Recent papers in Micromorphology
ABSTRACT. Viola L. subsection Boreali-Americanae (W. Becker) Gil-ad (Violaceae), confined to North America including northern México, has long been considered one of the most taxonomically difficult temperate groups of the Angiosperms. A... more
Aşıklı’daki mikromorfoloji çalışmaları 1990ların başında, Prof. Ufuk Esin başkanlığında sürdürülen ilk dönem kurtarma kazılarıyla, dünyada mikro- morfoloji analizlerinin kuramsal ve terminolojik altlığının oturduğu ve arkeolojideki... more
A procedure for petrographic and micromorphological thin sections preparation and examination in extra-laboratory and field conditions is presented. With use of basic, often improvised off the shelf equipment, standard petrographic thin... more
Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology goes beyond a mere review of current literature and features the most up to date contributions from numerous scientists working in the field. The book represents a groundbreaking and... more
Session Abstract: This one-day workshop will enable cross-fertilization between cutting-edge approaches to reconstructing the critical issue of water management across the broad chronological and geographical sweep of the Ancient Near... more
Black mats are organic-rich sediments and soils that form in wet environments associated with spring discharge. Micromorphological and geochemical analyses of 25 black mats dating to the Younger Dryas Chronozone (12.9–11.7 ka) and early... more
Context: Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. (Lamiaceae) is an annual or perennial herb or subshrub widely distributed from the Mediterranean to central Asia and Afghanistan. In Xinjiang, China, the whole herb has been used in traditional... more
The geoarchaeological study of sites under investigation • Taking an active part in the project (attending regular meetings) and work closely with all members of the team
Cassia occidentalis is used in Ghana mainly for the management of hypertension. The aim of the present studies was to establish standardization parameters for the authentication and quality control of the leaf and seeds of Cassia... more
The burial mound of Mereto di Tomba (Udine): the archaeological investigations and micro-morphological analysis of the context at the bottom of the stratigraphic sequence – This short contribution intends to offer the results of the... more
El renovado interés por el patrimonio construido con tierra ha arrojado nuevos retos a la investigación arqueológica, entre ellos la correcta identificación de las técnicas de construcción, en ausencia de información histórica o... more
Most of the long-term archaeological sequences from north-west Australia are located in cave and rockshelter settings, where deposits are often discontinuous. Yet, there have been few geoarchaeological investigations in such settings in... more
Evaluative geoarchaeological investigations using thin section micromorphology, physical, geochemical and infrared spectroscopy analyses of the Neolithic structures in Trenches XIX, XXII and XXIII at Drenovac have revealed that the site... more
The study summarises the basic findings regarding non-masonry buildings in medieval Brno and the prospects for further knowledge. A modern methodological approach in the form of micromorphology in an archaeological context, particularly... more
L'étude géoarchéologique du paysage fluvial de la moyenne vallée du Zeravchan met en évidence le rôle de l'eau en tant qu'agent morphogène et les facteurs de contrôle de la dynamique fluviale à différentes échelles de temps. Ce paysage... more
En la investigación sobre las edificaciones de la Prehistoria Reciente del Levante peninsular, el estudio macroscópico de fragmentos constructivos de barro endurecido aporta datos fundamentales. No obstante, este análisis macrovisual... more
Lakeside settlements can be regarded as a special type of archaeological site, as, thanks to their location near the shoreline, or even in the lake, various kinds of organic remains have been preserved under waterlogged conditions. This... more
"The Kůlna Cave provides relatively unique sedimentary record containing not only artefacts of Upper and Middle Palaeolithic, but also information on changing climatic conditions within isotope stages MIS6 – MIS2. There are studied two... more
En este artículo se presentan las principales aportaciones de la micromorfología al estudio del hipogeo del Carrer París en Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, datado entre 2878-2206 cal bc. El hipogeo del Carrer París comienza a utilizarse... more
Previous studies on the Gravettian in Central Europe did not pay much attention to the issue of the marginal areas' occupation, because the main research interest was placed on analysis of remains from the area of classic refugia, the... more
There has been evidence of dung in lakeside and moorland settlements since the beginning of wetland archaeology in the 19th century. While evidence has been found for the easily discernible faecal pellets of sheep and goats, recognition... more
Fieldwork carried out in the context of the Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project (PULP) since 2006 led to the discovery of previously unrecorded urban monuments. A purpose-built complex designed to serve storage needs and industrial... more
Previous studies on the Gravettian in Central Europe did not pay much attention to the issue of the marginal areas' occupation, because the main research interest was placed on analysis of remains from the area of classic refugia, the... more
Leaf indumentum and nutlet surface micromorphology of 13 taxa belonging to the Teucrium sect. Teucrium was studied with a scanning electron microscope. We observed 5 trichome types on the nutlets and 8 trichome types on the leaves.... more