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The illustrious Italian city of Florence was the cradle of the cultural revolution known as the Renaissance that forever changed the face of Europe and the world. A cultural revolution that involved literature, the visual arts,... more
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      Art HistoryTheatre StudiesArt TheoryRenaissance Studies
Download my full PhD thesis here!
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      Renaissance StudiesPoetryRenaissance PhilosophySexuality
Revisión y estudio de la colección de esculturas de tipo clásico propiedad del entonces Banco Urquijo, en el marco de un volumen dedicado a la totalidad de la colección de arte del banco, redactado junto a otros autores como X. de Salas,... more
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      ESCULTURANeoclasicismoLorenzo de' MediciCarlos III
This article explores the implications of a recently discovered set of letters by an unknown Florentine concerning Heinrich Isaac’s extraordinary tenure in Florence (ca. 1485-95). Isaac is here revealed to be interacting with local... more
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      ImitationNantesMusic PedagogyHistory of Music Education
Profilo biografico di Piero Vespucci (Firenze, 1432 - Alessandria, 1485), uomo politico fiorentino.
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      Italy (History)Luigi PulciLate Medieval HistoryThe Medici Effect, Florence, Renaissance Florence
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      ArchivesHistory of FlorencePittura RinascimentoRinascimento
Otta vioVannini, 1635 'Lorenzo de' Medici among the artists in the sculpture garden' Palazzo Pitti, Florence The purpose of this essay is to assess Lorenzo de Medici's role as a patron of the arts during the time that he ruled over the... more
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtItalian Renaissance ArtPatronage and collectingMedici family
In 1795, publisher John M’Creery printed in Liverpool The Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici called The Magnificent. A huge editorial success, it was written by William Roscoe, a quite gifted figure, who dedicated himself equally to his legal... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismBiographyHistory of Florence
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      Michelangelo BuonarrotiRenaissance FlorenceLorenzo de' Medici
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      Filologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoFilologia ItalianaLorenzo de' MediciLetteratura Italiana Del Rinascimento
Sintesi della considerazione dello storiografo inglese William Roscoe in merito al Rinascimento italiano attraverso l'analisi della sua opera di "The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici", con particolare attenzione alla prefazione. Considerazioni... more
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      RisorgimentoStoriografiaRinascimentoLorenzo de' Medici
The law "De testamentis", passed by the Florentine legislative councils in March 1477 under pressure from Lorenzo de’ Medici, often recurs in historical narrative in connection with the tragic event that occurred the following year, the... more
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      Women's StudiesInheritance15th Century FlorenceLorenzo de' Medici
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      Filologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoFilologia ItalianaLorenzo de' MediciStoria Di Firenze
"Reframing Bertoldo and His Legacy" served as the main essay in the exhibition catalogue "Bertoldo di Giovanni: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Medici Florence," accompanying the corresponding show on view at The Frick Collection... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtMichelangelo BuonarrotiDonatelloItalian Renaissance sculpture
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      Patronage (History)Book ReviewRenaissance FlorenceLorenzo de' Medici
Following the flight of the Medici at the end of the 15th century, Sandro Botticelli fell under the influence of Girolamo Savonarola. If the aging artist did not blindly abide by the injunctions that the prophet of the Florentine republic... more
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      Word and Image StudiesThe Apocalypse of JohnGirolamo SavonarolaSandro Botticelli
Blake Wilson Paper delivered at conference: “Henricus Isaac (ca. 1450/55–1517): Composition – Reception – Interpretation,” University of Vienna, July 1-3, 2017. Published in: Henricus Isaac (ca. 1450–1517): Composition – Reception –... more
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      Heinrich IsaacAngelo PolizianoLorenzo de' MediciTetrachords
Joseph Beuys e Lucrezia De Domizio - De Rerum Natura è un libro scritto da Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta, architetto, urbanista, fotografo e compositore che ha collaborato per molti anni con John Cage e Merce Cunningham. Il libro è una... more
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      Joseph BeuysArte ContemporaneaArtesLorenzo de' Medici
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      Filologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoFilologia ItalianaLorenzo de' MediciStoria Di Firenze
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    • Lorenzo de' Medici
More than five centuries after its creation, Botticelli’s Primavera still resisted all attempts at interpreting it. Even though numerous studies had allowed identifying every single element of the composition – from the nine main... more
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      Marsilio FicinoBotticelliChristian PlatonismLorenzo de' Medici
A study of the means by which Italian Renaissance artists and writers managed to express criticism of the religious and political status quo in relatively safe ways.
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      Renaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissanceRenaissance Art
The powerful Medici family ruled the Republic of Florence on and off for three centuries, and the patronage of the arts is perhaps their greatest and lasting contribution to Western society. When we hear the word Renaissance, we often... more
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      Art HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtHumanismMichelangelo Buonarroti
De Nicopolis à la mort de Charles le Téméraire, une ‎‎succession d’événements contribua au ‎‎‎remaniement de l’Europe politique du XVe siècle. C’est à travers les ‎peintures de ‎Gentile, Gozzoli, ‎Marmion, et Van Eyck, rattachées a la... more
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      Northern RenaissanceFlemish PaintingJan Van EyckGentile da Fabriano
Textes réunis par Jean-Patrice Boudet, Martine Ostorero et Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Depuis le XIIe siècle et à l’époque moderne, au sein des cours princières et ecclésiastiques, des savoirs situés à la frontière entre le licite et... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      Monetary EconomicsMedieval StudiesNumismaticsHistory of Florence
Martinis I-XIV 5-03-2008 9:55 Pagina III Tutti i diritti riservati © 2008, Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori S.p.A.
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      Federico da MontefeltroSforza familyAtriumsLorenzo de' Medici
in The Art and Language of Power in Renaissance Florence: Essays for Alison Brown, ed. Amy R. Bloch, Carolyn James, and Camilla Russell. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2019, pp. 65–89
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      Economic HistoryRenaissance StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)History of Florence
Scholars of Botticelli's Munich Pietà, which is known to have come from the Florentine church of San Paolino, often noted the lack of information concerning the fabric of the church prior to its destruction in the second half of the... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of FlorenceAngelo PolizianoHistory of architecture
The famous "Seal of Nero, a Roman intaglio depicting Apollo, Marsyas and Olympus, was once in the collection of Lorenzo il Magnifico and is now in the National Museum of Naples. Two gems related to that "Seal of Nero" are published here... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt HistoryHistory of Florence
Giovanni Tornabuoni was a leading character in Renaissance Florence. He was director of the Medici Bank in Rome, banker to the Pope, leader of the Tornabuoni family. He built the beautiful family Palazzo which today is known as Palazzo... more
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      Renaissance FlorenceLorenzo de' MediciDomenico GhirlandaioLucrezia Tornabuoni
Complice soprattutto l’appartenenza alla cerchia medicea, quello di Giovanni Lanfredini (1437-1490) è un nome che compare spesso in numerose pubblicazioni su Lorenzo il Magnifico e sulla Firenze del Rinascimento. La definizione con cui... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryRenaissance HistoryMedieval History
... Alii autem, praeter haec, quae dixi, nos quandoque legentes et quasi docentes audiverunt, etsi ipsi quidem quasi discipuli; non tamen revera discipuli; non enim tantum mihi adrogo, ut docuerim 442 Page 15. THE MYTH OF THE PLATONIC... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance PhilosophyHistory Of Platonic Tradition
ISBN 978 88 222 6274 5 PREMESSA Alcuni anni fa, sfogliando una raccolta di disegni architettonici settecenteschi nella collezione del Victoria & Albert Museum, mi sono inaspettatamente trovata fra le mani cinque grandi tavole inedite che... more
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      Renaissance StudiesArchitectural HistoryArchitecture and politicsItalian Renaissance Art
This book presents the scholarship of numerous archival researchers, art historians, conservators, curators, and scientists. Therefore, there are some discrepancies of attributions and dates between the various essays, which reflect the... more
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      Michelangelo BuonarrotiVerrocchioDonatelloItalian Renaissance sculpture
Eine ganze Menge der aus der Bibliotheca Corviniana bekannten Werke waren bis zum Tod Matthias’ nicht im Druck erschienen. In der Mehrzahl beinhalten die Corvinen nicht die uns heute bekannten, vollständigen Texte. Unsere Aufgabe ist es,... more
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      PlatoAristotleManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRenaissance Humanism
It is an excerpt of the book: "La villa medicea di Poggio a Caiano tra l'Atene degli Acciaiuoli ed il Granducato della Baciocchi" (The Medicean villa of Poggio a Caiano between the Athens of Acciaiuoli family and the Grand Duchy of Elisa... more
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      NeoclassicismLorenzo de' MediciAnton Domenico GabbianiPoggio a Caiano
Quando Matteo Franco decise di prendere in mano la penna per indirizzare il primo sonetto a Luigi Pulci certamente non si aspettava che quell’invito diventasse l’incipit di un macrotesto ampio e complesso. Questa considerazione, di per sé... more
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      Manuscript StudiesRenaissance literatureLuigi PulciFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del Rinascimento
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance literatureMedieval And Humanistic Philology
Analisi di alcune immagini, stilemi e iuncturae che è possibile rinvenire tanto in due poemetti biblici di Lucrezia Tornabuoni (Storia di Hester, Vita di Tubia) quanto nelle opere di Lorenzo, Poliziano e Pulci. Questa compresenza pone il... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian LiteratureRenaissance literatureAngelo Poliziano
“Percorso di eccellenza”, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 22 aprile 2022
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      Renaissance StudiesAngelo PolizianoLuigi PulciAllegoria
a cur a dell ' istituto di studi rinascimentali di ferr ar a 42 -43 · 2012 pisa · roma fabrizio serr a editore 2013 Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Pisa n. 8/10 del 10 maggio 2010.
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      Dante StudiesRenaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
My translation of Frances Yates' path-breaking 1964 work on the reciprocal conflictual evolution of philosophy, religion, art, magic, science and medicine from the Renaissance to the early modern era. Forthcoming from Say, soon.
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      ShakespeareHistory of ScienceRenaissance PhilosophyInquisition
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismMatthias Corvinus
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      Renaissance StudiesSexuality and chivalry/courtly loveHistory of FlorenceItalian Renaissance Art
These entries appeared in the exhibition catalogue "Bertoldo di Giovanni: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Medici Florence," accompanying the corresponding show at The Frick Collection (September 2019 - January 2020).
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      Italian Renaissance ArtMichelangelo BuonarrotiDonatelloItalian Renaissance sculpture
This documentary appendix appeared in the exhibition catalogue "Bertoldo di Giovanni: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Medici Florence," accompanying the corresponding show at The Frick Collection (September 2019 - January 2020). Nearly... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtMichelangelo BuonarrotiDonatelloItalian Renaissance sculpture
More than five centuries after its creation, Botticelli’s Primavera still resisted all attempts at interpreting it. Even though numerous studies had allowed identifying every single element of the composition – from the nine main... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyPlato and PlatonismTarotMarsilio Ficino