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3rd International Conference on Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Blockchain and Internet of Things.... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsInternet of Things (IoT)IOT
The drainage system is the action of draining waste water and sticky liquid components towards the rivers using particular patterns, drainage channels and streams. Drainage system basically refers to all the piping within the private and... more
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      IOTN , orthodontic treatment needInternet of Things (IoT)IOTModified IOTN
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technological revolution of the Internet. IoT is and can be said the expansion of internet services. It is changing the way we work and live by saving time and resources and opening new opportunities for... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)IOTModified IOTNwireless applications with Internet of Thing (IoT) within Internet environment
6LowPAN was introduced by the IETF as a standard protocol to interconnect tiny and constrained devices across IPv6 clouds. 6LowPAN supports a QoS feature based on two priority bits. So far, little interest has been granted and this QoS... more
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      The Internet of ThingsUV light a-IGZO TFTsLSI LSA tf idfInternet of Things (IoT)
By connecting devices, people, vehicles, and infrastructures everywhere in a city, governments and their partners can improve community well-being and other economic and financial aspects (e.g., cost and energy savings). Nonetheless,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesSemanticsComputer NetworksSemantic Web
"Mintha mindent megírt volna a szerző a digitális médiáról és az azzal érkezett új társadalomról. Ahogy látom, mindent meg is írt, vagy ha nem, én nem jöttem rá, mi az. Hihetetlenül szórakoztató, nagyon jól demonstráló, érdekes példákkal... more
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      MarketingArtificial IntelligenceNew MediaSensors and Sensing
Controlled and precise delivery of fluid is one of the essential requirement in many fluid flow applications such as micro fluidics, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, micro-machining and in medicinal biological systems. Such deliveries... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)Resin infusionDigestive infusionsNeedle Syringe Program-Based Primary HealthCare Centers: Advantages and Disadvantages
In this paper, we explain the most important phase of security architecture for Internet of Things (IoT) based on software-defined networking (SDN). In this context, the SDN-based architecture is executed with or without the... more
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      SecurityAuthenticityComputer Hardware and NetworkingComputer Networking
Xbee modülleri radyo sinyallerini kullanarak hem veri iletmek hem de veri almak için kullanılan küçük RF(radio frekans) aygıtlardır.Farklı frekanslarda yayın yapan, kablosuz Zigbee protokolünü kullanarak haberleşen uzun menzilli... more
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      Sensors and SensingSensorWireless Communications and NetworkingWireless Mesh Network
The concept of smart city was born to provide improved quality of life to citizens. The key idea is to integrate information system services of each domain, such as health, education, transportation, power grid etc., of the city to... more
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      Smart GridSmart CitiesSmart CityInternet of Things (IoT)
The word hydroponics has its derivation from the combination of two Greek words, hydro meaning water and ponos meaning labour, i.e., working water. Hydroponics used to be considered a system where there was no growing media at all, such... more
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      Automated Reasoning (Computer Science)HydroponicsAutomated Manufacturing SystemsAutomated reasoning
In recent years the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has seen dramatic change, whether it be continually changing client requirements or the disruptive technologies making it hard for some contractors and... more
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      Building Information ModelingBIM EducationSmart CitiesBIM-technology
This paper will focused on effective recognizing and controlling system for Bank locker room which is fully self determining. In cases of robberies, it’s commonly happen that the banned entrance in the locker room area which can be... more
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      Information SecurityComputer-Based LearningNetwork SecurityInternational Security
In present scenario of the world, controlling air pollution is one of the leading challenges. Most often the educational institutions and organizations in developing countries suffer from contaminated environment due to improper planning... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsWastewater engineering, Green Buildings, Air Pollution MonitoringEnvironmental (soil and water) pollution prevention and monitoring.
The purpose of this paper is to present a set of well-investigated Internet of Things (IoT) security guidelines and best practices that others can use as a basis for future standards, certifications, laws, policies and/or product... more
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      AlgorithmsInformation TechnologyTechnologyInformation Security
Now-a-days, a growing number of people in a developing countries like India forces to look for new solutions for the continuous monitoring of health checkup. It has become a necessity to visit hospitals frequently for doctor's... more
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      Remote Patient MonitoringIOTN , orthodontic treatment needPatient MonitoringInternet of Things (IoT)
This paper deals with the registrability of non-conventional marks after the EU reform of trade marks and some technological developments, including the Internet of Things (IoT). Even if olfactory marks (scents or smells) are the chosen... more
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      MarketingEuropean StudiesIntellectual PropertyBrand Management
In present world all of us are facing global warming crisis of water. Main causesfor these issues are growing population, improper management of water utilization. This problem is quietly related to poor allocation, inefficient use and... more
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      Image ProcessingMedical Image ProcessingBiomedical signal and image processingDigital Image Processing
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      Internet of Things (IoT)Natural Language Processing(NLP)IoT/M2MSensor Networks and IoT
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is one of cancer type that attack White Blood Cells in myeloid descendants. On the clinical examination of leukemia, the number of each blast cell in the laboratory is calculated. However, in some subtype of... more
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      LeukemiaChildhood Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaAcute Myeloid LeukemiaChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
With advancement of Automation technology, life is getting simpler and easier in all aspects. In Today's world Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. With the rapid increase in the number of users of internet over the... more
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      RefrigeratorsInternet of Things (IoT)Thermoacoustic refrigeratorRefrigerator
Internet-of-Things (IoT) is considered as the key player to move forward the Smart City vision. Indeed, pervasive devices can enable a fain-grained monitoring of buildings and energy distribution networks. Thus, such information can be... more
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      The Internet of ThingsSoftware ArchitectureInternet of ThingsSmart Cities
Although Internet of Things (IoT) brings significant advantages over traditional communication technologies for smart grid and smart home applications, these implementations are still very rare. Relying on a comprehensive literature... more
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      The Internet of ThingsFuture Internet ArchitectureInternet of ThingsSurvey Research (Research Methodology)
The search for faster internet connection is ceaseless and the need for new technologies and techniques is always on rise. Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) is an inconceivable asset, but it is still limited, and as connectivity spreads, both... more
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      WiFIVoIP over WiFiInternet of Things (IoT)IOT
Some unexpected events such as temperature fluctuations, humidity changes, and vibration may destroy the value of goods being transported. In order to prevent unwanted events and to overcome some shortcomings in process of delivering... more
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      The Internet of ThingsIntelligent Transportation SystemsInternet of ThingsIntelligent Transport System
There is a sudden exponential use of security systems in our day to day life. For example, security in a business space, organisation, or bank locker is important to every individual now. Lately, security cameras are being utilized in... more
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      Information SecurityNetwork SecurityThe Internet of ThingsComputer Security
يهدف نظام التقديم الالكتروني إلى تمكين الطلاب للتقديم لمؤسسات التعليم العالي بالسودان عبر خدمة الانترنت . ويتم في هذه الورقة عرض وتقويم التجربة
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      Semantic Web TechnologiesE-learningSemantic WebInternet of Things (IoT)
Picking up public cloud service providers is now becoming a harder task in an enterprise organization. This paper will help in reducing more hesitation to choose a public cloud service provider. This paper is highlighting computation,... more
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      5g Technologies5G Mobile CommunicationsIoT/M2MIndustrial IoT
Healthcare's evolution and transition to embracing new Internet of Things (IoT) technologies faces unique challenges. That is one of the reasons why healthcare institutions adopt new technologies slowly. One of the biggest problems in the... more
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      IT in healthcareStandardsQuality of Healthcare ServicesHealthcare
ntelligent energy management strategy for cost optimization offers a new paradigm for energy users in Nigeria. This research developed Arduino based energy consumption rate meter for residential homes using multidisciplinary concepts in... more
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      Demand Side ManagementSmart MeteringCloud Computing and VirtualizationNetwork Function Virtualization
Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks are attracting a lot of attention primarily because of their ability to offer affordable connectivity to the low-power devices distributed over very large geographical areas. In realizing the vision of... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsThe Internet of ThingsWireless Sensor NetworksInternet of Things
We will design a system based on WSNs and IoT technologies to manage real-time power at buildings. This system comprises of: a wireless sensor network (sensing node and base station) and a smart home gateway. A sensing node is utilized... more
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      Power ManagementLocalization in WSNZigbee NetworksRouting Protocols in WSN
Internet of Things is a platform where every day devices become smarter, every day processing becomes intellectual, and every day communication becomes revealing. While the Internet of Things is still seeking its own platform, its effects... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)IOTModified IOTNwireless applications with Internet of Thing (IoT) within Internet environment
Monitoring of the health plays a crucial role in the medical industry; an application for monitoring the children from distances by their parents is developed. Different types of sensors are used like; a temperature sensor is a device... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsInternet of Things (IoT)IOT
By the virtue of blooming automation industry and wireless connectivity, all the devices within the home can be connected. Today's World is moving to digitalization where everything is made easy and comfortable for people i.e. Young youth... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)IOTIoT/M2MInternet of Things (IoTs)
The current prominence and future promises of the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IoE) and Internet of Nano Things (IoNT) are extensively reviewed and a summary survey report is presented. The analysis clearly... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksNetworkingInternet of Things (IoT)Internet of Everything(IoE)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global network of smart devices that integrate physical world with digital world. While the IoT is reported to be a foundation technology for the emerging Industry 4.0 era, empirical evidence of IoT use... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)IoT/M2M
IoT (Internet of Things) ya da diğer adıyla Nesnelerin İnterneti kavramı, internete bağlanan ve diğer cihazlarla iletişimde olan her nesneyi kapsamaktadır. Artık hayatımızın bir parçası haline gelecek otonom araçlar, akıllı buzdolabılar,... more
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      Internet of ThingsInternet of Things (IoT)Wsn SecurityIoT/M2M
Contoh LOA Jurnal Internasional Terindex Scopus IJBG
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      ScopusIoT/M2MJurnal Internasional
This paper presents an IoT software infrastructure that enables energy management and simulation of new control policies in a city district. The proposed platform enables the interoperability and the correlation of (near-)real-time... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsEnergy efficiencyMiddleware
Solution-optimized smart cities that are focused on improving cross-city services, transportation management systems and energy use are now having a tangible and positive effect on city-based quality of life. There are many components of... more
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      Smart CityeGovernment measurement, Smart City, BenchmarkingIOTN , orthodontic treatment needInternet of Things (IoT)
With the advancements in wireless technology and digital electronics, some tiny devices have started to be used in numerous areas in daily life. These devices are capable of sensing, computation and communicating. They are generally... more
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      Sensors and SensingNetwork SecurityWireless Sensor NetworksWireless networks
In the modern age, there is a constraint of a system with connected devices, persons, time, places and networks, which is completely integrated is called as Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things has become the vital building blocks... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and PrivacyRFID localizationrfid TRACKING
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of human Meshing with everything that exists around us like our daily life communication through mobiles or the internet. In the next two or three years of (2020), the internet will be changed to IoT.... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyWireless CommunicationsInternet of Things (IoT)
4th International Conference on Internet of Things (CIoT 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of IoT. Authors are solicited to contribute to the... more
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      Social NetworksSignal ProcessingWireless CommunicationsComputer Networks
The term M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communications describes any solution or technology that facilitates the wired and wireless communication between networked devices to exchange information, as ad-hoc networking is an basic building block... more
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      Network SecurityIoT/M2MMachine-to-Machine (M2M) communications
Internet of things (IoT) is the promising and future internet. The IoT is a network of connected sensors, actuators, and everyday objects that are used in various domains, such as healthcare, airports, and military. As it connects... more
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      Network SecurityThe Internet of ThingsWireless Sensor NetworksMachine to Machine Communications
In every developing and developed nation the utilization of automobiles is a maximising day by day and apparently the accidents relating to automobiles have increased drastically too. In our projectawe identify the problem of leakages of... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsWireless sensor network- lifetime and coverage4G, New generations networks, QoS, protocolos IPv6 and extensions, Application in new generation networks, routing protocolos, congestion control, Wireless, MANET, sensor networks