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The Collects of Veit Dietrich, based on the Historic Lectionary, compared with the original source, 'Summaria Christlicher Lehr' 1548 with newly translated collects that were not in 'The Lutheran Hymnary' or in 'Evangelical Lutheran... more
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      ChristianityLiturgyReformation HistoryReformation Studies
One of the buzzwords of 20th and 21st century theology -- especially Lutheran theology -- is "theology of the cross." In the year where we mark the 500th anniversary of the Heidelberg Disputation where Martin Luther first talked about... more
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      TheologyReformation StudiesLutheranismEarly Modern Christian Theology
In Dietrich Bonhoeffer's writings, Martin Luther is ubiquitous. Too often, however, Bonhoeffer's Lutheranism has been set aside with much less argumentative work than is appropriate in light of his sustained engagement with Luther. As a... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical TheologyLutheranism
Recent scholarship has contributed to the production of an intricate and complicated picture of theology and Wissenschaft during Germany's long nineteenth century. Yet an area that remains underresearched is the understanding of... more
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      Theology19th Century German HistoryWissenschaftstheorieLutheran Theology
There are still documents waiting to be discovered which reveal aspects of Lutheran historiography in Australia. Until recently, this letter was one of them. It was pinned (a photocopy of the original) to a board within the mounted... more
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      New Zealand StudiesNordic HistoryBiographyAustralian History
This conference paper examines Article XXI of the Augsburg Confession. It contends that this article continues be relevant to the modern church since the prominence of Roman Catholic veneration and invocation of the saints has only... more
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      Systematic TheologyLutheranismCatholic TheologyPastoral Theology
This homily was meant to be 8 minutes. But it was at least 20...It is not a model in homiletics. Far from it. So why post it?... The occasion was the 26 June 2022, exactly 150 years after the first recorded Scandinavian Lutheran Service... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsRefugee StudiesSpace and PlaceScandinavian languages
2022 marks the 150 Jubilee of the first recorded Scandinavian language service in Queensland. It was held on 26 June 1872 in the Lutheran Chapel on Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, by a Norwegian, Christopher Gaustad. To honour the occasion I... more
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      Translation StudiesNordic StudiesArchitectural HistoryMinority Studies
Written in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (1517). Das Wort sie sollen lassen stahn und kein' Dank dazu haben… The Word they still shall let remain nor any thanks have for it… (M.L.) This revised and... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureTranslation StudiesLutheranism
Jubilæumsåret 2017 har ført til adskillige vurderinger af Reformationens betydning for forskellige sider af samfundslivet. Men hvilke følger fik den for den nordiske kirketradition? Bogen leverer nogle helt konkrete eksempler. Den... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryHistory of Ideas
루터는 그의 신학의 시작이라 볼 수 있는 “제 1차 시편 강의”부터 그의 말년에 이르는 “창세기 강의”까지 “교회의 감춰져 있음”이라는 개념을 줄곧 사용했다. 하지만 그는 그 개념을 자신이 처한 시대적 상황에 따라 강조점의 차이를 가지고 다르게 사용했다. 첫째로, 루터는 1519년에서 1525년 사이에 “교회의 감춰져 있음”의 개념을 교회 비판적 기능을 위해 사용했다. 그는 교회의 영적인 측면을 강조하기 위해서 이 개념을... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesGerman ReformationLuther
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      Visual CultureReformation HistoryLutheranismReformation Art
1. Leben
2. Werk
3. Wirkung
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryGerman StudiesHistory of Ideas
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      Reformation StudiesGerman ReformationLutherReformation Theology
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
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      Lutheran Confessional TheologyLutheran History and TheologyLutheran Orthodoxy
This book investigates the relationship between nineteenth-century German theological Wissenschaft and the emergence of confessional Lutheranism. James Ambrose Lee II argues that the fi rst generation of German confessional Lutheran... more
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      Historical TheologyLutheranismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingSchleiermacher
Jáchymov (St. Joachimsthal) was in the 16th century one of the major centers of the Bohemian kingdom. Mining of a silver ore meant a expansion of mining in the western part of the Ore Mountains and brought here also many scholars events,... more
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      Music HistoryCzech HistoryHistory of ReligionReformation History
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      Liturgical StudiesReformation StudiesHistory of the ReformationSacramental Theology
An essay to be published in a volume accompanying 'Here I Stand', an international exhibition on Martin Luther to be held in the United States (New York, Minneapolis and Atlanta) from October 2016 to January 2017
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      German StudiesArt HistoryLiturgical StudiesEarly Modern History
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    • Lutheran History and Theology
ŠÜVEGOVÁ, Michaela: Dejiny evanjelického cirkevného zboru augsburského vyznania v Lučenci od jeho vzniku po rok 1918. [Bakalárska práca] Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, Filozofická fakulta: Katedra histórie. Školiteľ: PhDr.... more
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      LutheranismChurch HistoryLutheran History and TheologyLutheran Church In Early Modern Hungary
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      LutheranismPietismGerman PietismPietismus
Considered by many to be one of the most influential German Pietists, August Hermann Francke lived during a moment when an emphasis on conversion was beginning to produce small shifts in how the sacraments were defined-a harbinger of... more
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      German StudiesTheologyEarly Modern HistoryGerman History
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      Missionary HistoryChristian MissionsChina20th Century
This paper provides a detailed interpretation of a little-known yet extraordinary painting from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Christ in a Landscape by Jan Swart van Groningen (ca. 1530–1540). This work is a perfect illustration of the... more
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      Art HistoryChristologyNorthern RenaissanceSymbolism (Art History)
In this essay I argue that the Presbyterian minister and politician, John Dunmore Lang (1799-1878), was the central person in helping to establish urban German-speaking Lutheran congregations in eastern Australia. These are Moreton Bay... more
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      Urban StudiesHospitalityEcumenismLutheran History and Theology
Jochen Eber: The new scientific edition of the Lutheran Confessions, the Book of Concord (BSELK) 2014 The new scientific edition of the Lutheran Confessions after 84 years is a masterpiece primarily of the publisher, the Mainz professor... more
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      Creeds and ConfessionsMartinn Luther and Lutheran ConfessionsLutheran Confessional TheologyLutheran History and Theology
 Introduction to the Theological Studies  Global Church History  Historical Theology I Rationale:  This course is an investigation of the main theological issues, theologians, and religious movements from late Middle Ages to the 17 th... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
Apologie und Vindicatio als Möglichkeiten der Positionierung im gelehrten Diskurs Herausgegeben von Michael Multhammer DE GRUYTER 120 -Guido Naschert 5 Der Begriff der ,Rettung' und die Bedeutung des ,Rettens' bei Breckling weist, wie... more
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      LutheranismPietismEarly Modern Christian TheologyGerman Pietism
Szerkesztette FORGÓ ANDRÁS és KULCSÁR KRISZTINA publikationen der ungarischen geschichtsforschung in wien bd. xvi. "DIE HABSBURGISCHE VARIANTE DES AUFGEKLÄRTEN ABSOLUTISMUS" BEITRÄGE ZUR MITREGENTSCHAFT JOSEPHS II., 1765-1780... more
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      History of HungaryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryAustrian HistoryLutheran History and Theology
What is theology? How is it related to personal faith and pastoral practice? How does one go about studying theology? This book explores how one prominent Lutheran theologian, Johann Gerhard (1582-1637), addressed these enduring questions... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyReformation HistoryLutheranism
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      ChristianityReformation StudiesGerman ReformationLutheranism
During 2017, churches with roots in the 16th century Reformation look back at five centuries of reformed Christianity. Much attention is given to important leaders of the Reformation such as Luther and Calvin. However, there are many... more
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      Reformation HistoryChurch HistoryLutheran History and Theology
Gravmaeler for en hedengangen menighed Køge St. Nicolai Kirke 1500-1800 "See, om tu och skiöna kan, Hwem här war én rijker man, Hwem war Dräng och hwem war Kung, Hwem war gammal, hwem war Ung. Hwem här moste tiggia gåå, Och oft baak om... more
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      Social HistoryBaroque art and architectureChurch ArchaeologyMortuary archaeology
The present paper explores the repression of Lutheran and evangelical theological writings and bibles in the Habsburg Low Countries during the 1520s, in the aftermath of the Edict of Worms. The way in which different jurisdictions dealt... more
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      Christianity17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyCensorshipAustria (European History)
Preview of my paper due to be published in 2017 together with the other papers of the 2016 autum meeting of the Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg ( On the example of his interpretation of the eucharistic... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistorical TheologyReformation History
This study complicates one part of the scholarly legend that Gottlob Christian Storr infused the Kantian letter with an Orthodox spirit. In §§17-18 of his DC, Storr positions Immanuel Kant’s physico-theological and moral arguments for... more
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      AestheticsComposition and RhetoricBook HistoryPhilosophical Theology
In spite of the countless criticisms against the concept of Secularisation so far, each attempt in this direction remains parasitical to the Secularisation itself, in as much as it presents itself as a negation of it (Olivetti, 1992).... more
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      Martin LutherLutheran TheologyLutheran History and TheologyEarly Modern Lutheran history
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      LutheranismPietismGerman PietismLutheran Theology
The Paper presents a short summary of my doctoral dissertation on "Das reformatorische Erbe unter den Palaestinensern" and deals with the history of Protestant (mainly German) missionary efforts in Palestine from 1839-1959 including the... more
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      MissiologyLutheranismIsrael/PalestineMissiology and Mission Theology
Although neither pericopae is part of the Revised Common Lectionary, their echoes can be seen within Lutheran liturgy in two specific services – baptism and confirmation. The two-step methods that helped both the deaf man and the blind... more
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      LutheranismLutheran TheologyLutheran History and Theology
[Ideo sperandum est eum abbreviaturum tempus. Some remarks on (pseudo)science and apocalyptical claims in Luther’s ambiguous position concerning the computation od the End of the Time] A form of erudition in the 16th Century concerns the... more
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      MelanchthonLutheranismHistory of AstrologyMartin Luther
Sincere thanks to Dr. Mickey L. Mattox for his support in the production of this article.
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      Political PhilosophyAristotleHistorical TheologyVirtue Ethics
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      Reformation StudiesOld Polish literatureLutheran History and TheologyEarly Modern Lutheran history
Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho -2015 "Inovácia a kreativita vo vzdelávaní a vede" Sekcie teologických a humanitných vied 2015 A komáromi Selye János Egyetem 2015-ös Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának... more
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      Practical theologyHomileticsLutheran History and TheologyHistory of Homiletics
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      Reformation StudiesEarly Modern LiteratureEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryLutheran History and Theology
Pastor, professor, and cantor Nikolaus Selnecker (1530-92) is best acclaimed for his contributing role in the Formula of Concord, in addition to championing late-Reformation hymnody preceding Philipp Nicolai and Paul Gerhardt. Though he... more
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      Reformation HistoryLutheranismHymnologyLutheran liturgy
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    • Lutheran History and Theology