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Much research implicitly suggests that journalism values arise from culturally removed organizational structures and shared occupational training. Further, few studies examine the perspective of journalism from both audiences and... more
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      JournalismPacific Island StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesCulture
Much research implicitly suggests that journalism values arise from culturally removed organizational structures and shared occupational training. Further, few studies examine the perspective of journalism from both audiences and... more
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      JournalismPacific Island StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesCulture
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      Ottoman HistoryBiographyJournalistHistorical Biography
Political control is one of the central and conditioning aspects of the relationship between journalists and politicians. Through the perceptions of journalists and politicians, this article analyzes the validity, characteristics,... more
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      Political SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesJournalism
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      Creative WritingJournalismMass CommunicationWriting
This study offers a new way of understanding the motivations that influence media workers' impression management (or branding) in the social media era. Amid the growing insecurity of media work generally and the particular pressures of... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismSocial MediaJournalistic Work
AJI bukanlah sebuah organisasi yang berdiri karena landasan -sakit hati‖ akibat pembreidelan 1994. Itulah yang selalu saya tegaskan dalam berbagai forum diskusi jurnalistik. Betul, bahwa AJI secara faktual berdiri pada 7 Agustus 1994,... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismJournalism History
Dans un contexte de parti unique et de radio d'Etat, l'information régionale est longtemps restée captive d'une logique de banalisation. Elle n'a pu jouer le rôle d'affirmation des spécificités culturelles locales, encore moins favoriser... more
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This study examines how participatory journalism reshapes the field of journalism in the case of CNN iReport. Participation is conceptualized on a continuum, ranging from participants as providing comments to news stories to participants... more
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      New MediaJournalismParticipatory MediaRobotic Journalism, Online Gatekeeping
As news organizations continue to explore the opportunities and challenges presented by engagement with audiences across digital and social media platforms in the creation and sharing of news and in the development of news-oriented... more
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      EmotionMedia StudiesHumanitiesJournalism
Data-driven journalism (DDJ) can be considered as journalism’s response to the datafication of society. To better understand the key components and development of this still young and fast evolving genre, we investigate what the field... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismContent AnalysisOnline Journalism
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      Online JournalismThe InternetJournalistOnline Newspapers
Die Transparenz, die ein Autor und eine Redaktion gegenüber dem Publikum selbst herstellen können, gilt traditionell als ein eher marginales Kriterium journalistischer Qualität. Doch neue Transparenz-Modelle haben aufgrund der... more
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      JournalismSocial SciencesTrustDigital Journalism
Definicja zawodu dziennikarza pozostaje niedookreślona. Dziennikarzem nazywane są często osoby, które pracują w mediach, choć nie zawsze wykonują zadania przypisane do tego zawodu. Z drugiej strony coraz częściej pracę typową... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismJournalistic WorkJournalists' professional identity
In July, a federal appeals court ruled that a New York Times reporter must testify in the criminal trial of a former CIA officer accused of improperly disclosing classified information.
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      JournalismCitizen JournalismJournalistic WorkOnline Journalism
La repercusión de las noticias falsas en la pérdida de credibilidad periodística y la alarma social que suscitan enmarcan esta investigación. El objetivo es contribuir a la comprensión del fenómeno dilucidando qué responsabilidad tienen... more
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Berdasarkan panduan dari Dewan Pers, pembagian jurnalis muda, madya, dan utama lebih didasarkan pada "jam terbang," yakni berapa lama seseorang menjalani profesi sebagai jurnalis. Untuk jurnalis muda, masa kerja di bawah 6 tahun. Jurnalis... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismMass CommunicationMedia
The best book written yet on the long drawn Eelam War
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      Sri LankaWar CrimesEthnic ConflictJournalist
Media ownership is believed to be the dominant force driving news decisions and policy. This study investigates whether media ownership prompted news bias and gave way to newsroom intervention during Indonesia’s highly-polarised 2014... more
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      Television JournalismJournalistNews Biases
El estudio de la credibilidad es uno de los campos más ricos en la investigación asociada a la Comunicación.Podemosencontrarliteraturacientíficasobrelasourcecredibility(ocredibilidad... more
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      JournalismProfessionalismJournalists' professional identityJournalist
Technical pressures otherwise known as "technostress" because of the use of work-related information and communication technology (ICT) are increasingly causing stressful experience to journalists in the newsroom. Existing research has... more
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      Employee MotivationWork Life Interaction / Balance (Communication)Journalistic WorkVietnam
Sinemada belirli mesleklere dair tekrarlanan arketipler ve stereotipler, toplumun bu profesyonelliklere bakışına ve bu mesleklerin imajlarına etki etmektedir. Gazeteciler ve basın da bundan bağımsız değildir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada,... more
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      JournalismFilm AnalysisPoliticsTruth
Ada sejumlah prinsip dalam jurnalisme, yang sepatutnya menjadi pegangan setiap jurnalis. Prinsip-prinsip ini telah melalui masa pasang dan surut. Namun, dalam perjalanan waktu, terbukti prinsip-prinsip itu tetap bertahan.
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismMass Communication
"For nearly 40 years as a professional journalist, found in my career numerous political figures and of the business world who have tried to influence the way their image or interests are presented in the media, either by threat,... more
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      Visual propagandaJournalismPropagandaPropaganda & Indoctrination Studies
INTRODUCTION Theater is obviously one of the oldest methods used as a mean of communication by human being. As a result of research which have done by researchers, it is clear that people have used theatre to express their ideas and... more
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      Theatre StudiesPlaywritingTheatreGeorge Bernard Shaw
Lubis Award (MLA), ketika melakukan pencarian fakta dan sumber berita
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      Media StudiesJournalismMedia HistoryMass Communication
Halo teman-teman yang baik, buku "Liputan-Liputan Gembira Jurnalis Persma" merupakan dokumentasi dari kumpulan berita online yang pernah saya buat selama berkecimpung menjadi jurnalis pers mahasiswa. Sebenarnya sudah lama saya kumpulkan,... more
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      JournalistJURNALISTIKPers MahasiswaPersma
[ ii ]
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      LawCommunicationJournalismMedia Ethics
本文聚焦新闻业转型语境下的怀旧话语实践,特别是其中浮现的黄金时代叙事,藉 此理解新闻界在面临巨变的历史当口如何“向后看”“向下看”“向前看”。通过分析 名流纪念、个体离职、组织纪念日、丑闻危机等场景下的怀旧文本,可以看出黄金时代 指向1990年代中后期到21世纪初的新闻改革和市场化媒体勃兴,其内核是个体层面的青 春和理想主义叙事与新闻改革大叙事的结合。黄金时代是新闻业当下处境所激发出的 “神话”,除了为“黄金一代”加冕、传递对“当下”的批判之外,它更像是呼应纸媒... more
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      JournalistNostalgia and MemorySociology of Journalism
A complete list of resources about journalist's craft, skills, techniques and tools gathered by Media Managers Club from 2014.
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      New MediaJournalismDigital JournalismCivic Journalism
Penelitian ini berjudul Kompensasi Wartawan dan Independensi (Peranan Kompensasi Wartawan Terhadap Independensi Anggota Aliansi Jurnalis Independen Cabang Medan). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompensasi yang diterima wartawan... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalistJournalism And Mass communication
Que veut dire être journaliste de presse écrite en République démocratique du Congo et en Côte d’Ivoire ? Cette question a guidé une recherche doctorale durant quatre années et est à l’origine de la mise en œuvre d’une comparaison à la... more
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      JournalismDemocratic Republic of CongoJournalists' professional identityComparison
The article challenges the widespread notion that, in the age of global and instantaneous communication, foreign correspondence is becoming “redundant.” Based on a range of in-depth interviews with foreign correspondents in London, it... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaJournalismMedia
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Journalists are increasingly reporting that online harassment has become a common feature of their working lives, contributing to experiences of fatigue, anxiety and disconnection from social media as well as their profession. Drawing on... more
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      JournalismDigital MediaDigital JournalismSocial Media
One of the major problems that the legislators face with regards to defamation law is balancing the right to speech against the right to reputation. In 2013 the U.K Parliament enacted the Defamation Act of 2013to codify the common law and... more
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      JournalismCanadian LawEnglish lawDefamation Law
Technical pressures otherwise known as "technostress" because of the use of work-related information and communication technology (ICT) are increasingly causing stressful experience to journalists in the newsroom. Existing research has... more
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      Employee MotivationSelf-EfficacyWork Life Interaction / Balance (Communication)Journalistic Work
Pers Indonesia mengalami dua rezim pemerintahan. era orde Baru pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto dan era Reformasi pasca Soeharto. Keduanya memiliki dinamika pers yang berbeda. Pada orde Baru, terutama pasca Peristiwa Malari,... more
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      HegemonyReportageJournalistIndonesian Press
This report explores the untold story of how the COVID crisis has impacted on journalists – and journalism - in Emerging Economies and the Global South. It’s a story told not only through the insights of industry leaders, advocates and... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismMedia DevelopmentBusiness Model Development in the media Industries
Owing to their plural dimensions (medical and scientific, judicial, politic, economic, etc.) and to her considerable coverage, the mediatization of the « infected blood scandal » in France between 1991 and 1995 is an exemplar case which... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical communication
: This article examines the extent to which journalists of The Daily Monitor and The Ethiopian Herald report on internal conflict, especially ethnic conflicts, which were prevalent during the study period, from 2005 to 2013, in Ethiopia.... more
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      CensorshipJournalismPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Science
Edition et annotation en collaboration avec Marie Laurence Netter, Michel Prat et Patrice Rolland
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      Intellectual HistoryFrench LiteratureHistory of Political ThoughtFrance
This article goes in depth into the key mechanisms that enable a digital interaction between journalists and expert sources in political journalism, developing a scale that articulates these interaction mechanisms on Twitter. On the basis... more
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      JournalismPolitical communicationInteractionSocial Media
The research presents analysis the framing of anti-Russian sanctions, in Russian government's official newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta. The dominant frames of the newspaper were Economic, Strategic game, and the combination of Suffering... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPublic RelationsMedia Framing
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Social media are increasingly embedded into everyday communication. This challenges journalism to anticipate the changes that social media trigger in the use and production of (news) media. In this paper, we focus on personal branding on... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaJournalism
This paper presents the results of an empiricalstudy about the presentation of politicalspeeches on TV and the manifestos of theCatalan political parties -CiU, PSC and PPC - inregional elections held in Catalonia in2012. The main... more
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      Ciencia PoliticaPeriodismoJournalistCataluña
This article challenges the widespread idea that, in an age of instantaneous and ubiquitously accessible information, foreign correspondents are doomed to disappear. The last study of foreign correspondents in the London hub was conducted... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaJournalism