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The state has an interest in protecting the ability of its citizens to act freely in pursuit of the good life. Psychoactive drugs that negatively affect one’s cognitive capacities conflict with this goal by undermining the conditions... more
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      Applied EthicsDrugs And AddictionMarijuanaPractical Ethics
RESUMEN.Reflexionamos sobre el debate que existe en la comunidad científica sobre los artículos de opinión que plantean valorar el posible uso terapéutico que puede tener el consumo regulado del Cannabis y por otra parte los estudios que... more
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      PsychosisMental IllnessCienciaSalud Mental
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      MarijuanaInfrastructureMarijuana LegalizationCannabis
Atomik Seeds’ aim is to distribute easy to grow, productive and affordable feminized cannabis seeds to professional and amateur growers, as well as sector dealers. They offer the opportunity of working with new varieties, with exquisite... more
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      MarijuanaMedical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationCannabis
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      SociologyEthicsPolitical ScienceDecriminalisation of Drugs
The drug design has several branches of development, such as irrational selection, rational search and newer layering, computer subtraction, biological mapping of biological objects, simulation of the target and the drug. One way or... more
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      PharmacologyPediatricsCannabinoidsDrug Design
Background: Observing and documenting major shifts in drug policy in a given jurisdiction offer important lessons for other settings worldwide. After nearly a century of prohibition of non-medical use and sale of cannabis, Canada... more
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      Drug PolicyCanadaMarijuana LegalizationCannabis
Since the legalization of Medical Marijuana (" MMJ ") and, most recently, Recreational Marijuana (" RMJ ") in Colorado, many question if the State's regulatory policy and practices are effective. As a way to draw a parallel connection to... more
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      MarijuanaMedical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationMaking Marijuana-Growing Legal and Its Effects
Growing up, everyone is told that, "Drugs are bad for you," time and time again.
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      MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
It is looking at practices of territory when new imperial regime takes over. Looking at Mexico as historical practices in the Western United States, looking at laws a clauzwitz method of conquering versus practice at hand. Propaganda,... more
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      Human RightsStrategic StudiesInternational Human Rights LawEugenics (History)
Neither non-lethal violence nor psychochemical weapons are new concepts. History provides examples of attempts to use these both to limit the scope of war and to turn mind-altering compounds into weapons. One of these substances has been... more
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      Chemical WeaponsNon-Lethal WeaponsWarfareMarijuana
This comment is a response to Al-Hamdani et al. (forthcoming) in this issue. The authors of that paper advocate plain packaging and warning label regulation for cannabis drawing on research from Canadian tobacco labelling and based on the... more
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      Public Health PolicyConsumer Health InformationMarijuanaCannabis Use
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      Marijuana LegalizationDrogasCombate às drogasCannabis
Why are sex worker rights groups advocating for decriminalizing sex work, but not for legalizing it? In this paper, I will explain why efforts to decriminalize sex work deserve the same support as efforts to decriminalize abortion,... more
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      Human RightsSexualitySex WorkSex Industry and Workers
Streszczenie. Wyjątkowa sytuacja prawna Holandii odgrywa nieocenioną rolę w sporze o le-galizację narkotyków miękkich. Jednak temat ten, mimo oryginalnych uregulowań, od dawna nie jest już kontrowersyjny. Wynika to z ciekawych uwarunkowań... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawLegal PhilosophyDrug Policy
The relationship between the United States and drug policy has been tense since the inception of the " war on drugs " in the mid-20th century. This paper will focus mainly on the drug trade around cannabis and cannabis control policies... more
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      International RelationsEthicsDrugs And AddictionPolitical Science
This book uncovers the usage of psychoactive cannabis in ancient Greece and Rome in their medicine, religion, and recreation. It surveys the archaeological and textual evidence of cannabis in ancient Europe and nearby cultures.
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      PharmacologyBotanyDrugs and drug cultureGalen
A fair and properly informed social policy on cannabis legalization should consider the positive as well as the negative effects of its use. A review of published studies on the subjective effects of cannabis use from 1970 to 2019... more
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      PsychometricsPsychedelics (Psychology)Drug PolicyMarijuana
Why is support for marijuana legalization among African Americans notably modest given that such a policy would drastically reduce the number of African Americans arrested annually for nonviolent drug offenses? In this article I assess... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologySocial Psychology
I argue that cultural anthropology can explain two persistent riddles of American criminal justice: (1) Why do we have mass incarceration when mass incarceration is ineffective and socially destructive? (2) Why do we have victimless... more
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      Criminal LawSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPhilosophy Of LawCultural Anthropology
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      Critical CriminologyWar on DrugsMarijuana LegalizationCriminología Crítica
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      Health PsychologyDrugs And AddictionMental HealthCulture
In 2014, almost two decades after having legalized marijuana for medical purposes, Colorado was the first state to experiment with its full legalization for adults aged 21 and older. The new competition entering the medical market created... more
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      Behavioral EconomicsApplied MicroeconomicsDrug PolicyMedical Marijuana
Adding cannabinoids to anorexia-stricken mice helped the animals recover from the eating disorder and return to a normal weight, according to a new research report from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Brussels. Cindy Casteels, a... more
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      Research MethodologyDrugs And AddictionDrugs and drug cultureCannabinoids
As of November 2016, eight states had passed amendments to their respective state constitutions legalizing full adult-use retail production, sale, and use of cannabis. Additionally, 22 other states have approved legislative policies... more
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      Black MarketsMarijuanaMedical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
Los primitivos humanos comenzaron a cultivar la planta hace miles de años, dando comienzo a una relación de amor hasta que en el SXX se demonizó por "depravar" a negros e hispanos y se prohibió. Hoy se está empezando a regularizar de nuevo
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      MarijuanaCannabis UseMedical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
Este trabajo es un estudio de la historia universal sobre el consumo de cannabis. Vemos como el cannabis es una sustancia que se encontraba restringida a un determinado ámbito geográfico, se introdujo progresivamente en el comercio... more
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      MarijuanaCannabis UseMedical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
Describes the psychoactive constituents of cannabis and the effects on potency of growth conditions, genetics, harvesting techniques, and processing. Includes variations in THC and CBD content, species differentiation, seeds, grafting,... more
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      Drugs And AddictionDrugs and drug cultureCannabinoidsMarijuana
Año 1, número 12, 2 de marzo, 2020 mexicanas, tomar mate o café, ingerir licor y fumar tabaco.
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      Youth StudiesDrugs and drug cultureMoral PanicCosta Rica
The purpose of this explanatory research is to evaluate the impact of medical marijuana legalization (MML) in Colorado on crime. Specifically, does legalization lead to a decline in crime rates (property crimes, burglary, larceny/theft,... more
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      Criminal JusticePublic HealthMedical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
Is the "Woodstock generation" and its doings a factor in comprehending prophecy? Before one writes that off as but another flake view, consider that the word "sorceries" (Greek, pharmakeia) and its cognates are spoken of four times in the... more
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalyptic EschatologyApocalypse Theory
American attitudes toward marijuana have varied greatly from the time it was criminalized in the 1930’s through the present day, and public opinion favoring the legalization of marijuana has steadily risen since 1990. It is generally well... more
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      Public OpinionMediaMass mediaMarijuana
The drug legalization debate is not a new debate although it has been getting a lot more attention these days. Throughout the 20th century the debate has been on-again and off-again and is still sparking controversy nowadays. On a global... more
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      Marijuana LegalizationLegalization of Drugs
The cobbler scam is one of the biggest scams of India involving around 1600cr. of money. This money was meant to be provided to the poor cobblers at low rates if interest and tax modifications. The money however did not reach the cobblers... more
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      Same Sex MarriageDivorceMarijuana LegalizationDecriminalisation of Section 377
Ethical consumerism theory aims to describe, explain, and evaluate the ways in which producers and consumers use the market to support social and environmental values. The literature draws insights from empirical studies of sectors that... more
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureEthical ConsumptionFair Trade
The purpose of this applied research project has three parts: create a framework to explore marijuana legislations; assess the validity of the framework; and provide recommendations to improve future marijuana legislation. When states... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic Policy AnalysisMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana Law
en Peña, Florencia y León, Beatriz. “La medicina social en México V. Género, sexualidad, violencia y cultura”. Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Social, Región México, A.C, Ediciones Eón, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia,... more
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      Drugs And AddictionDrug PolicyWar on DrugsMarijuana Legalization
Subtitled "Recommendations for the implementation of Cannabis policies aligned with international Human Rights standards, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2016 UNGASS outcome document", this report explains how the... more
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      Drugs And AddictionSustainable DevelopmentUnited NationsSustainable Tourism
Cannabis has been a part of human society for more than 10,000 years. Despite this fact, common knowledge of cannabis is often limited to the fact that it can get the user high. The word cannabis has an interesting history as the plant... more
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This is a set of overheads for a presentation at the Canadian Provincial Court Judges Education Association in Charlottetown, PEI, September 27, 2017
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      SociologyChild protectionChild and adolescent mental healthMass Communication
Crítica cualitativa de las estadísticas de violencia relacionada al contrabando de drogas en México
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Il boom della cannabis terapeutica e le sfide del futuro Salviamo il pianeta dagli ignoranti e dagli incapaci TUTELA LEGALE BELEAF MEDICAL GREEN
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      Molecular hematologyMarijuanaCannabis UseHemp climate BuildingPhysics
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      Environmental ScienceHealth SciencesSocial SciencesMedicinal Plants
Abstrak Studi ini membahas problematika perihal tanaman ganja di Indonesia, pro dan kontra mengenai pemanfatan tanaman ganja untuk medis. Selain pemanfaatan untuk medis studi ini juga membahas pemanfaatan tanaman ganja untuk industri.... more
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      Industrial EcologyIndustrial BiotechnologyCultural IndustriesCannabinoids
El cáñamo, planta que ha acompañado al hombre durante milenios, también ha sido parte importante de la tradición agrícola de Chile. Desde la llegada de los colonizadores españoles tuvo vital importancia tanto para esta tierra como para el... more
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      HistoryHistoriographyMarijuanaCannabis Use
While Caribbean governments have opened the door wider to discussions of medical ganja, they have not dealt with it in a way that will provide security for the current producers. This is primarily due to the fact that Jamaica and other... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationMarxismCritical Criminology
Artículos, documentos monográficos y ensayos de lectura como contribución a la reflexión y el debate en materia de drogas Confiamos en que esta serie de artículos, ensayos y documentos monográficos de lectura sean de su interés y... more
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      Salud PublicaDesarrollo SustentableMarijuana LegalizationDrogas
The 2014 legalization of cannabis sales in Colorado led to the promulgation of municipal regulations to mitigate potential negative effects of these newly licensed businesses on their surrounding communities. However, the rhetoric from... more
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      Real EstateReal Estate EconomicsReal estate valuationMarijuana
In the current legal landscape, it is possible to craft policy that combats drug abuse and drug harms, protects human rights, and complies with international drug control law in good faith, by regulating the recreational uses of cannabis... more
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      International RelationsRegulatory ComplianceInternational LawCompliance