Non-profit Management
Recent papers in Non-profit Management
Country-branded universities, which include a country in their name, are a type of higher education institution found in many countries globally. We consider these universities as transnational higher education institutions, for they... more
The value of volunteers to society is unquestionable. Understanding volunteer's motivations has been regularly recognised by researchers and administrators as a valuable component of volunteer's management. However, why people volunteer... more
Denna studie undersöker idrottsrepresentanters syn på ansvarsfördelningen för kostnaderna inom barn- och ungdomsidrotten mellan 2009 och 2023. Målsättningen är att främja en diskussion om vad idrottsrörelsen kan göra för att förändra... more
Медиа и коммуникации во время пандемии COVID-19. Приглашенный редактор С. Г. Давыдов ЦИФРОВЫЕ КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ РОССИ-ЯН И РАБОТА НА САМОИЗОЛЯЦИИ ВО ВРЕМЯ ПАНДЕМИИ COVID-19 ДАВЫДОВ Сергей Геннадьевич-кандидат философских наук, доцент... more
The aim of this thesis is to examine critically the post-internet art movement, tracing the intertwining of digital technology with traditional and emerging artistic phenomena. The analysis draws insights from a succinct historiographical... more
Foundation for Ageing and Inclusive Development (FAID) has been established to carry forward the work of HelpAge International (HAI) in Pakistan. Recently incorporated a non-profit with SECP, FAID undertook an extensive exercise to make... more
A lo largo de la historia de la filosofía, ninguna otra figura ha sido tan comentada, interpretada y discutida como Sócrates. Para algunos —como Nietzsche— Sócrates fue un individuo decadente, que siendo incapaz de comprender la cultura... more
The aim of this article is to present the philosophy of kaizen, which may support the strategy for implementation of innovative changes, and thereby increase the innovativeness of Polish enterprises. The paper developed a theoretical and... more
The aim of this article is to present the philosophy of kaizen, which may support the strategy for implementation of innovative changes, and thereby increase the innovativeness of Polish enterprises. The paper developed a theoretical and... more
Introduction Nonprofit organizations are challenged to balance between keeping their current donors and getting new supporters. While each approach is essential for growth, research shows that donor retention strategies are significantly... more
Distribution électronique pour Lavoisier. © Lavoisier. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
Comment le partage entre salaries et entrepreneurs a-t-il evolue au cours du temps en France? Un bilan historique, a la fois quantitatif et qualitatif, est necessaire pour comprendre le jeu des forces en presence dans la recherche d’un... more
Surgery is considered as one of the most demanding and challenging domains of medical activities. This is because of the continuous development of procedures and implementation of modern and innovative methods of surgical treatment.... more
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have a comprehensive and complex mandate.2 Especially in developing countries many CSOs are part of the aid delivery system. Particularly capable service delivery CSOs play an increasing and accepted... more
Recent cooperative housing projects in Zurich have become icons of architectural design internationally. But what makes innovation in nonprofit housing possible within a largely for-profit real estate market? What has enabled Zurich’s... more
Este artículo aborda la relación entre los bienes humanos y divinos tal como se describe en el Libro I de Leyes de Platón, y cómo esta estructura jerárquica se refleja en la masonería. Se exploran los bienes divinos —prudencia, valentía,... more
Jamiyan Dolgorsuren (City University, Mongolia) Abstract: This paper examines the history of establishing and developing “Cultural Studies” as a distinct field of science and higher education in Mongolia. It identifies three key phases... more
Higher education institution which organizes academic education and vocational education in a number of clumps of specific science and / or technology and if eligible, institute is able to organize professional education.
Distribution électronique pour Lavoisier. Distribution électronique pour Lavoisier. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
Özet Günümüzde küreselleşme ve teknolojik gelişmelerle ortaya çıkan artan rekabet ortamında varlıklarını sürdürmek isteyen işletmelerin etkin bir stratejik yönetim uygulaması kaçınılmazdır. Đşletmelerin hedeflerine ulaşıp, varlıklarını... more
O desenvolvimento do presente trabalho de pesquisa apresenta o objetivo principal de analisar as imunidades tributárias das instituições do terceiro setor. Fazendo um estudo sobre todo processo, percebe-se que esse setor é composto por... more
This paper is part of a series of Working Papers produced under the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project. Launched in July 2013, the ICSEM Project ( is the result of a... more
Grupo de Pesquisa: Economia e Gestão do Agronegócio. Resumo: Quanto mais complexo for o ambiente que envolve o processo decisório, mais difícil este último se torna, uma vez que aumenta o número de variáveis a serem analisadas, bem como... more
Volunteering and media belong to worlds apart: specialized literature often complaint about news media carelessness and misunderstanding about voluntary activities; the complex and heterogeneous world of the third sector hardly has space... more
- by Nereo Zamaro
Few studies have investigated not-for-profit organizations (NPOs), especially its management control, the key challenge in this area. This study chooses to examine the dual responsibilities of NPO managers, namely efficiency and... more
El futuro de las empresas, y las cooperativas en particular, por su contribución al progreso económico y social de las comunidades en las que desarrollan su actividad enfrentadas a una gran competencia y a un entorno muy cambiante, va a... more
A survey of charity donors sought to establish the main causes and effects of charity donors' feelings of engagement with the charities they had supported during the previous 12 months. Engagement was characterised in terms of a donor's... more
En el contexto jurídico colombiano, entender el patrimonio como un aspecto crucial de la personalidad jurídica es esencial. Esto no solo establece las bases para la creación y operación de entidades legales, sino que también garantiza la... more
The educational sector in Chile is now in the midst of great changes. Some of those changes result in improvements in the quality of education and strategic management as well as free education to which people are given equal access. In... more
A latin-amerikai és a karibi államokban a szegénytelepek, szegregátumok a nagyvárosok szerves részét képezik. Fernanda Magalhães Slum Upgrading and Housing in Latin America [Nyomornegyedek fejlesztése és lakhatás Latin-Amerikában] című... more
rivista trimestrale • anno IV • numero 2/3/4 • aprile-dicembre 2015
rivista trimestrale • anno IV • numero 2/3/4 • aprile-dicembre 2015
Purpose-Tanzania is rich in small hydropower (SHP) potentials. However, many of these potentials have yet to be fully used, and more than two-thirds of its rural population lacks access to electricity. The purpose of this paper is to... more
The Institute for Global Energy Education is undergoing a critical evaluation of its operations and strategies to enhance viability, impact, and sustainability. This project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the... more
The text discusses a short existence of so-called laterna magika and the use of staging principles of laterna magika and polyecran in a club of Kralovopolska engineering works in Brno in the years 1958 to 1960. Shows and productions... more
Stewardship is an ethic which covers resources planning and management in a responsible manner (Cole & Yung, 2010). Stewardship concept applies to nature, the environment, property, and economics among others. According to the Jewish and... more
TO FORMAL Y MATERIAL: 1. Las fundaciones como entidades y servicios benéficos protegidos por el artículo 34 de la Constitución. 2. De la fundación como sinónimo de beneficencia a la reducción civilista. 3. La fundación en la Constitución... more
Social and emotional learning (SEL) has proven to be an effective conduit to improved attendance scores, grades, and graduation rates; to adaptive behaviors and gainful employment in adulthood; and to a wide variety of other measurable... more
Although SEL has been integrated into many schoolbased programs to support student success, afterschool or out-of-school time (OST) programs are uniquely suited to SEL development. OST programs provide the opportunity for niche,... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo mostrar a importância e a operacionalidade da accountability para as Organizações Sociais (OS's), tendo em vista que esse processo parece ser mais complexo em OS's do que em empresas com fins lucrativos, pois... more
Since there is no clarity on how the elements that make up knowledge management are related in the context of the solidarity economy in Latin America, the objective of the article is to analyze the interaction between the dimensions of... more
Esta pesquisa analisa aspectos e praticas contabeis que sao condicoes de governanca necessarias as organizacoes religiosas. Tais organizacoes estao inseridas no terceiro setor e gozam de imunidade constitucional e, para que seja mantida... more
Revision del decreto de emergencia economica No. 3743 de 23 de diciembre de 1982, por el cual se modifican las tarifas del impuesto sobre la renta y complementarios.
RESUMO Na Contabilidade, as contas de ativo têm assumido diversas compreensões em razão dos aspectos teóricos e normativos. O estudo objetivou investigar a concepção dos discentes do curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis da UFERSA... more