Recent papers in Julio-Claudians
Modèles de vertu en apparence et pourtant manipulatrices, empoisonneuses et adultères, les Julio-Claudiennes ont une réputation sulfureuse. L’empereur Auguste fut contraint d’instrumentaliser les femmes de sa famille pour asseoir son... more
En digne descendante des Iulii, Agrippine la Jeune était animée par une grande ambition politique. Le fait d'être une femme réduisait cependant à néant toutes ses velléités de pouvoir. Pourtant, à force de manoeuvres et de manipulations... more
Esta tese investiga como as fontes literárias sobre o Império Romano compreenderam e representaram o crimen maiestatis entre os anos de 27 a.C e 68 d.C. A principal hipótese é que esse crime deve ser lido para além de um dispositivo... more
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
A revised version in L. Driediger-Murphy and E. Eidinow (eds.), Ancient Divination and Experience, OUP, 2019. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/ancient-divination-and-experience-9780198844549?cc=gb&lang=en&#
The paper focuses on Roman portraits in context. It examines the public display of imperial and private portraits in Luna (Luni) from the Republican age to Late-Antiquity.
Il seminario di cui presentiamo gli atti in questo volume nasce dalla collaborazione tra le due Università di Palermo e di Göttingen, che da un decennio circa cooperano a livello di corsi di studio, attuando un intenso scambio di... more
paper on the presence of Tiberius statues in the so called Julio-Claudian dynastic groups. The role of Tiberius is analyzed as brother of Drusus Maior, as heir of Augustus and son of Livia and as 'father' of Germanicus and Drusus Minor.
Starting from Ovid's references (ex Ponto II 8 and IV 9) to the presence of five imagines of Augustus, Livia, Tiberius, Germanicus and Drusus Minor in his domestic sacrarium at Tomi, the paper aims to discuss the presence of the... more
Last year, we presented the 30th volume to the academic audience after the first issue in 1986, only two years after the foundation of IHAC.
Historiographers portraying Gaius Caesar, the adoptive son of Augustus, focus not only on a most prominent member of the imperial family, but also on a potential successor to Augustus himself and a rival to the future emperor Tiberius.... more
The so-called Marlborough turquoise depicts a Venus-like wom-an and a male figure. The latter has been the subject of much debate. We can discern two main questions: "Does the figure represent a bust or a child?" and "Who is this male... more
In seguito alla sconfitta dei Cartaginesi, l'Hispania diventa provincia romana, laboratorio sperimentale dell'imperialismo romano fondato sul sistema delle province. Tra gli inizi del II sec. a.C. e l'ascesa di Augusto nascono molte città... more
Traduction espagnole de Messaline, la putain impériale, publiée en 2015 par Payot.
ACCESO A NÚMERO COMPLETO: https://doi.org/10.14201/shha202139 RESUMEN: Este artículo ofrece una perspectiva poco explorada sobre las funciones y evolución de un cuerpo especial perteneciente al ejército romano, los frumentarii. Asociados... more
Short paper on the cuirassed statue of Drusus Minor from Sulcis. This statue is an example of the continuity in using the cuirassed "hellenistic" statue in Julio-Claudian age.
Convertida en un símbolo de la maldad, la imagen de Livia Drusila ha sido difamada y manipulada desde la antigüedad por sus propios coetáneos. A pesar de la imagen peyorativa transmitida en torno a su figura, numerosos restos escultóricos... more
The paper focuses on the political meaning of the excursus on the history of law by Tacitus, Annales III, 25-28. In this light, special attention is also devoted to the role attributed to Augustus in the decline of the Roman legal system... more
This volume on the sculptural portraiture of Augustus, arguably the most important in the Romische Herrscherbild series (which currently numbers ten volumes), was long in the making. First conceived for the series by Max Wegner in the... more
""Più che in età repubblicana, fin dai primi tempi dell'età imperiale la città è la cellula fondamentale di un tessuto connettivo, tanto complesso quanto omogeneo. In Africa, come in Italia e nelle restanti province, l'organizzazione... more
Mots-clés. Bibracte, époque julio-claudienne, urbanisme, société. Résumé. Les campagnes de fouilles de ces quinze dernières années permettent désormais de mieux cerner les modalités de la fondation d'Autun/Augustodunum et son... more
The object of this paper is to investigate the revolt of Tacfarinas against the Roman Empire between 15 and 24CE. A brief outline of the origins and reasons for the revolt and how it spread as well as any concomitant aims and the... more