Participatory Methods
Recent papers in Participatory Methods
The paper uses participatory research to explore the extent of financial inclusion in two villages in Northeastern Bangladesh. It also uses Findex database to draw a comparative image of financial access in Bangladesh and other parts of... more
This book tells the story of Development Studies in practice over the last fifty years through the work of one remarkable individual, Robert Chambers. His work has taken him from being a colonial officer in Kenya through training and... more
"In recent years there has been increasing academic interest in theorising and exploring the postcapitalist, interstitial economic spaces that exist within or beyond capitalism, typified by the work of J. K. Gibson-Graham. Such spaces, it... more
Focusing on South Africa, it becomes evident that traditional physical science approaches to flood risk management is not adequate for a comprehensive understanding of the flood risk of peri-urban communities. A more integrated approach... more
This article reflects on key methodological issues emerging from children and young people's involvement in data analysis processes. We outline a pragmatic framework illustrating different approaches to engaging children, using two case... more
In this issue, we explore the use of visual materials in social sciences through experimental, creative and critical methodologies. Over the last twenty years, visual ethnography has transformed the way social scientists create and define... more
In the current context of urban schools, strict curricula and rigid teaching practices are often used in schools with high linguistic and cultural diversity. To understand how teachers can use more equitable teaching methods in... more
People generally describe sustainability as an ideal that encompasses three spheres: environmental, economic, and social. Often, however, the social component receives the least amount of attention. Many projects lauded for their... more
Kaupungin kulttuuriperintötyön haasteita ovat osallisuus ja omistajuus Turun historiallinen keskusta nousi esiin suojelukohteena modernismin purkuvimmassa 1950-1970-luvuilla, ja vanhan rakennuskannan arvosta keskustellaan yhä rakennus-ja... more
Wellbeing' is a key concept in the study of children's lives over time, given its potential to link the objective, subjective, and inter-subjective dimensions of their experiences in ways that are holistic, contextualized and... more
Appreciation of community connections to place is an emerging domain in heritage practice, establishing inclusive, people-centered approaches that are able to 'hold their own' within the dominant paradigm of expert and State-centered... more
During the autumn of 1999, the county museums in Sweden and the Nordic Museum in Stockholm have produced temporary exhibitions on the theme of Faith in the Future (Framtidstro). The temporary exhibition at the Västernorrland County Museum... more
School Age Care (SAC) is a setting that is little researched and the research that has been conducted has not often sought the perspectives of older children. This research used a combination of participatory methods and ethnography to... more
The Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management at AIT is an area of specialization under the Schools of Environment, Resources and Development and Civil Engineering. This interdisciplinary field aims to develop human resources for... more
Young people are among the most affected and vulnerable groups in the HIV epidemic. Targeting young people in prevention strategies requires inclusive and participatory approaches. This paper discusses a film production project that... more
Before School Care (BSC): Care, leisure and play provided in the hours before the commencement of school. Certificate IV of School Age Education and Care: An Australian vocational qualification that prepares practitioners for work with... more
This article explores the impact of creative storytelling through an organisational case study. PositiveNegatives researches, produces, and disseminates graphic narratives around migration, conflict, and asylum through participatory... more
Purpose: The article discusses the meanings of citizenship and citizenship education when formal citizenship is restricted by exploring the potential of photography education and practice as a tool that promotes the exercise of... more
Poultry Centre, Kyeema Foundation and a visiting Lecturer at the
Abstract In the current context of urban schools, strict curricula and rigid teaching practices are often used in schools with high linguistic and cultural diversity. To understand how teachers can use more equitable teaching methods in... more
Engagement implies creation and collaboration. Rather than using photography as a means to describe the reality, we employ it as a route to (re)create a particular experience of their life in the city...
“Before you judge me, know my story!” The 14 sex workers involved in the KNOW MY STORY project took pictures, created collages, and wrote their stories, asking their audiences to listen to what they had to say about themselves, their... more
COMVEX – Community Video Experience is a visual participatory process, in development, that uses video in a simple, fun and pedagogical way, with the aim to communicate social problems that affect groups or communities. The COMVEX... more
Much has been written theoretically about the concept and process of strategic planning. However, less is written in the scholarship about the nuts and bolts of strategic planning such as experiences in the practice of community engaged... more
The authors have been listed in alphabetical order by their first names. While they have contributed equally to the conception and the writing of this article, the research that lies behind it was undertaken by Natalia Buitron, who... more
This article explores the construction of gender in urban settings, through visual participatory methods. It is argued that gendered experience may be studied, described and visualized through engaged visual practices using photography as... more
Cet article suggère qu’une pratique de recherche critique et réflexive avec les adolescents peut contribuer à la transformation des représentations dominantes de la jeunesse dite « à risque ». Un exemple concret de recherche menée avec... more
This study aimed to validate the methodology of empirical evaluation of soil quality indicators in field with farmers in comparison to laboratory analysis. Soil indicators, selected by farmers in two rural settlements of southern Bahia,... more
This paper intends to present the methodological procedure of an ongoing PhD research, whose study object is the children and their representations about current events and the world. From a theoretical framework that builds on the... more
Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE) publishes new developments and advances in all the fields of philosophy, epistemology, and ethics, bringing them together with a cluster of scientific disciplines... more
This project sought to document the impacts of and response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Tambak Lorok, an urban fishing village on the coast of Central Java, Indonesia. In particular, the perspectives of women residents were prioritised to... more
The needs and experiences of people with disabilities have largely been ignored during the Covid-19 pandemic, despite Article 11 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) stating that governments must ensure... more
During this three-day gathering in the Italian Alps, we wanted to explore how practices of community economies are being activated by people coming from an art and design background in a variety of local contexts. The theoretical... more
Rules were established in the shallower waters of Tabasco to prevent fishing close to oil platforms ships. The article analyzes the perception of exclusion on the part of fishermen with respect to the petrolization of their marine space.... more
School Age Care is a setting that is little researched and the research that has been conducted has not often sought the perspectives of older children. This article describes a participatory and ethnographic research project that sought... more
Peer research and education, on the topic of representations of drugs, has been carried out in Brescia province, in different areas of its territory, with 10 senior and 75 junior high-school students, using interviewing, visual... more
This study aimed to validate the methodology of empirical evaluation of soil quality indicators in field with farmers in comparison to laboratory analysis. Soil indicators, selected by farmers in two rural settlements of southern Bahia,... more
This research aimed to adapt and apply, in the field with farmers, methodologies of empirical evaluation on indicators of soil quality and compare them with the laboratory evaluations. The study was developed in Cocoa Region of Bahia,... more
Salvador is a much-photographed city. Beyond the gorgeous beaches and the romantic splendour of the historic centre are informal settlements where the majority of Salvador's inhabitants live. Middle-class Bahians rarely venture into these... more
Recently, global citizenship education (GCE) has been connected to UNESCO’s educational goals, including the Education for All Initiative (EFA) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) (Mochizuki, 2016). This paper explores ways to... more