Smart City
Recent papers in Smart City
The paper attempts to outline the urban visions and architectural ideas and vocabulary behind the formation of the large urban conglomeration in Japan, South Korea and China, and how the seeds of Western planning theories and... more
No matter whether it comes by divine wrath, nuclear war, climate change, zombies, a pandemic or by machines rebellion: the apocalypse will be urban. Cities are at the same time the most complex and valuable creation of our civilization,... more
Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
IoT (Internet of Things)[1] is an advanced automation and analytics system which exploits networking, sensing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology to deliver complete systems for a product or service. These systems allow... more
We analyze and compare eight city cases in three continents to find out differences and commonalities in smart city governance and public policies globally: Shanghai (China), Japan, Iskandar (Malaysia), New York (United States), and... more
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an extensive overview of security-related problems in the context of smart cities. The impressive heterogeneity, ubiquity, miniaturization, autonomous and unpredictable behaviour of objects... more
Technologische Entwicklungen und die Art und Weise, wie sie die Funktionsbeziehungen ebenso wie die Lebens-und Ausdrucksformen des Städtischen verändern, haben immer wieder sowohl zu utopischen wie auch zu dystopischen Visionen Anlass... more
Buhalis, D. (2020), "Technology in tourism-from information communication technologies to eTourism and smart tourism towards ambient intelligence tourism: a perspective article", Tourism Review, Vol 75(1). Purpose-Technology... more
ÖZET Kentsel alanlar sürekli bir sosyo-ekonomik değişim içerisindedir. Değişim süreci kentsel alanların genişlemesi ve nüfuslarının artması ile sonuçlanmaktadır. Hızlı ve kontrolsüz kentleşme süreci birçok sorunu beraberinde... more
Kentlerde yaşayan nüfusun sürekli artış göstermesi, kent sorunlarının giderek artmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, yerel yönetimler tarafından şehir kaynaklarının daha etkin ve verimli kullanılması, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinden... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to find a real-time parking location for a four-wheeler. Design/methodology/approach-Real-time parking availability using specific infrastructure requires a high cost of installation and maintenance... more
O compartilhamento de viagens-a base da revolução em relação ao poder dos passageiros-nos deu um vislumbre do que o futuro reserva para aqueles que passaram grande parte de nossas vidas presos no intermináveis congestionamentos. Vale... more
This paper has several aims: a) the presentation of a critical analysis of the terms “smart sustainable cities” and “smart sustainable islands” b) the presentation of a number of principles towards to the development methodological... more
La adopción del framework Ciudades MIL es una propuesta que engloba a las ciudades resilientes, inteligentes, saludables, creativas e innovadoras. En el presente trabajo se propone mostrar cómo la implementación de este paradigma podría... more
This research paper aims to survey a sample of residents, high school students and officials in the city of Al-Khobar in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia about their readiness to accept the "Green City" (GC) concept. The research aims... more
Currently, vehicular cloud computing has appeared as one of the fast growing technologies in the globe. The cloud-based RFID merged with the VANET provide many advantages such as data storage and processing. This paper proposes an... more
Exploring reading in the urban environment.
Advocated mostly by technology companies, the smart city concept promises participation, democratization and innovative urbanism. Tracking these promises and ideas, this paper explores "smart urbanism" in ten cities from all over Israel.... more
The article deals with the concept of Smart Cities and their development in the Slovak Republic. It identifies important documents and cities within Slovakia, that are the most successful ones in implementation of smart solutions. In this... more
Can smart cities help us achieve true sustainable development? With merely a decade to go to deliver on the 2030 agenda and the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), digital development is seen as a forceful catalyst that can... more
El término “movilidad urbana” hace referencia al conjunto de desplazamientos que realizan los ciudadanos dentro de un entorno urbano para satisfacer sus necesidades diarias. Si se combina con la idea de sostenibilidad, entendida como... more
This article discusses how the elderly experience their ICT usage as the ageing citizens of the Finnish information society. Through reflexive ethnographic analysis the human-(non-)human boundary-making and temporalities are analyzed from... more
Until recently, knowledge-intensive work activities have predominantly taken place in office buildings as a specialized form of economic infrastructure. New digital technologies together with an economic and organizational transition from... more
Since the beginning of the 2010s, the existence of widespread shared workshops has enabled access to digital manufacturing tools. Mainly located in urban areas, these facilities seek to make means of production, to design, prototype and... more
The autonomy of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)-self-governing in the aerospace discipline has been a remarkable research area with the development of the advanced bespoke microcontrollers embedded with advanced AI techniques for the last... more
Within the framework of sustainable development, it is important to take into account environmental aspects of urban areas related to their energy use. In this article, a methodology is proposed for assessing residential energy uses for... more
This paper presents a case study of a Smart City initiative in Lyngby-Taarbæk municipality, which has successfully applied the triple helix model to create an informal collaboration between academia, government and private industry. The... more
Internet of Things (IoT) has a huge attention recently due to its new emergence, benefits, and contribution to improving the quality of human lives. Securing IoT poses an open area of research, as it is the base of allowing people to use... more
The optimal routing problem has always been the main event of city emergency rescue. Its research object has developed from searching for "the shortest route" to searching "the optimal route". The related algorithms and techniques differ... more
This essay reflects on the rhythmic and performatic dimension of the archipelago in order to use it as a heuristic tool to understand the “intelligence” of the Smart City. Recognising the “smart ideology” which has brought to the actual... more
Smart, sustainable and safe cities. But how can a traditional metropolis achieve this complex aim? What facts are go handed together with the sustainability and the safety expected by the townsmen? How could we improve our city better all... more
Perancangan smart city di kawasan kota mandiri merupakan sebuah konsep kota cerdas/pintar yang membantu masyarakat yang berada di dalamnya dengan mengelola sumber daya yang ado dengan efisien don memberikan informasi yang tepat... more
Wireless communications, with the emerging technologies of cloud computing, ubiquitous sensing and big data, had the impact of changing all aspects of our lives. The aim of this paper is to discuss the possibility of enhancing greenhouse... more