Mural paintings
Recent papers in Mural paintings
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Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
L'articolo è il primo di tre approfondimenti storico artistici sull'operato del pittore milanese neoclassico Luigi Ademollo (1764 - 1849) nella Reggia di Pitti. Attraverso la prima commissione lorenese per dipingere la Cappella Palatina... more
Se presenta una propuesta de recreación de las pinturas perdidas por el colapso parcial de la bóveda de la biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca en el siglo XVIII. Se ha realizado un análisis exhaustivo de las posiciones de los... more
The present paper focuses on the concepts of urban and linguistic space. It considers the city as a diamesic melting pot. Graffitism is seen as a communication channel that needs to be examined in order to better understand the urban... more
During the last two centuries before the Renaissance of the arts in Italy in the 15th century, different waves of classical trends marked the artistic creation of both Byzantine and western worlds. Between 1220 and 1260 in particular, a... more
The study focuses on the republican murals painted on the walls of two cities, Belfast and Derry, in May 2009. The idea for the study was born during a trip to Northern Ireland during which I had the opportunity to observe the murals and... more
Esta pesquisa teve como foco principal resgatar o papel da pintura mural na arquitetura e sua influência na percepção dos espaços como elemento significativo na sua concepção, destacando a técnica do afresco nas pinturas realizadas por... more
Byzantine Art is made up of combining the perceived physical world with the spiritual world, and these two exist in splendid coexistence. In Byzantine Art there is such a strong connection between architecture and mural paintings that... more
The old Orthodox church of Strei, in the county of Hunedoara (Romania), dates back to the 14 th century. The precise dates of its construction and of its paintings are still unclear, but the murals certainly date from the second half of... more
Книгата се издава в рамките на научноизследователския проект между БАН и МАНУ "Споделено художествено наследство XVIII-XIX век" Институт за изследване на изкуствата-БАН © Иванка Гергова, Иван Ванев, Майя Захариева, Дарина Бойкина, автори... more
Pundareekapuram temple located near Thalayolaparmbu,in Kottayam district, Kerala is rich in Murals. The dates of these paintings were however not certain. In this article an attempt has been done to deduce the dates on the basis of the... more
In the murals painted before 1404/5 in the sanctuary of the church in Mălâncrav, there is a group scene composed of five saints: the three holy kings of Hungary (i.e., Stephen, Emeric, and Ladislas), St. Sigismund of Burgundy, and a holy... more
Presentamos los primeros resultados del estudio de materiales realizado sobre las pinturas murales romanas de la Neápolis Gaditana, en concreto sobre muestras de la excavación del solar de la c/ Santa Maria 17-19, de la ciudad de Cádiz.... more
In the small mountain hamlet of Ala di Stura (Piedmont, Lanzo Valleys), a large but relatively unknown artistic heritage is present, made of 110 mural paintings divided among meridians and paintings with religious themes. These artworks... more
Schloss Maretsch mit seinen Wandmalereien befindet sich in Bozen in der ehemaligen Grafschaft Tirol, in der Schwemmlandebene der Talfer, nordwestlich vom Bozener Zentrum. Die mittelalterliche Niederungsburg der Herren von Maretsch aus dem... more
This study represents an approach to the murals of the church of Sant Miquel de Montmagastre (Artesa de Segre, Lleida), that were transferred to a new support in 1958 and now preserved in the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (inv. 66133,... more
Baixa pombalina and its buildings have unique characteristics that distinguish them within Lisbon's urbanism. Being a highly sensitive part of the city, from a seismic point of view, Baixa has not been left untouched by pressures of... more
As a teaching artist for more than 25 years and a muralist for 18 years of them, I consider myself to be a good source of "archived" experiences that I can share with others, who might find them beneficial. Like all of life's experiences,... more
During a restoration and diagnostic campaigns carried out on Paestum funerary slabs belonging to the Lucanian funerary art, calcium antimonate (CaSb2O6) was detected for the first time in the pictorial layers. This artificial pigment,... more
L'ensemble complet des peintures murales du monastère de Qoma Fasilädäs, Bégämder, est comparable par son style aux ensembles de Däbrä Sina Gorgora et de Abba Antonios. Une première présentation systématique des quatre murs du maqdas... more
In the murals painted before 1404/5 in the sanctuary of the church in Mălâncrav, there is a group scene composed of five saints: the three holy kings of Hungary (i.e., Stephen, Emeric, and Ladislas), St. Sigismund of Burgundy, and a holy... more
This paper tries to announce a few wall paintings preserved in a fortified farmhouse of the Maestrazgo (Mastership), in Teruel. In addition to its chronology (inside the validity of the Gothic), they have the interest to be inside a... more
Iconographical study of the frescoes of the cupola of the Basílica de la Virgen de los Desamparados of Valencia, a work by Antonio Palomino, painted between 1701 and 1704. It is an approach to the analysis of the scope of the Celestial... more
This is a study of the detached fresco with Three Saints and a Donor, attributed by Enzo Carli to Ambrogio Lorenzetti and a collaborator, and of other paintings, datable to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, now displayed in the... more
For several years, the teaching of the Fine Arts is integrated into the Spanish university system. The integration of fine arts studies in higher education has been an argument amply studied. However, the renowned arts minor or decorative... more
VERY HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOGRAPHY OF APPLIED TO PAINT WALL This work is presented as a lecture in 2012 at the First Symposium Mural Painting'. High-resolution photography techniques (also known as gigapixel photography), applied to mural... more
The research comes to a focus on three case studies: Santa Eulália Church of the Monastery of Arnoso (Vila Nova de Famalicão); São Tiago of Valadares Church (Baião); and Santa Cristina of Serzedelo Church (Guimarães). The three Romanic... more
Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy and imaging is a non-destructive, non-contact, non-invasive technology emerging as a tool for the analysis of cultural heritage 1 . THz Time Domain Spectroscopy (TDS) techniques have the ability to retrieve... more
This study focuses on the analysis of aniconic decoration of Byzantine wall paintings in Cappadocia that was formed as the result of a “dialogue” between different cultures. Our research is especially about exploring the reflection of... more
A B S T R A C T Teotihuacan, the most important city of the Americas during the Classic period, developed a deep and complex civilization without any written histories. This millennial culture mostly used pictorial forms of visual... more
l rinnovato interesse intorno al vasto ciclo pittorico che decora le pareti della cappella fondata da Guglielmo Gallieri nel vano della torre campanaria della Collegiata di Santa Maria della Scala in Chieri può sicuramente essere... more