Karl Rahner
Recent papers in Karl Rahner
In this essay the integralist tendency in theological anthropology underlying the universalist tendency in eschatology is explored. Hence, there are certain eschatological implications to one's position on the question of the natural... more
Résumé. ― Il y a une nette évolution dans la pensée de Johann Baptist Metz, ce qui nous permet de parler d’un premier et d’un second Metz, bien que notre auteur soit surtout connu pour la deuxième étape de sa pensée, centrée sur sa... more
Reviews the historical origins and principal elements of Karl Rahner's critique of Thomas Aquinas and Bernard Lonergan. Argues that Rahner's critique fails to come to terms with the basic problematic of Trinitarian theology, and... more
Vorbemerkung enn einem Text attestiert wird, er sei immer noch aktuell, so ist dies eher als Kompliment gemeint: Er war seiner Zeit voraus und enthält viele noch unausgeschöpfte Gedanken. Wer heute den 1972 von Karl Rahner... more
An examination of Rahner’s theology and cognitive linguistics shows that the two are basically in accord concerning sacramental efficacy. This article also puts cognitive linguistics into conversation with Rahner’s theologies of... more
Un cours de christologie pertinent pour notre temps
The argument being made in this thesis is that Karl Rahner’s views on prison ministry, although valuable and of significance in their context, are not adequate to deal with the more complex needs and demands of prison ministry in the... more
While theological reflection on the question of secularism has been illuminating, it has not always provided resources for those still seeking to encounter God. By responding to Karl Rahner's paradoxical counsel-"in despair, despair... more
A superb collection of prayers by one of the most brilliant and honored theologians of our century. From the mind of a man who ranks in intelligence with the doctors of the church, this books offers inspirational prayers that focus on two... more
Ce document est la structure de ma thèse de doctorat en cours (2021-2025) à l'université de Lorraine en France sur une théologie du diaconat d'après l'oeuvre de Karl Rahner. English translation included. La thèse élabore une théologie du... more
Transhumanisten wollen die „Natur des Menschen“ verbessern. Biologische, kognitive und soziale Defizite, die menschliches Dasein prägen, sollen durch gezielte manipulative Eingriffe aufgehoben werden. Welche Argumente sprechen für und... more
In contemporary theological discourse, the Western doctrine of the Trinity, as articulated by figures like Thomas Aquinas, is commonly criticized on the grounds that it presupposes an underdeveloped theology of the Holy Spirit that denies... more
This innovative book aims to create a 'poetics of Church' and a 'religious imaginary' as alternatives to more institutional and conventional ways of thinking and being 'Church'. Structured as a spiritual and literary journey, the work... more
The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas brings to light the Trinitarian riches in Thomas Aquinas's Christology. Dominic Legge, O.P, disproves Karl Rahner's assertion that Aquinas divorces the study of Christ from the Trinity, by... more
El "Curso fundamental de la fe" de Karl Rahner. Objetivo, génesis y significado de un "experimento" Se ha cumplido ya más de un cuarto de siglo desde la publicación del "Curso fundamental de la fe" de Karl Rahner (1). Como ha afirmado el... more
Resumo A pesquisa busca abordar dois temas centrais para a tradição cristã: 1) a doutrina da Trindade; 2) a teologia da cruz. O pressuposto aqui apresentado é o de que o falar de Deus só é possível por meio de sua autorrevelação. Essa... more
Theologians like Kar Rahner, in his famous naming of people of other faiths as "anonymous Christians", have opened new ways for inter-religious dialogue in the 1960s. Reflected as it was in the Declaration "Nostra Aetate" of the II... more
This thesis examines Fr. William A. Van Roo's contribution to the wide field of theological reflection on the relationship between theological method and the religious experience of the theologian as believer. While the 'turn to... more
In order to better understand the divide which occurred within the “progressive majority” at Vatican II as “Schema XIII” (eventually Gaudium et Spes) was under discussion, this essay considers the contributions and objections of Karl... more
I föreliggande PM kommer jag att redogöra för, analysera och diskutera den tyske teologen Karl Rahners )1900-1984) transcendentala thomism – hans teori om religiösa upplevelser som transcendental erfarenhet och denna som grund för... more
The President of the International Orthodox Theological Association, Prof. Dr. Paul L. Gavrilyuk, deals in this article with the main question: “What does it take to perceive God?” He shows that “similar to communication with human... more
In this volume, Charles E. Curran surveys the historical development of Catholic moral theology in the United States from its 19th century roots to the end of Pope John Paul II’s papacy. It is probably the first comprehensive history of... more
How to balance the gratuity and dear relevance of grace is a perennial difficulty. Drawing on phenomenological analysis, Rahner postulates a Supernatural Existential in part to avoid pitfalls, real or alleged, of the " pure nature "... more
The work is based mainly on Dermot Lane's book Stepping Stones to Other Religions: A Christian Theology of Inter-religious Dialogue (2011) in which he summarizes Rahner's thoughts and reflections on other religions and in relation to... more
Karl RAHNER et Joseph RATZINGER/Benoît XVI deux figures emblématiques du catholicisme Romain par leur christologies.
Il s'agit de la communication donnée à l'occasion du colloque Theodoc à Strasbourg (16 novembre 2019). Elle présente l'avancée de mes recherches dans le cadre du doctorat préparé à l'institut catholique de Paris sous la direction du... more
Resumo: Numa época em que se negligencia e se banaliza a questão da morte, marcada pela pobreza das propostas de sentido, sobressaindo-se a do hedonismo, entendemos que é o Espírito de Deus que promove e fundamenta a vida em sua... more
This academic paper is prepared as part of Letture and it is an attempt to read and study the said work of Karl Rahner. The book The Church and the Sacraments is written in simple language through which complicated concepts are... more
In traditional African life women have been responsible for the religious needs of families and societies as priestesses; they served in prominent roles of offering prayers, spiritual mediation and obtaining healing ; women were those who... more
At first sight the title must seem like a misunderstanding at best, at worst an intentional perversity. After all, the 'Prodigal Son' is not a person, but a character in a parable, a literary form where from the beginning both speaker and... more
This paper details how St. Thomas Aquinas' Trinitarian theology provides a hinge for the first book of the Summa Theologica, and how the treatise "On the One God" is deliberately structured to parallel "On the Blessed Trinity", that is to... more
Ch. 3 de : Dieu, 'Celui qui est' (De Deo ut uno), Paris, 2016, p. 85-126
In his book The Trinity, Karl Rahner`s thesis is that the Immanent Trinity is the Economic Trinity and vice versa, and that no adequate distinction can be made between the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of the Economy of... more
The confirmation of Jesus’ divinity by the Council of Nicea in 325 led to ‘the portrayal of Jesus as a divine individual who also bore an integral human nature.’ However, the disunity of Jesus Christ, wrought by abstract doctrinal... more
Teólogos como Karl Rahner, com sua famosa fala de pessoas de outras crênças como "cristãos anônimos", abriram novos espaços para o diálogo inter-religioso nos anos 60 do século passado. Refletido também na declaração "Nostra Aetate" do... more
El futuro Benedicto XVI advierte acerca de los peligros de la masonería, dispositiva para el relativismo y solidaria de la matriz gnóstico-idealista de la cultura contemporánea. Es el voto favorable del Card. Ratzinger acerca de la... more
The Church is the abiding motif in Karl Rahner’s theology. Indeed, over half of his extensive repertoire deals in some way or another with the subject of ecclesiology. In order to gain a fuller picture of Rahner’s thought on the Church,... more
JOÃO DUQUE -UCP BRAGA É suficientemente sabido que a teologia de Karl Rahner, não sendo de matriz substancialmente trinitária, deu um forte contributo para a renovação dos estudos trinitários no interior da teologia católica. Isso... more
Gurutta Ambo Dalle merupakan anak dari pasangan Andi Ngati Daeng Patobo dan Andi Candara Dewi yang dilahirkan sekitar tahun 1900 M, di Desa Ujungi Kecamatan Tanasitolo, Kabupaten Wajo, sekitar 7 km sebelah utara Sengkang. Kedua orang tua... more
Publicado en Proyecto 42 (2002) 87-115 "Como resumen del repaso hecho a la nuevas publicaciones sobre cristología resulta: la cristología permanece como el centro gravitacional de la comprensión teórica del cristianismo y Jesucristo la... more