Recent papers in Netlinguistics
A nyelvi nacionalizmus és fetisizmus ideológiájának korpusznyelvészeti vizsgálata magyar és angol nyelvű blogbejegyzésekben
Although a whole handbook has been published on the pragmatics of digital communication in English, only some separate studies have been published on the pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in Hungarian language. In the... more
In my paper based on the second chapter of my doctoral dissertation (Istók 2018a: 27–64), I examine the general characteristics of communication on Facebook regarding its form and meaning applying the active method of scientific research... more
Esettanulmány a Trollfoci vs. Notts County példáján 2015 januárjában az összes magyarországi felhasználót letiltotta az egyik nagy-britanniai futballklub a Facebook-oldaláról. Esettanulmányomban annak járok utána, mi vezetett ehhez a... more
Netlinguistic kaleidoscope. This paper is a brief overview of the subject matter, methods and discussions within the research field of digital communication through the scope of linguistics by using a framework of terminology and the... more
Ways of non-verbal communication on the internet: emoticons vs. reaction gifs The texts of digital communication lie on the frontiers of traditional orality and literacy (cf. Koch and Oesterreicher’s notions of conceptual and medial... more
" I like reading them [the blogs] because I always find personal writings there. I'm tired of too professional, standard news, articles… blogs are in a way different, and each is unique. They will never die out, at least I hope so. "... more