epistemological power relations in Greenland. The dissertation has a special focus on how resource use and resource consumption... more
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      EpistemologyIndigenous StudiesArctic Social ScienceDenmark
In the language of the Inuit, the concept "beauty" translates roughly as "goodness," emphasizing morality and truth rather than visual aesthetics. Using from our own and others' ethnographic research, we discuss beauty as a semantic... more
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      Internalization of Socio-Cultural Standards of BeautyInuitInuit Art
Critical anthropology is currently awash with research aimed at disabling human exceptionalism, alignment with indigenous knowledge, decolonisation of thought, and the taking of the posthuman turn. Meanwhile states with settler colonial... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesArctic Social SciencePosthumanism
Nota bene: il termine "Inuit" si usa per il plurale e "Inuk" per il singolo individuo. Tali termini significano "gli uomini". è da evitare il termine "eschimese" perché giudicato denigratorio, almeno a partire dagli anni Settanta.
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    • Inuit
This article examines the contemporary mining industry in Nunavut, Canada to determine whether land claims and other negotiated agreements have enabled Inuit to capture wealth produced by extraction. It examines the geographic... more
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      Indigenous StudiesArctic Social ScienceColonialismMining
This thesis explores the properties of adjectives and adverbs in Inuit (Eskimo-Aleut), with focus on the Inuktitut dialect group. While the literature on Eskimoan languages has claimed that they lack these categories, I present syntactic... more
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      Eskimo-Aleut LinguisticsAdverbsWord formationAdjectives