Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)
Most downloaded papers in Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)
In Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives, Martin Pehal applies structural analysis to four New Kingdom narrative compositions. The study explains the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has... more
"Corruption has become one of the most popular topics in the social scientific disciplines. However, there is a lack of interdisciplinary communication about corruption. Models developed by different academic disciplines are often... more
The papers in this issue trace a particular set of Māori interventions in anthropology, arts, museums and heritage in the early twentieth century and consider their implications for iwi ‘tribal communities’, development and environmental... more
Ethnographic and historical data from many regions of the world indicate the extent to which kingship as an institution involves the creative management of both affinity and consanguinity. Royal ideologies often depict the king as an... more
What is the relationship between friendship and human flourishing? This is a central topic in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and one to which Maimonides also returned throughout his career. Despite the relative neglect of this topic in... more
"What are you waiting for?" Stop wasting your time" "You will die alone," "You will miss the train and stay on your own!" These are some of the questions and warnings that single women hear on an everyday basis. Single women are... more
A running thread in the arguments of the last chapter was that we need not separate any particular domain of life as the domain of the ethical with a specialized vocabulary or named specific virtues such as the pursuit of the good, or of... more
The classical sociological literature on Amhara hierarchy describes a society based on open relations of domination and an obsession with top-down power. This article asks how these accounts can be reconciled with the strong ethics of... more
Turkey has witnessed a proliferation of Islamic television channels since the liberalization of broadcasting in the 1990s. The programming of these TV channels was initially distinctly theological in character, with shows focusing on the... more
This essay approaches the persistence of certain forms of conservatism against recent processes of social change in Brazil, related to the increasing visibility of sexual minorities in public sphere. Although many collective controversies... more
"Kinship societies cope with conflicts and contradictions either through fission or by displacing them onto the supernatural realm. Though we are barely scratching the surface of an incredibly complex site, the exceptional evidence... more
Descrivendo la quotidianità delle relazioni domestiche, questo libro offre uno sguardo sul modo in cui le famiglie adottive trasformano l’iniziale estraneità dei suoi membri in familiarità, intimità, affetti, cura e come fabbricano, nel... more
Kinship terminologies consist of the terms used to reference culturally recognized kinship relations between persons. These terms have been assumed to identify categories of genealogical relations (despite ethnographic evidence to the... more
Power has its principle not so much in a person as in a certain concerted distribution of bodies, surfaces, lights, gazes; in an arrangement whose internal mechanisms produce the relation in which individuals are caught up.
This article proposes that Quechua forms of social interaction in the region of Cuzco (Peru) emerge through embedded notions of food circulation and cohabitation. The implications of this sociality are that the relations among humans and... more
In 1984, two important facts take place in the anthropological field of Kinship, and in the family representation in art that have a powerful influence from that moment. They change the way in which are reinterpreted family relations and... more
PhD Thesis, Social Anthropology Department, University of Edinburgh 2017 Passed with no corrections Supervisors: Dimitri Tsintjilonis and Maya Mayblin (University of Edinburgh) Examiners: Andreas Bandak (University of Copenhagen) and... more
Salas Carreño, Guillermo. 2018. “On Quechua Relatedness to Contemporary and Ancient Dead.” In Non-Humans in Amerindian South America. Ethnographies of Indigenous Cosmologies, Rituals and Songs, edited by Juan Javier Rivera, 197–223. New... more
La adopción transnacional se inició en el siglo XX a partir de la Gran Guerra que convulsionó a Europa entre 1914 y 1919 y continúa en la actualidad. Su historia está marcada por guerras, enfrentamientos civiles y conflictos... more
The dominance of classic political history for many years led to the disregarding of “relatives’ letters” as a crucial source for understanding the formation of the Soviet state and society. These were letters to Soviet officials from... more
This paper examines continuity and change in Lakota belief and ritual, focusing on the social organization of contemporary Lakota ceremonial life. For many Lakotas of Pine Ridge Reservation ritual structures life. The contemporary... more
This article builds on sociological accounts of the negotiated, creative character of kinship and on previous studies of children's involvement in family life to ask how children actively create and define kinship and relatedness. Drawing... more
In tribute to the foundational, yet productively contentious, nature of the ethnographic imagination in anthropology, this series honors the creator of the term "ethnographic theory" himself. Monographs included in this series represent... more
This study strives to show the culturally reflexive properties of mythological narratives by describing the dynamism stemming from the simultaneous inclusion of various types of temporality and specific usage of space. The basic premise... more
This paper addresses typological relationships among kinship terminologies determined from structural differences in the way kin terms are organized as systems of concepts. Viewing a terminology as a system of concepts makes evident the... more
Nelle configurazioni familiari della società contemporanea si avverte chiaramente il venir meno di alcune delle certezze normative socialmente riconosciute e ordinate che fino ad un recente passato hanno orientato i comportamenti dei... more
Kinship involves social interactions and forms of social organization based on systems of culturally constructed social relations expressed linguistically through the kin terms constituting a kinship terminology. The organization and... more
Morality and emotion in the dynamics of an Amerindian society (Warao, Orinoco Delta, Venezuela).
This chapter provides two answers to the question: "What do households do?" First, their members participate in craft activities and second, the social composition of these craft households evolves and changes through time. One type of... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This article explores the relationship between queer thought and kinship through a study of video autoethnographies by Jean Carlomusto and Richard Fung. I propose the concept of ambivalence as a useful point of departure for grappling... more
Several hundred inscribed bronze objects dating from Western and Eastern Zhou periods were commissioned for or by married women. Several dozen inscriptions are known whose commissioners called themselves sheng 生(甥) of a number of... more
Kin, clan and community – a symposium on Indo-European social institutions. University of Copenhagen, 17. May 2016 (unpublished handout)
This essay examines the social position of women and the implications of gender representations among indigenous peoples in post-World War II Portuguese Timor. It is a bibliographic critique based on works of academic anthropology and... more
The article is set against India's pronatalist ethos and fertility industry that fetishize biological motherhood as natural and real. To counter its bio-centric paradigm of mother-making, it forefronts and juxtaposes the adoptive... more
It is generally agreed that rates of marriage are declining in Southern Africa. It is also clear that for people who are wealthy enough to marry, the long-standing constitution of marriage as process is increasingly replaced by a making... more
The Sa'dan Toraja of upland Sulawesi, Indonesia have long been celebrated in the anthropological literature for their elaborate procession-filled mortuary rituals, which draw vast networks of kith and kin to mourn, memorialise, and... more
The volume "New Directions in Spiritual Kinship: Sacred Ties Across the Abrahamic Religions," edited by Todne Thomas, Asiya Malik and Rose Wellman, undertakes a comparative analysis of "spiritual kinship" (such as God-parenthood) in... more