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      Comparative PoliticsComparative Public Administration
Editör: Koray Karasu - Karşılaştırmalı Araştırma (Prof. Dr. Nuray Keskin) - Karşılaştırmalı Kamu Yönetimi Nedir ? (Prof. Dr. Nuray Keskin) - Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde Kamu Yönetimi (Doç. Dr. Ahmet Barbak) - İngiltere’de Kamu... more
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      Comparative PoliticsComparative Public AdministrationKamu YönetimiYönetim Bilimleri
Tüm hakları saklıdır. Yayıncı izni olmadan, kısmen de olsa fotokopi, film vb. elektronik ve mekanik
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      Comparative PoliticsComparative Public AdministrationKamu YönetimiSiyaset Bilimi
Significant variation in the institutions and efficiency of public bureaucracies across countries and regions are observed. These differences could be partially responsible for divergence in the effectiveness of policy implementation,... more
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsPublic AdministrationGerman History
In this book, the author analyzes e-government reforms in Kazakhstan from a multitude of dimensions, including, but not limited to, political, social, economic and technological ones. It examines the adoption of a wide range of... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementE Government AdoptionE Government
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      Public AdministrationComparative Public AdministrationCivil Service ReformsCivil Service
Sustavna i učinkovita zaštita prava pojedinaca u upravnim stvarima na lokalnoj, regionalnoj, nacionalnoj i nadnacionalnoj, napose europskoj razini je važan dio procesa modernizacije javne uprave. U radu se identificiraju klasični i novi... more
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      Public AdministrationComparative Public LawComparative Public AdministrationAdministrative Law and Bureaucratic Legalism
This study aims to achieve a short analysis of cross-border cooperation agreements between territorial-administrative units in the border areas of Romania and similar structures in neighboring states. The article investigates the form... more
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      Comparative LawPublic AdministrationPublic International LawComparative Public Administration
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesPublic AdministrationSoutheast Asian Studies
This article aims at offering a framework for analysing party patronage and state politicisation based on game-theoretic reasoning. It is argued that in order to reveal the main causal mechanisms behind these phenomena, one can focus on... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPublic AdministrationPolitical ScienceComparative Public Administration
En questionnant la capacité des acteurs publics à gouverner les squats et les bidonvilles qui persistent dans les régions de Paris et de Madrid, l'ouvrage explique les mécanismes du gouvernement différentiel des illégalismes de logement... more
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      Social MovementsComparative PoliticsSocial WorkGovernance
Charla dictada en el marco del XXXI Congreso FENEAP realizado en la Universidad de Concepción los días 4,5 y 6 de octubre, 2017.
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementEcosystem Services
Các đô thị ở Việt Nam đứng trước cơ hội thay đổi lớn về mặt thể chế với sự ra đời của một chính quyền phù hợp hơn với cuộc sống đô thì. Luận cứ để xây dựng chính quyền đô thị phù hợp có nhiều, xong những đặc trưng của một chính quyền đô... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative Public AdministrationUrban GovernanceMunicipality
Franks, P.E. (2005) A Warning on the Decay of Social Fabric in South Africa, Final Panel Discussion, Third South African Public Management Conversation, African peer review mechanism, Fancourt Hotel, George, Western Cape South Africa, 7-9... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementSouth African Politics and SocietySouthern Africa
This paper examines the features of administrative cultures in developed and developing countries with an emphasis on the similarities and differences.
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      Public AdministrationComparative Public AdministrationPublic Policy and Public Administration in Developing Countries
This paper sheds light on the role of tertiary or higher education in economic development across two successful (OECD) case studies; Finland and South Korea. A number of key aspects are discussed, from the nature of the social contract... more
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      Development EconomicsPublic ManagementKnowledge ManagementInternational Development
Wang Anshi (1021–1086) is well known as one of the greatest statesmen of classical China, but it is rarely recognized that his 1058 ‘Wan Yan Shu’ is one of the first texts of public management in the modern sense. This is because Wang... more
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      Public ManagementHistory of Public AdministrationChinaSong Dynasty
In business management, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is aimed at shifting from traditional or fragmented marketing activities to launching consumer-oriented campaigns. This IMC concept is important because in the event... more
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      AdvertisingStrategic ManagementComparative Public AdministrationMercedes Benz
Problematyka rozwoju lokalnego była wielokrotnie podejmowana w literaturze przedmiotu. Liczne prace poświęcone mu koncentrują się na jego celach, czynnikach, stymulowaniu go i na jego pomiarze. Mimo to, jak dotąd niewiele uwagi poświęcono... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementForeign Policy Analysis
Adminisztratív komparatisztika: tegnap, ma, holnap.
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      History of ScienceComparative Public AdministrationComparative administrative lawLegal Scholarship
Sweden is a social-democratic country with an extensive government bureaucracy, and is often viewed as the prime example of a Welfare State. Because its civil service is strong and well-developed, a study of its civil service will be... more
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      Public AdministrationWelfare StateComparative Public AdministrationNew Public Management and Governance
This paper aims to examine the evolution and changes in the public administration systems of Turkey and Yemen from a historical perspective. It adopts the concept of administrative history to investigate how the two countries, which share... more
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      Public AdministrationTurkeyComparative Public AdministrationYemen
Este libro resulta de un esfuerzo coral de un grupo de académicos, acompañados de varios directivos del sector público, orientado a conocer más sobre lo que hemos denominado aquí nuevas tendencias en la gestión pública. En particular,... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementSocial MediaComparative Public Administration
There is no doubt that absence of functional structures that can be harbinger of governance and democracy from below have undermined community participation and quality representation at the Ward Committees, local communities, Community... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical PhilosophyDevelopment StudiesLocal Government and Local Development
This essay argues that, although for an important part of the “second world”, Islam is a key paradigm both historically and currently, Islamic Public Administration studies have been neglected in the region. This is highly problematic if... more
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      Central Asian StudiesOttoman StudiesIslamic StudiesOttoman Empire
Dans une logique de mondialisation favorisée par le développement de nouveaux outils informatiques, les échanges économiques, et les alliances stratégiques, le rôle de l’État et son organisation ont amplement évolué. L’Etat a été ainsi... more
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementHuman Resource Management
SOMMAIRE PARTIE 1 – LA FIN D’UNE JUSTIFICATION PRATIQUE DE LA VOIE DE FAIT ........................... 31 Titre 1 – L’inefficacité de la juridiction administrative à l’origine de la voie de fait ..................................... 33... more
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      Comparative Public AdministrationComparative administrative lawAdministrative LawDroit administratif
En los últimos años hemos visto la expansión de políticas de transparencia y datos abiertos en diversos gobiernos de la región, bajo la corriente de Gobierno Abierto. Gobiernos de todo el mundo han elevado sus niveles de transparencia, en... more
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      Information TechnologyPublic AdministrationTechnologyPublic Management
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      Comparative PoliticsPublic AdministrationCommunity DevelopmentSustainable Development
Ecology simply implies the study of economy of nature. It is also described as the study of organisms and the environment: the study of the relationships between living organisms and their interactions with their natural or developed... more
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      Public AdministrationComparative Public AdministrationPublic Policy DevelopmentPublic Policy Analysis
The Study of Administration: A Journey Towards A New Era of
Administrative History
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    • Comparative Public Administration
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
Historically, the Philippine oil industry has been deregulated, regulated, and then deregulated again. This study is aimed to introduce the state of the oil industry with the current legislation and government policies in effect. Also, it... more
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      HistoryEnergy EconomicsPublic AdministrationRegulatory Governance
This is a tyepscript of our 2015 translation of Max Weber's classic essay "Bureaucracy."  The essay is published in our book Weber's Rationalism and Modern Society: New translations on Politics, Bureaucracy, and Social Stratification.
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      Business AdministrationSociologySocial TheoryComparative Politics
Capítulo del libro "Gobierno abierto y transparencia focalizada: Tendencias y desafíos para América Latina y el Caribe", publicado por el BID el año 2012.
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementPolitical ParticipationCommunity Engagement & Participation
Public-management reforms in CEE countries have achieved a mix of successes and failures. However, the reform process proved to be more difficult and slower than expected at the outset of political and economic transition as well as EU... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPublic AdministrationGovernanceComparative Public Administration
akademik yılı güz döneminde Prof. Dr. Birgül A. Güler tarafından verilen Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sorunları dersi için ödev olarak hazırlanmıştır. Bu ders kapsamında hazırlanan ödevler, Kamu Yönetimi Çalışmaları 2002-2003, Disiplin... more
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    • Comparative Public Administration
Local government is crucial to develop democratic structure in federal systems by addressing the grass root society. Accordingly, the importance of local government is increasing in service provision, poverty alleviation and facilitating... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentLocal Government and Local DevelopmentComparative Public AdministrationHuman Resources Development
The paper attempts to analyze the consequences of political pressure placed on the Public Service Commission (PSC) of Bangladesh. Through extensive literature review and empirical research, the authors conclude that the independence,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPublic AdministrationPolitical ScienceComparative Public Administration
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical SciencePoliticsComparative Public Administration
In The International Handbook of Public Administration and Governance, Andrew Massey and Karen Johnston Miller, eds., Cheltenham – Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar, 2015, pp. 104-131.
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      BuddhismPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementIslamic Studies
The paper argues that the excessive and extra-legal practice of politicization in public service recruitment system in Bangladesh creates a vicious cycle of incompetence: because of politicization, fewer competent candidates enter the... more
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      LawComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPublic Administration
Jarvis, Darryl S.L. and Caner Bakir (2018), ‘Institutional and Policy Change: Meta-theory and Method,’ in Jarvis, Darryl S.L. and Caner Bakir (eds.), Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change: Theoretical and Empirical... more
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      Institutional TheoryInstitutional ChangeComparative Public AdministrationComparative Public Policy
When individuals exchange gifts, social bonds are strengthened and reciprocity is created. If the gift and the reciprocation both come from private resources, it is clearly a gift. If what is reciprocated after a gift is given comes from... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorManagement
Stakeholders’ concern about how energy activities pollute the environment has increased. Despite how popular the concept of environmental sustainability has become in developing countries, environmental pollution control measures have... more
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      Comparative LawComparative PoliticsEnvironmental LawHuman Rights Law
Between 1989 and 1991, a giant region of the world underwent revolutionary change. To this day, it is widely referred to as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). This book represents an overview and a reflection of changes in countries that... more
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      Public AdministrationEuropean integrationEuropean UnionHistory of Public Administration
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      Public AdministrationComparative Public AdministrationComparative Public Administration/Management
Collected Essays by Sulev Mäeltsemees, edited by Wolfgang Drechsler and Rauno Mäekivi, on Local Governance and Municipal Autonomy in Estonia, and in Central and Eastern Europe generally.
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsComparative PoliticsPublic Administration
The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementRisk Management and Insurance
Todos os direitos reservados. Parte desta obra pode ser reproduzida ou transmitida por qualquer forma e/ou quaisquer meios (eletrônico, mecânico, incluindo fotocópia ou gravação) ou arquivada em qualquer sistema ou banco de dados se... more
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      Environmental SciencePublic AdministrationEnvironmental EducationPublic Management