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Few direct clues exist to the everyday lives and beliefs of ordinary Jews in antiquity. Prevailing perspectives on ancient Jewish life have been shaped largely by the voices of intellectual and social elites, preserved in the writings of... more
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      Ancient HistoryArt HistoryArtLandscape Archaeology
Los conventos novohispanos poseían, desde el siglo XVI, espacios destinados como cárceles para encerrar a religiosos que violaran la Regla o las Constituciones. Estos lugares, conocidos como cárceles, son quizá de los más difíciles de... more
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      Graffiti in historyGraffitiAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Arqueología De La Arquitectura
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      Digital HumanitiesAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Medieval graffiti
This panel set out to explore the popular and scholarly literature on graffiti and street art, to assess what has been accomplished in these fields, and where scholarly research in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and allied... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
Един от значимите дялове на българската културна история през Средновековието е народната култура. Тя се изразява в разностранни елементи, като един от тях са графитите рисунки, начертавани от хората в миналото по стените на храмове, в... more
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      Medieval graffitiNatural SciencesMedieval church architecture
The results of a non-invasive raking light and measured photographic survey of graffiti inscriptions and related markings located in the designated area in advance of the commencement of enabling works associated with the relocation of... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of BuildingsGraffiti in history
This article explores runic literacy in medieval Norway by focusing on the medieval use of runes in churches. The church as an arena of communication generates interaction and overlap between the public and the private, the authorized and... more
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      Medieval StudiesRunologyRunic inscriptionsGraffiti in history
The results of a raking light scaled photographic graffiti survey of all accessible areas of Bodiam Castle, East Sussex, on behalf of the National Trust. The fieldwork was undertaken during the Winter of 2015/16
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ritual and Magic
The survey location sits within the historic city of Chichester; the Cathedral was constructed as a part of the urbanisation of Diocesan seats following the Norman conquests and later became the site of pilgrimage to St Richard, a former... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Archaeology
Whilst the study of church monuments is an extensive field, there is one area of study that has until recently seen relatively little scholarly attention, being the study of informal commemorative inscriptions recorded in graffiti. The... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyChurch HistoryGraffiti in historyMedieval Art
Es una reflexión teórica y metodológica sobre el estudio de los grafitos antiguos, particularmente los medievales. Los grafitos pueden ser algo más que una anécdota o una simple curiosidad si se trabajan con las herramientas adecuadas y... more
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      Medieval HistoryGraffiti in historyGraffitiMedieval Art
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      Medieval Church HistoryArchitectural HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Architecture
Consecration crosses, sometimes referred to as ‘dedicatory’ or ‘dedication’ crosses, were created at the time when a church was newly built, and being consecrated for Christian worship. The act of consecration was undertaken by a bishop,... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArtChurch Archaeology
Com este artigo pretendo dar a conhecer, de forma mais extensa, o vasto património disperso pelas paredes do Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória, Batalha, vulgarmente chamado de grafitos históricos. É examinada uma variedade de tipologias... more
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      Medieval HistoryArchitectural GeometryMedieval ArchitectureGraffiti in history
Creating a three-dimensional computer model of a subject using a process known as photogrammetry opens up many new possibilities when it comes to the study of churches and their contents. This article will look at using the technique to... more
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      PhotogrammetryPhotographyEcclesiologyChurch monuments
The paper deals with a rare example of а whole graffito scene in the middle bay of the south gallery in the church Hagia Sophia. In view of the posture, clothing and headgear of the figures, most likely the anonymous author has intended... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyMedieval ArtBalkan archaeology
From the deep past on a human tried to testify his life, having left his remnants upon the Earth, striving to present his report to his heavenly Lord and to preserve own heritage and memory. To realize the overmentioned, he used the icon... more
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    • Medieval graffiti
They say that every Englishman's home is his castle. However, for most of us our home tends to be on a much more modest scale - as it has been for the majority of the population throughout history. The study of historic buildings has told... more
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Buildings
""Following excavations conducted from 1999 to 2007 by the authors, the book tells the story of the creation of a 'new town' and its castle in the 15th century, which became the subject of a museum in 2004. The reader is guided through... more
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      Public ArchaeologyUrban HistoryUrban PlanningVillage Studies
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      HeraldryLatin EpigraphyGraffiti in historyGraffiti
Kniha vyšla v Kijevě roku 1985 / The book was published in Kiev 1985 / Книга была издана в Киеве в 1985 году.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeologyMedieval History
Aunque el fenómeno del "graffiti" se suele asociar con la sociedad urbana actual, ya desde los comienzos de la Historia el hombre ha escrito y dibujado sobre los muros que se encontraban a su alcance. La mayoría de estos testimonios,... more
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      Graffiti in historyUrban GraffitiGraffitiAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)
The Arabic graffiti of the early decades of Islam, in Arabia and in the Middle East, represent an inexhaustible source of information on the origins of Muslim society. Recent discoveries have revealed that among thousands of graffiti... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsQur'anic StudiesIslamic History
Flame-shaped marks on timbers in old houses are common: they look like accidents with candles, but there is another, stranger explanation.
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      Apotropaic DevicesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of BuildingsApotropaic Objects
Le Coran, nouvelles approches (éd. M. Azaiez et S. Mervin), CNRS éditions, Paris, 2013, p. 99-124 "Il y a quelques années, nous avons entrepris une recherche sur les graffiti arabes , une recherche longue et passionnante dont nous... more
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      Quranic StudiesEarly IslamArabic EpigraphyMedieval graffiti
[Прошу прощения за искажение шрифтов на сайте! Для их корректного воспроизведения скачайте, пожалуйста, pdf!] Первая публикация 33 надписей-граффити из раскопок церкви Благовещения на Городище 1103 г. Комплекс включает величественную... more
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      Old Rus'Medieval EpigraphyNovgorod the GreatMedieval graffiti
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      Alpine historyAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Medieval graffitiVarallo Sesia
This is the second edition of “The Unknown Temple of Hagia Sophia. Part I: Cyrillic and Glagolitic Graffiti Inscriptions”, First edition 2016. The main task of this second, enlarged and revised edition of my book is to present 94 Cyrillic... more
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      Russian StudiesMedieval StudiesBalkan StudiesBalkan History
While graffiti in sacred spaces are increasingly being studied, research into this group of sources in the context of castles has so far hardly gone beyond stand-alone studies. Graffiti have been found in crusader castles, castles in the... more
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      Graffiti in historyUrban GraffitiGraffitiAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)
This is the first scholarly edition of ship graffiti from Hagia Sophia/Ayasofya. The main task of this book is to present 51 ship graffiti, which have been scratched in the side aisles on the first floor and galleries of Hagia... more
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      Medieval StudiesBalkan StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyOttoman Studies
Nel contributo verranno presentati i risultati preliminari di una ricerca che ha come obiettivo principale la costruzione di un corpus di epigrafi in lingua volgare prodotte nei secoli IX-XV e conservate in Italia nel periodo cruciale del... more
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      PhilologyRomance philologyLinguisticsGraffiti
We report on the interpretation of a late medieval Eastern Mediterranean glazed ceramic vessel with sgraffito decoration depicting a sailing ship. The artefact represents a chance find that was recovered outside the excavation area of the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyOttoman PotteryByzantine ceramics
This paper deals with a rare example of a graffito of a victorious charioteer from the south side aisle of the church of Hagia Sophia.
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      Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyMedieval Art
Constructing the Seventh Century, Travaux et Mémoires XVII, 2013, éd. Constantin Zuckerman, 2013
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      Medieval HistoryIslamic HistoryUmayyads (Islamic History)Graffiti in history
Estudio/Catalogo de la exposición del mismo nombre en el que se hace un análisis de las piezas en las que la representación figurativa es el motivo decorativo principal . Se realiza un repaso de este motivo ornamental a lo largo del... more
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      Islamic ArtDecorative ArtsMedieval ArtAl Andalus (Islamic History)
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesEarly ChristianityGreek EpigraphyLate Antiquity
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      Medieval ShipsByzantine Art and ArchaeolgyLate Byzantine ArchitectureMedieval graffiti
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryGraffitiMedieval Art
The painted walls of the Bartoccini Tomb in Tarquinia are characterized by the presence of graffiti dating from the first half of the 13th century. Such evidence is related to a so far unknown Medieval frequentation of the Etruscan... more
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      Etruscan studiesTemplarsMedieval graffiti
La récente découverte de deux nouvelles inscriptions arabes peintes nous invite à rouvrir le dossier épigraphique du bain de Quṣayr ʿAmra en Jordanie. En mai 2012, les restaurations des peintures dans la travée ouest de la salle... more
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      History of CaliphatesUmayyads (Islamic History)Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology)Medieval graffiti
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      Medieval graffitiMedieval Cyprus
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      PilgrimageEarly Medieval HistoryLate AntiquityAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Archaeology
This paper deals with graffito from the first half of the fifteenth century. The presence of such graffito in the building of mythic renown is important because it is a first-hand evidence of the pilgrim's visit to Hagia Sophia, where... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyMedieval graffitiOld Russian Language
Very short notice about a possible reading of some recently discovered graffiti on a reused marble slab in the abbey of San Caprasio in Aulla. The scratched names could be pertaining to northern pilgrims at the end of the 10th cent.... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Medieval EpigraphyEpigraphy
The article focuses solely on different theories of who carved the 42 runic inscriptions on the Nidaros Cathedral. Groups like masons, pilgrims and the glergy have been suggested, and the article takes a closer look at the evidence for... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Medieval ArchaeologyRunologyMedieval graffiti
This paper will present graffiti found on 13th century glazed pottery of Italian origin. The pottery was found during the underwater excavation of a medieval shipwreck in the Bay of Sudak, near the resort town of Novy Svet on the Crimean... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyMedieval graffitiByzantine Glazed Wares
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      Byzantine HistoryByzantine ArchitectureByzantine IconographyByzantine Archaeology
The paper deals with two graffiti-drawings in the Church of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople. The first drawing is located at the east part of the south aisle of the church and at the south side of the soffit of the bema arch. It is a... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine Iconography
Sommario -Il saggio di Giuseppe Piras [ruolo]propone la decriptazione e l'analisi critica di un'inedita testimonianza epigrafica presente all'esterno della chiesa di S. Maria de Orria Pithinna, ubicata nel territorio di Chiaramonti e... more
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      HistoryIconographyMedieval HistoryGenealogy