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Findings of the Literature Review The term ‘cultural relations’ refers to interventions in foreign cultural arenas with the aim of enhancing intercultural dialogue and bringing about mutual benefits connected to security, stability... more
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      Public DiplomacyEgyptCultural DiplomacySoft Power
Observations about the reasons why governments typically become concerned about the state of their national image; some remarks about the various image challenges which countries can face; thoughts about the central role played by... more
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      Public DiplomacyNation BrandingCity BrandingDestination Branding
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      League of NationsCultural RelationsIntellectual CooperationRelaciones Culturales
In an attempt to understand German-Portuguese cultural relations, this article explores the discovery, reception and distribution of Renaissance writer Luís Vaz de Camões in Germany and subsequent in-tertextual production. The aims of... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureReception StudiesRomanticismPortuguese Studies
For a long time, the Late Neolithic was one of the most poorly studied prehistoric periods in Bulgaria. In the last decade, this lack was overcome for Thrace and Northeastern Bulgaria, but the period remains weakly known for the Bulgarian... more
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyLate NeolithicCultural Relations
Cultural diplomacy, as a set of activities, undertaken directly by or in collaboration with diplomatic authorities of a state, which are aimed at the promotion of foreign policy interests of this state in the realm of cultural policy... more
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      Public DiplomacyCultural DiplomacyForeign Relations and Cross-Cultural contactIntercultural Communication and Public Diplomacy
The main basis of Turkey’s cultural relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina is its shared history, religion, culture shared with Bosnia and Herzegovina in some respects and ‘Turkish language’. In this respect, the aim of this thesis is to... more
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      TurkeyCultural DiplomacyTurkish LanguageLanguage Teaching
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      ReligionThracian ArchaeologyArtemisCultural Relations
The Hungarian Plain, and particularly the Tisza region, became one of the prominent geographical regions of Europe in archaeological scholarship with a focus on cultural history in the wake of Flóris Rómer’s activity, the presentation of... more
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      PrehistoryCultural Relations
The last couple of decades of the last century and the first one of this one have, inarguably, witnessed a phenomenal rise in the studies of writing by Indians in various genres. A major aspect of this writing is the substantial... more
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      Cultural RelationsOman and IndiaIndians In OmanLiterary Influences
Il pubblico dell’archeologia è frutto dei cambiamenti di prospettiva sull’uso delle antichità nel corso della storia. Ma anche se il suo potenziale globale è stato intuito da secoli, ancora oggi si fatica a tenere insieme sviluppo... more
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      Economic HistoryCultural HeritageCultural TourismHistory of Archeology
Ces quarante dernières années, l'âge du Bronze de la Corse a fait l'objet d'au moins dix tentatives de phasage et/ou de périodisation. 1 S'il n'était nullement question dans notre travail de les commenter une à une, on a néanmoins... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesCeramic Technology
Nos últimos anos, os pesquisadores vêm dispensando uma atenção cada vez maior aos processos de encontro, contato e intercâmbio cultural, de maneira que, em termos da pesquisa universitária, a assim denominada “virada culturalista” tem se... more
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      ChristianityCultural StudiesHistoriographyHistoriography (in Art History)
In the hectic aftermath of the Allied invasion of Iran and Reza Shah's abdication the Association of Iran-Soviet Cultural Relations was established with the aim of cultivating amity and common understanding between the two nations, with... more
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      Cultural RelationsPahlavi Dynasty
Although the eastern part of Anatolia and the geography of Georgia contain different political formations, geographically, they are like two halves of a whole. Both geographies were home to a culture - Kura Araxes - that subsisted from... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)GeorgiaDoğu Anadolu, Kuzeybatı İran, Transkafkasya Arkeolojisi
Esta ponencia trata sobre el Instituto Colombiano de Cultura Hispánica (ICCH), fundado en 1951, y una de sus primeras iniciativas culturales y científicas: la publicación de la Flora de la Real Expedición Botánica (1783-1816), la cual... more
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      Cultural HistorySpanish HistoryPolitical HistoryColombian History
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      History of DiplomacyCultural RelationsHistory of Montenegro
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      BrazilTraducciónLiteratura española e hispanoamericanaCultural Relations
A perspective from 2010 on new developments in the global approaches to cultural diplomacy and cultural relations.
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      Cultural RelationsEuropean Capitals of Culture
The field of cultural diplomacy, which looms large in present-day cultural policy and discourse, has been insufficiently analysed by the cultural disciplines. This special issue engages with the task of filling the gap. The present essay... more
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      Cultural StudiesAsian StudiesCultural PolicyPublic Diplomacy
odnosi: istoriјa i kontekst, Beograd, Clio, 2014, 432 str.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryInternational RelationsCulture
Abstract: Cultural challenges for Romania and Bulgaria at the beginning of the Cold War. Institutions and means for cultural propaganda After the natural setback in the 1950s, when the whole world was getting reconfigured over new... more
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      Cultural DiplomacyCultural RelationsCultural Propaganda
Abstract. The paper reports on the study of two bronze shaft-hole axes from the multilayered Tell Yunatsite site located in the western part of the Thracian valley in Bulgaria. Artifacts from the settlement are valuable for addressing a... more
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      Bronze Age ArchaeologyBalkan archaeologyCultural Relations
Immediately after World War II, the United States deployed a series of information and cultural schemes as part of their strategy of confrontation with the USSR. This «information machine» intended to promote sympathy for America’s... more
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      PropagandaForeign Policy20th CenturySpain
A l’Opera de Halle (Allemagne), L‘Africaine (1865), Grand opera de Giacomo Meyerbeer, a ete revisite par une equipe euro-africaine de maniere radicalement innovante pour la saison 2018/19. L’objectif de leur mise-en-scene interculturelle... more
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      International RelationsPhilosophyArtOpera
Stefan Savov Bobchev was a chairman of the Slavic Society in Sofia for nearly 40 years (1903-1940). A university professor, he was a member of the Academies of Sciences of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, and of the Polish... more
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      International RelationsPolish HistoryArchivesLibraries and Culture
The article considers the role of cultural relations in the harmonization of international relations. In order to create a favorable image of the country and promote national interests, cultural ties are important. In turn, cultural ties... more
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      Cultural HistoryInternational RelationsCultural PolicyCultural Relations
Anyone studies the history of the Syrian-Romanian cultural relations will feel the huge generosity of the Romanian leaders and people they gave to the Syrians who visited the Romanian principalities seeking this support. The first printer... more
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      TheologySyrian HistoryPrinting HistoryCultural Relations
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      League of NationsCultural RelationsIntellectual CooperationRelaciones Culturales
Abstract The article discusses the role of traditional religions in the preservation of spirituality and unity of the nation. From the standpoint of national interests the religious issue is state important. Therefore, in the article... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsCultural Relations
Tres martes de octubre de 2020.
Más información:
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      Diplomatic HistoryCultural DiplomacyCultural RelationsNew Diplomatic History
The article deals with the relationship between the Kazakh Khanate and the Safavid state. Analyzing historical sources testifying to the existence of diplomatic relations between the Kazakh rulers and the Safavid state in the XVI – early... more
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      International RelationsDiplomacyHistory of International RelationsHistory of Kazakh Khanate
L’Archivio Prezzolini custodisce un’ampia messe di documenti, rilevanti sotto molteplici punti di vista. Dopo una presentazione dei fondi letterari più significativi dell’Archivio, ci si concentrerà sulle carte di Prezzolini. Fra queste... more
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      Archival StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian StudiesTransatlantic relations
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      Cultural DiplomacyForeign Relations and Cross-Cultural contactCultural RelationsRelaciones Culturales
The field of cultural diplomacy, which looms large in present-day cultural policy and discourse, has been insufficiently analysed by the cultural disciplines. This special issue engages with the task of filling the gap. The present essay... more
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      Cultural StudiesAsian StudiesCultural PolicyPublic Diplomacy
Povodom 60 godina od Prve konferencije Pokreta nesvrstanih, održane u Beogradu 1961. godine, Muzej Jugoslavije pripremio je izložbu i prateći katalog koji stavljaju u fokus odnose Jugoslavije i Indije u oblasti umetnosti i kulture, kao i... more
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      YugoslaviaYugoslavia (History)Former YugoslaviaIndia
Bu bildiride Türkiye'nin Afrika ülkeleri ile ilişkilerinin gelişmesinde Türk İşbirliği ve Koordinasyon Ajansı'nın (TİKA) üstlendiği ve yürüttüğü rol ele alınacaktır. Türkiye, 2000'li yılların ortalarından itibaren kalkınma işbirliği... more
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      African StudiesPolitical ScienceHumanitarian Aid and Development CooperationHumanitarian Aid
The article considers the materials from 6 cemeteries on the Vetluga-Vyatka interfluve with belts or their fragments discovered in 44.5-87.5% of the burial complexes (burials and sacrificial complexes between the graves). The author... more
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      Cultural RelationsMagyarsPerm Cis-Urals
The Cultural Value Project (CVP) is a joint research project commissioned by the British Council and the Goethe-Institut (January 2017-June 2018). It aims to build a better understanding of the value of cultural relations (CR) in... more
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      International RelationsEthnographyOrganizational CultureQualitative methodology
Resumo Nos últimos anos, os pesquisadores vêm dispensando uma atenção cada vez maior aos processos de encontro, contato e intercâmbio cultural, de maneira que, em termos da pesquisa universitária, a assim denominada " virada culturalista... more
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      HistoriographyRoman EmpireJudaismCultural Relations
The official Guide to Candidates considering and then preparing a bid for the European Capitals of Culture from 2020 to 2033. I am the principal author. The paper seeks to focus city bids on the requirements of the competition, how it... more
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      Cultural TourismCultural RelationsPlace MakingCity and Culture
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of UniversitiesCultural Relations
Seramik kaplar bir kültürün en önemli unsurudur. Kolay taklit edilmesi ve ta ınabilmesi bakımından kültürel ili kileri en iyi yansıtan malzeme grubudur. Erken Tunç Ça ı boyunca çe itli seramik kültürleri hem Batı hem de Orta Anadolu'da... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyEgypt
This article narrates three stories which are variously instructive for creative professionals engaged in international collaborations, funding agencies promoting cross-cultural dialogue and partnerships, and policy-makers working to... more
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      Cultural PolicyIntercultural dialogueCultural RelationsInternational Collaboration
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      Cultural DiversityCultural DevelopmentCulture and DevelopmentCultural Relations
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      Settlement archaeologyThracian ArchaeologyEarly Iron AgeCultural Relations
Góry, Literatura, Kultura  8, 2014  Strony od 149 do 153
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Cultural diplomacy, as a set of activities, undertaken directly by or in collaboration with diplomatic authorities of a state, which are aimed at the promotion of foreign policy interests of this state in the realm of cultural policy... more
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      International Relations TheoryPublic DiplomacyPolitical ScienceDiplomacy
The article describes the role of cultural, educational and scientific links in strengthening cooperation between Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries. Historical roots and cultural traditions of the Central Asia have been mentioned and... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesInternational RelationsWorld History