League of Nations
Recent papers in League of Nations
A fundamental contribution on the role of international organizations in the governance of the global economy
STATISTICS ON THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ORPHANS COMPILED BY THE ARMENIAN PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE IN 1919-1922 SUMMARY Key words: Armenian Genocide, Constantinople Armenian Patriarchate, orphans, islamization, statistics,... more
As we approach the centennial of World War I, it is fitting to undertake a retrospective, academic review of the institutions devised in the war's aftermath. The efforts to build and sustain a global order ensuring peace and cooperation... more
In 1918, some 500,000 Ottoman Armenians found themselves displaced from their homes or living in Muslim households in the Eastern Mediterranean and the South Caucasus. For most, life did not return to normal after WWI. Rather, new wars,... more
This article argues that the politics of extraterritorial jurisdiction in the 1920s reshaped relations between ethnicity and territorial sovereignty in Ethiopia's eastern borderlands. A 1925 criminal trial involving Gadabursi Somalis... more
Anthony Pagden, "Swords into Summit Meetings" Literary Review, November 2021 "Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment to the European Union" By Stella Ghervas (Harvard University Press, 513pp, £31.95) Link:... more
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held 3rd-14th June 1992, launched the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which... more
3rd-grade student, Faculty of Law, Law Department (Double-major) 1. THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS After all of the damages of the First World War (WWI), there was a need for the reestablishment of international peace, security, and order was... more
As part of the Special Issue, this article adopts a methodological orientation that works through and with international law’s cultural legal archive. It focuses on one colonial literary artifact that shows the historical tension between... more
Forschungsarbeiten, in denen Shidehara eine zentrale Rolle spielt, beschränken sich zumeist auf die zwanziger Jahre, etwa die Washingtoner Flottenabrüstungskonferenz (1921/22) und den 'Mandschurischen Zwischenfall'. Generell wird in der... more
John Sturge Stephens (1891–1954), Lecturer für Geschichte an der Universität Birmingham, untersuchte um die Mitte der 1920er-Jahre im Auftrag des Völkerbunds in Genf die prekäre Situation von sprachlichen Minderheiten in den nach den... more
A Powerpoint presentation at a mini conference organized by the permanent Greek delegation at the UN (Geneva) at the World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA, Villa Bocage) on 27 November 2019, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary... more
Ce Commentaire du Pacte de la Société des Nations a un double but. En premier lieu, d’assurer l’information la plus complète et la plus à jour possible sur l’ensemble de l’expérience de la SDN, notamment dans ses aspects juridiques. Le... more
This book provides a comprehensive account of the international legal rules and techniques used to combat slavery and slavery-related practices prior to the emergence of international human rights law. It is based on a systematic survey... more
la valutazione fondata sul diritto si pratica, nel ragionare umano, solo quando si è su una base di parità, mentre, se vi è disparità di forze, i più forti esigono quanto è possibile ed i più deboli approvano.
VAN HERCK, J., Verzoening na de Eerste Wereldoorlog: 'the art of what is possible'. Locarno, de Volkenbond en de Duitse diaspora in Polen (1925-1934), Onuitgegeven bachelorproef, KU Leuven, departement Geschiedenis, Leuven, 2015. In... more
This paper examines the process by which one Nobel laureate, Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, came to be awarded the Peace Prize in 1937. It explores the interaction between, on the one hand, the Norwegian Nobel Committee and its advisers and,... more
En la Conferencia de Paz de París (1919) se estableció el Pacto de la Sociedad de Naciones, y, debido a la falta de reconocimiento diplomático por las potencias mundiales, se decidió no incluirlos como miembros invitados a ciertos Estados... more
Link to article: http://gh.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/4/559.abstract?keytype=ref&ijkey=KCr0p2sRaf0z0Cm From August 2013, a new, controversial ancillary copyright law (Leistungsschutzrecht) permitted German publishers to charge online... more
When and why do powerful countries seek to enact major changes to international order, the broad set of rules that guide behavior in world politics? Prior studies have focused on how the origins of orders have been consensus-driven and... more
For most of the twentieth century, a rhetoric of international cooperation for peace and stability persisted as the lingua franca of foreign relations in Japan and around the world, even during the years of rampant nationalisms and global... more
This paper revisits the controversy of Judge Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan's recusal from the South West Africa cases using new information from the National Archives in Australia, India, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, including an... more
"Il Piccolo", 18 dicembre 2015, p. 43 - La Guerra Mondiale è presente negli scritti di Svevo successivi al 1915 in modo assai evidente. Oltre che nella "Coscienza di Zeno", in diverse novelle e articoli giornalistici, Svevo dedica al... more
Jaci eisenberg, the Graduate Institute (IHeID)
"Sob a cortina das conveniências diplomáticas a verdade dos acontecimentos ficou oculta; mas um dia se saberá que, depois de longos dias de trabalho do Conselho, em busca de uma unanimidade que não era alcançada pela persistência de nossa... more
Βασισμένη κατά κύριο λόγο σε αδημοσίευτο μέχρι σήμερα αρχειακό υλικό, η ανά χείρας μελέτη επιχειρεί να εξετάσει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο η ελληνική διπλωματία παρακολούθησε από την επαύριον της υπογραφής της συνθήκης ειρήνης της Λωζάννης τα... more
Özet İdealizm, uluslararası ilişkiler alanındaki en köklü ve temel yaklaşımlardan biridir. Kökenleri çok eski dönemlere kadar uzanan bu yaklaşımın önem kazanması ise Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası döneme tekabül etmektedir. Wilson İlkeleri... more
Der Völkerbund war die erste internationale Organisation, die soziale, kulturelle, technische, wirtschaftliche, politische und militärische Kooperationen unter einem Dach bündelte. Allerdings gilt der Völkerbund als Symbol für die... more
Artículo completo: https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/BoletinAmericanista/article/view/32599 La relación histórica entre México y Perú tuvo uno de los momentos de mayor tensión y desvanecimiento durante la primera mitad de la década... more
The principle of ‘self-determination’ has infused modern western political thinking. But its intellectual underpinnings, and application, have been partisan and inconsistent. In this essay, Patrick Kirkwood illuminates the concept, its... more
This article contends that the League’s mandate system was more than a political institution or a bureaucratic procedure: it was a culture of argumentation that engendered particular ways of reading and writing — not least for those in... more
This is a review of Robert C. Austin's Founding a Balkan State: Albania's Experiment with Democracy, 1920-1925. It appeared in Canadian Slavonic Papers in 2013.