Malagasy Studies
Recent papers in Malagasy Studies
Ce travail consiste avant tout à rechercher, décrire et analyser les mots du créole réunionnais qui ont des origines dans le malgache. Je trouverai une étymologie pour chacun de ces mots et je me focaliserai sur les mots ayant une... more
El asentamiento de nuevas instituciones en Málaga como la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País (1789) y la llegada de numerosos extranjeros atraídos por las posibilidades comerciales del puerto, evidencian que las últimas décadas del... more
Commercial sexual exploitation of children continues to be a significant and pressing concern in developing countries around the globe. Few existing reports, however, indicate the alarming rate at which the problem is in Madagascar, where... more
El Caminito del Rey (The King's Little Path) is a walkway, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near Ardales in the province of Málaga, Spain. The name derives from the original name of Camino del Rey (King's... more
La poesía de Emilio Prados, nacido en Málaga y exiliado en México tras la Guerra Civil, es un lienzo donde cada elemento del paisaje en el que creció aporta una huella inmarcesible. A través de la naturaleza es posible reproducir la... more
To cite this version: Joro Ny Aina Ranaivoarison. Dictionnairé electronique (DE) des noms simples issus de verbes : Les noms issus des alternances mp-ou f- .
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Mit wachsender Globalisierung und Migration ändert sich auch die Sprachen- und Sprachlernsituation, und es gilt auch für Madagaskar. Insgesamt steigt die Anzahl der Madagassen Kinder, die von Geburt an mit zwei Sprachen aufwachsen, die... more
The development of phonological tone has been linked in many languages to consonant voice quality contrasts that impart pitch differences to preceding or following vowels. In particular, modal voicing on a syllable-initial consonant has... more
Lexical evidence shows that Malagasy is as closely related to Samihim as it is to Maanyan. In other words, its immediate "relatives" are the South East Barito language group as a whole rather than Maanyan alone.
In two papers earlier in his career, Siméon Rajaona—one of Madagascar's most famous intellectuals—argues that Westerners have tended to distort the Malagasy worldview by interpolating Western notions into their understanding of it. As a... more
In this paper I discuss Øyvind Dahl's argument (1995,1999) for the conclusion that Malagasy people conceive of the future as coming from behind them and not as being before them as most worldviews do. I argue that we have good reason not... more
Basically a summary in French of "Asian roots of the Malagasy: a linguistic perspective" (1995).
The development of phonological tone has been linked in many languages to consonant voice quality contrasts that impart pitch differences to preceding or following vowels. In particular, modal voicing on a syllable-initial consonant has... more
Iglesias fundacionales de la ciudad de Málaga y sedes de extensiones parroquiales anteriores al siglo XIX. Catedral, Iglesia del Sagrario, Iglesia de Santiago, Iglesia de los Santos Mártires, Iglesia de San Juan, Iglesia de San Lázaro,... more
"Reciprocal constructions in the world's languages are typically associated with unusual syntactic behaviour and other anomalous properties. This thesis examines reciprocal constructions in Icelandic (Germanic), Malagasy (Austronesian)... more
In this paper I present evidence from Malagasy supporting the implementation of structures of different sizes in the derivation of participant nominalizations. Malagasy agentive and instrumental nominalizations are formed by adding... more
When this was published (I have no idea what has happened in linguistics since), there was a lot of talk about "topic" and "subject". This is one of a series of articles mostly on Philippine languages and as here Malagasy arguing against... more
The creation of useful tools such as spell checkers, or machine translation systems, which would introduce less-resourced languages into the era of new technology and encourage users to use them more, is usually the work of specialists of... more
When this was published, there was a lot of interest is a supposed topic vs. subject typology (Schachter, Li and Thompson, followed by Keenan and many others). This we kept arguing against. Here we offered some data and a modest... more
Considerations of the geological constraints on the fit of Madagascar (Malagasy) again E Africa
In this paper we report results of a longitudinal study of the acquisition of pronouns in Malagasy. We show that there is a Root Infinitive (RI) stage in Malagasy, a language typologically distinct from other RI languages. Our assumption... more
In this paper I present results of a longitudinal study of the acquisition of pronouns in Malagasy. I provide evidence for a Root Infinitive (RI) stage in Malagasy (Austronesian), a language typologically distinct from other RI languages.... more