Recent papers in Jungian
Much has been written about the juncture where Jungian psychology and shamanism converge . Indeed, Jung, who developed the concept of archetype, might agree that both are instances of the same primordial image or instinctual pattern known... more
Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung's thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of his work. Jung's Collected Works , seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions... more
We are a binary consciousness. Perhaps the most striking outcome of psychoanalysis is the formalization of this fact in the notion of the distinction between the conscious and the unconscious. Whether we follow orthodox Freudian readings... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
There are many serious attempts to restore our connection to the divinity of animals or more broadly the sacredness of nature, emerging from within the ecology or environmental movements by appeal to the psychology of C. G. Jung and his... more
An attempt at an impartial review of a very partial book.
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
Estés, Clarissa Pinkola, Women Who Run With the Wolves. Contracting the Power of the Wild Woman, London, Rider, 1992. Bluebeard In a single human being there are many other beings, all with their own values, motives, and devices. Some... more
The book I wrote on Joseph Campbell's reception of C.G. Jung. Based on my PhD thesis at university of Edinburgh, Religious Studies department, and on archival research done at Joseph Campbell library in Santa Barbara. First chapter... more
There are certain thoughts - intimations - that will seem corny, or laughable, and therefore dismissed - and only seriously absorbed into the changing mind when felt, in the shelter of the quietly moving music of the soul. It is the... more
Humans are sentient beings. This means that we are aware of ourselves, our sensations, our subjective thoughts and perceptions, and our emotions. Not only are we aware, but we are aware of our awareness. This is sentience. This short... more
While there is nothing particularly special about Genesis 2:18-25 as affects language usage and variants that could significantly impact upon its translation, it has become one of the most contentious biblical passages for feminist... more
Aliquid est in anima quod est increatum et increabile; si tota anima esset talis, esset increata et increabilis; et hoc est Intellectus." (There is something in the soul which is uncreated and uncreatable; if the whole soul were such, it... more
Résumé Henry Corbin est-il un philosophe? À la lumière de notre recherche, nous sommes obligés de répondre par l’affirmative, il dit d’ailleurs de lui-même « je ne suis à vrai dire ni un germaniste ni même un orientaliste, mais un... more
Ensayo resumen del encuentro junguiano en Huelva sobre los aspectos oscuros del arquetipo del anima (siendo que la relación con el anima es siempre oscura, por cuanto convoca la oscuridad del Self). Se trata de una síntesis de los... more
Este artigo visa estabelecer uma relação entre a concepção cristológica junguiana e a cristologia teológica, apresentando a perspectiva junguiana de religião e sua compreensão de Cristo enquanto arquétipo de Selbst para a individuação,... more
Resumo : O presente trabalho tem como objetivo trazer uma reflexão e vivência dos diversos problemas de cunho emocional e corporal que possam surgir na relação da mulher com seu corpo nos dias de hoje. A mulher e seu corpo sempre foram... more
Do you hate being treated as an object in the organisational systems of bureaucrats and politicians? Does the hard sell of today's mass consumerism repel you? Are you less than enthusiastic for the wonders of technology? Are you deeply... more
In this article I will show that Nietzsche had a particularly strong influence on Jung’s thinking about war and conflict. I will also show how Jung’s ideas about this topic changed over time, culminating in a final theoretical position... more
Carl Jung used this as metaphor for the psyche. In all humans there are light, surface, and shadow. Light is that to which we attend within the psyche. Shadow is that to which attention is withheld. Our attention focused in a specific... more
Timeless awareness is the essence of Dzogchen. Time experienced within timeless awareness is also an expression of the essence of Dzogchen. Dzogchen is an ancient form of Tibetan mystic humanism. Dzogchen makes the essential distinction... more
RESUMEN: La psicología analítica es la obra de Carl Gustav Jung y sus seguidores. También conocida como psicología de los complejos, el término aparece oficialmente en 1913 para designar una ampliación del psicoanálisis, razón por la... more
A short introduction to Jung's reception of the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche. For a more in-depth follow-up article to this article, see my recent article "Wotan in the shadows".
This article examines the link between C.G. Jung's experiences recorded in The Red Book to that of an initi-atory process found in the study of Western esotericism, and the serious confrontation that the opus brings up for the initiate.... more
Perhaps the simplest principle in psychology is that people are motivated to feel good and to avoid negative feelings. Yet, we human beings are a complicated sort.
A robust study of the ecofeminist archetypes in ancient goddess literature, particularly the Sumerian myth of Inanna, can assist in facilitating the consciousness shift necessary to resolve the wounded anima/animus in our collective... more
The 1939 family classic film, The Wizard of Oz, based on the beloved children’s tale by L. Frank Baum, represents a modern example of mythologist Joseph Campbell’s model of the hero quest myth. This two-part study begins with a... more
This paper examines Jung’s rebirth archetype in two popular fairy tales, focusing on how it is described, how it specifically functions within the narratives, and on underlying mythopoeic imagery from which the narratives are constructed.... more
"Résumé Henry Corbin a écrit qu’« un Maître Eckhart et un Jacob Boehme eussent parfaitement compris Ibn ʿArabî, et réciproquement. » Mais comment assurer ce dialogue et cette compréhension réciproque pressentie par Henry Corbin? Cette... more
First phase of Shamanic Pilgrims Hominid Incubator Escape Manual. Designed for consumption by non academics interested in Jung and Shamanism. Focused on experiential hermenuetics and pedagogy. Format is symbology driven, given Jungs... more
"The Red Book: Liber Novus" is a volume that defies categorization or comparison; it resounds with voices beyond our common ken. Though a singularly modern document, it is nevertheless transcribed and presented in the form of a medieval... more
Este trabalho ocorre na área de concentração da Teologia Prática e versa sobre o uso de recursos espirituais na prática de aconselhamento pastoral. No primeiro capítulo é desenvolvida uma avaliação bibliográfica de certos autores... more
This paper arguea that Jung intentionally positioned his psychological theory in a liminal space between and inclusive of science and spirituality, while he performed the roles of both doctor and spiritual master. Jung formulated his... more
Perché nella cultura mediterranea occidentale per tanti secoli il sole è stato ritenuto maschile e la luna femminile? Cosa ha significato questo per la psicologia analitica? È sempre stato così?1 Proviamo ad uscire da schemi mentali... more
Unconscious Symbols, and Motivations – Star Wars, Harry Potter Fandom Studies The contemporary-modern massive popularity of Star Wars, Harry Potter, and numerous other imaginative fandoms, provides formidible data base as a foundation... more