Landscape change
Recent papers in Landscape change
Federally-recognized tribes must adapt to many ecological challenges arising from climate change, from the effects of glacier retreat on the habitats of culturally significant species to how sea level rise forces human communities to... more
We present palaeoenvironmental, geomorphological, archaeological, and place-name data which allow a holistic assessment of the history of landscape change on Sandoy, Faroe Islands, especially in terms of the changes that occurred in... more
Vogiatzakis, I. N., Griffiths, G. H. & Bacchetta, G. 2005: Human impacts on Quercus suber habitats in Sardinia: Past and present. Bot. Chron. 18(1): 293-300. Quercus suber L. is a species confined to the centre and western Mediterranean... more
This Dissertation is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by ScholarWorks@UNO with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Dissertation in any way that is permitted by the... more
The increasing pace and scale of landscape changes involve objective measurements in order to estimate the effects of changes on people's landscape preferences in a meaningful way. In the literature, some attempts have been made to... more
Rapid population growth and urbanisation in urban areas cause unhealthy development and construction of urban areas, thus the citizens need for nature is increasing. This need, however, increases the demand for rural areas in the near... more
Detailed understanding of landscape changes along the urban-rural gradient provides a useful tool to compare the structural and functional differences of landscape patches at different orientations. Although several case studies have been... more
Floodplains are among the world's most threatened ecosystems due to the pervasiveness of dams, levee systems, and other modifications to rivers. Few unaltered floodplains remain where we may examine their dynamics over decadal time... more
The objective of the present work is to analyze the role of landscape for environmental security in the Yantra River Basin, exploring its relationships with river-water quality and flood hazard. The relationship between landscape and... more
Lakes are excellent repositories of air-borne and especially stream-borne materials. It has long been recognised that lake sediments contain a strong record of catchment soils via the inputs of minerogenic and chemical erosional products.... more
The "fragmentation-barrier" effect of road network expansion on landscape function draws attention throughout the world. Presently, there is a lack of quantitative analysis to integrate different ecological effects of road networks at... more
Before World War II, most of Toronto's residents were of British descent, and this was reflected in the urban landscape. On St Clair Avenue West, bordering British working class neighbourhoods, a Georgian style predominated and the area... more
Human activity during the Anthropocene has transformed landscapes worldwide on a scale that rivals or exceeds even the largest of natural forces. Landscape ecology has emerged as a science to investigate the interactions between natural... more
Even if a landscape is characterized by the occurrence of no particular natural or cultural attractions, it is of undeniable cultural and historical value since it documents a long-term relationship between humans and the place where they... more
The objective of this study was to test a method for analysing long-term structural changes in non-forest wood elements, using a newly developed classification system and relevant landscape characteristics. Although these non-forest wood... more
Protection of water catchment areas is becoming more critical given the rise in human populations and the high demand for water resources. The Mau Forest Complex, one of the major water towers in Kenya, is of both national and regional... more
The extent and the spatial patterns of landscape transformation we observe today are the result of the historic human settlement process, often dating back hundreds or thousands of years. Analyzing and reconstructing those historical... more
The geomorphological evolution of the Pilanesberg Complex, an alkaline igneous body emplaced around 1250 million years ago and subsequently exhumed by erosion, reflects the interplay of tectonic and climatic factors over very long time... more
The long-term landscape evolution of southern Africa has been a concern of geologists, geomorphologists, palaeontologists and ecologists since early studies on macroscale patterns of metalliferous rock types and topography, summarized by... more
Leggere Roma Correu è una sorpresa e un regalo, consente di riprendere il filo di una corrispondenza interrotta, riappacifica e istiga a recuperare e reinventare il nostro ruolo di attori su quel grande teatro che è il paesaggio. La... more
The Mediterranean island landscape is a mosaic of land-cover types that manifest the historical interaction between physical and anthropogenic processes that have affected significantly landscape composition and spatial configuration. The... more
In most parts of the world, land-use/land cover can be considered an interface between natural conditions and anthropogenic influence. Indicators are being sought which reflect landscape conditions, pressures and related societal... more
Landscapes change because they are the expression of the dynamic interaction between natural and cultural forces in the environment. Cultural landscapes are the result of consecutive reorganization of the land in order to adapt its use... more
The rural landscapes of Europe are in both a homogenisation and a fragmentations process. Regional differences are disappearing due to the dominating equalising impact of the worldwide market. If regional differences are not maintained... more
Given the lack of proper constraints in understanding earthquake mechanisms in the cratonic interiors and the general absence of good quality database, here we reassess the seismic hazard in the province of Kerala, a part of the 'stable... more
Carnivore conservation depends on the sociopolitical landscape as much as the biological landscape.
Over the last five years, the Philippines had been wracked by extreme weather events that have resulted to billions of pesos of damages to public and private property. The devastating impact of these natural disasters, particularly flash... more
En este trabajo realizamos una tarea fundamentalmente de recopilación informativa para hacer un recuento de las políticas públicas en El Salvador relacionadas con la gestión del riesgo y las medidas preventivas y de organización... more
In a recent paper in this journal, Bradshaw and colleagues analyse country statistics on flood characteristics, land cover and land cover change, and conclude that deforestation amplifies flood risk and severity in the developing world.... more
This volume presents the rich, but under-utilised and in parts inaccessible, archival historic aerial imagery, traditional photographs and those captured from satellites, for the exploration and management of cultural heritage. An... more
Due to the fact that ethnic geography is often forgotten in studies on historical geography, the main factor in the differentiation of geographical environment is often attributed to a change that its subject is variable. However, the... more
This collaborative essay grows out of a debate about the relationship between aesthetics and ecology and the possibility of an ''ecological aesthetic'' that affects landscape planning, design, and management. We describe our common... more
The rewilding of landscapes is one of the most important and intensively discussed landscape changes occurring in Switzerland, as the need for agricultural and forest land is decreasing. To ensure that decisions concerning future... more
This paper makes a case for systematic landscape change and describes a possible pathway to achieve it. Taking advantage of opportunities in emerging environmental markets, the potential use of plant biomass and planning based on... more