Non-profit Management
Recent papers in Non-profit Management
Organizational culture: is the individual's actions of the organization and the meanings of its operations. Culture encompasses the principles, visions, symbols, views, and also thoughts and feelings. As a means of identifying, it is also... more
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
Nonprofit organizations are facing a challenge sim- ilar to that of many other organizations: the old structures don’t apply anymore, and the new ones are yet to be found. This challenge is created by the rise of the Internet, the... more
Ce rapport de recherche présente les résultats d’une recherche partenariale menée par le GIREPS et quatre organismes partenaires: le Réseau Québécois de l’action communautaire autonome (RQ-ACA); la Fédération des associations de familles... more
A Strategy and Execution plan for a Breast Cancer awareness activity, this document includes approaches to integrating communication channels and sponsorship considerations. This is just a sample. The complete work includes budget... more
In this assignment, you will demonstrate how to best understand and evaluate the critical features of your external environment.
Companies are increasingly relying on alternative promotional activities, such as word-of-mouth communication (WOM), to reach their target markets. From a consumer protection perspective this may be troubling, as consumers may not always... more
This paper is based upon TreeHouse, the nonprofit organization that I have chosen to conduct a review for strategic planning The paper will illustrate the organization's history; examine their mission and value statements, services that... more
How are nonprofits using information technology (IT) to enhance mission-related outcomes and boost organizational performance? In this paper we examine large-scale survey data of nonprofits’ technology planning, acquisition, and... more
Aviation Services Group (ASG) is a faith-based nonprofit aviation organization. Access to the most remote places on earth is hindered by geography, social, political, or religious obstacles. ASG uses aviation to overcome those obstacles.... more
This church explores a new model for vitality and local impact for local congregations- The Ministry Hub. In this approach, valuable resources such as buildings and other assets held by individual congregations are for more than... more
This article seeks to demonstrate the scope of the tax immunity of junior enterprises associations as educational entities that are part of the non-profit sector. Tax immunity is a fundamental right recognized by the Brazilian... more
Review of Samuel Abrams' book, Education and the Commercial Mindset (Harvard University Press, 2016), for Teachers College Record.
Existing research stops short of explaining why nonprofit organizations develop certain forms of collaborations instead of others. In this article, the authors combine resource dependency, institutional, and network theories to examine... more
È stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 186 del 9 agosto 2019, il Decreto del Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali del 4 luglio 2019, recante le indicazioni per l'adozione delle Linee Guida per la redazione del bilancio... more
What affects donations? Is it all in the ask, or does brand image matter? In the nonprofit brands literature perceived influence of the organization are important factors that increase constituents' willingness to support an organization.... more
Few elements of the twentieth century built environment have historically stirred as much optimism, ire, or nostalgia as neon signs. Despite a growing appreciation for its value by both municipalities and the general public, however, the... more
Most funding provided by international, governmental and non-governmental agencies to the non-profit sector is conditional, which implies that the recipient organization should commit to specific objectives and measures as defined with... more
A review of recent research was conducted to assemble evidence on the impact that Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) may have on improving student learning outcomes. IRI is an instructional tool designed to deliver a family of active... more
This paper examined the question, “Can volunteers be effectively managed to achieve the goals of the organization?”. The research uncovered many organizations who had achieved great success with their volunteer programs. However, this... more
ABSTRACT The federal government provides for an array of benefits and services for the multitude of refugees who arrive in the United States each year. Generally, the government contracts implementation of these services to local... more
This report was produced as part of the dissemination of my PhD research. It may be circulated freely, with due acknowledgement of authorship.
Au printemps 2020, en contrepoint de ce qui a été appelé le « Grand confinement », des milliers de travailleur·euses·s ont continué à travailler quotidiennement à l’extérieur de leur domicile, s’exposant au risque de contracter la... more
The intent of this paper, entitled, “What Makes a High Impact Nonprofit Organization?”, is to explore the key elements, strategies techniques, proven methods and theories to establish a high impact nonprofit. With the present paper I have... more
Book Titles 2017 Available from The Green Economics Institute Social and environmental justice from diverse voices all around the world Economics Books 1. Handbook of Green Economics: A Practitioner's Guide (2012) Edited By Miriam... more
The main aim of this chapter is to reconsider the impact of the overwhelming construction of “municipal cultural facilities”to the ecosystem of Japan’s arts and culture after the 1980s. The policy heavily inclined towards construction... more
A paper on applied financial ethics in the area of non-profit work, particularly in religious non-profit work in The Salvation Army
L'intervento che proponiamo non ha il carattere della presentazione di risultati, ma delinea un percorso teorico di ricerca volto ad un preliminare inquadramento del tema della presente relazione:
This research investigates how non-profit organizations achieve financially sustainability. Financial sustainability is defined here as the mix of revenue and expense management strategies that enable an organization to pursue its mission... more
Боловсрол мэдлэг эзэмших, эрүүл мэндийн тусламж үйлчилгээ авах, гамшиг ослоос урьдчилан сэргийлэх боломжоор хангагдах зэрэг иргэдийн үндсэн эрхээ эдлэхэд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай суурь үйлчилгээг тэгш хүргэх нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлэх нь аль ч... more
Appeal or fundraising letters are often used to persuade people to contribute to worthy causes or to underwrite philanthropic programs (Connor, 2000). These letters are designed to solicit donations and so share common context, structure... more
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Dhaka, Bangladesh
My dissertation examines the non-profit sector in Victoria, BC. The literature review was used to test selected theories of business strategy, human resource behaviours and social entrepreneurship theory in a thorough and critical manner.... more
International development NGOs are increasingly concerned with learning from their experiences. At the same time, the development field has seen growing interest in exploring and analyzing its own failures. This paper brings these two... more
The Boys & Girls Clubs of South Park (BGCSP) is a youth service 501(c)3 serving Park County, Colorado. With over 60% of Park County’s workforce commuting to another county for employment the need for affordable out-of-school youth care is... more
O presente projeto de pesquisa buscou identificar os principais desafios enfrentados por rol selecionado de organizações populares com finalidade lucrativa localizadas na América do Sul durante nove meses ao longo de 2011. Para tanto se... more
This is a senior portfolio project requirement for completion of degree requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in History at UAFS. The research contained here is the product of two full semesters and one summer break. Nimbyism is a... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more