Recent papers in Pauses
English Translation of "Arabe préislamique, arabe coranique, arabe classique : un continuum ?", dans Karl-Heinz Ohlig & Gerd-Rüdiger Puin (Hrsg) Die dunklen Anfänge. Neue Forschungen zur Entstehung und frühen Geschichte des Islam, p.... more
The taksim (Arabic, taqsim) is a solo, improvised, instrumental genre performed in the classical musics of the Arab world and Turkey. The rhythm of the taksim is often termed “free,” or “non-metrical” in ethnomusicological writings, and... more
Die Frage ist für uns nicht : was ist das reinste, correcteste und schönste, sondern was ist überhaupt Arabisch ? Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer, 1854. L'arabe préislamique Avant l'islam, l'arabe n'est connu que par des inscriptions et... more
The present study investigates the use of filled pauses in the Trinity Lan-caster Corpus Sample by 1,244 learners/second-language speakers of English at different proficiency levels (viz. B1-C2) from six different mother-tongue... more
The processing of reggaeton songs demands an active engagement from the listener due to high level of fragmentation in the lyrics, which stems from variability in word stress and prosodic segmentation. Changes in word stress challenge the... more
The rhythmic structure of the taksim is often described as ‘free’, or ‘non-metric’, and is a subject that has barely been studied. As a starting point for the analysis of time and rhythm in the taksim, this study examines the contrast... more
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The Task Segment Framework (TSF) is a systematic approach to the description and analysis of whole translation processes as keylogged that portrays translating as a metacognitively controlled activity steered by the translator. The TSF... more
The purpose of this work is to describe the appearance and location of typographically unmarked pauses in any Spanish text to be read. An experiment is designed to derive pause location from natural speech: results show that Intonation... more
This paper asks what happens to relations and to education when we respect the child sufficiently to wait for their answer - to believe that they have the right to ponder and take their time to respond? What elements in our relationship... more
In: Johnston, D., Parina, E., Fomin, M. (eds.) (2015), 'Yn llawen iawn, yn llawn iaith': Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica. Studia Celto-Slavica 7, pp. 288-289. Aberystwyth: University of Wales... more
Public speaking in Thailand especially in Thai youth who uses English as a second language still has lots of problems and needs some major development. The researcher noticed after weeks of observation that there were lots of problems in... more
Fluency and diss uency are characteristic of online language production and may be signalled by markers such as lled and unn lled pauses, discourse markers, repeats or self-repairs, which can be said to ree ect ongoing mechanisms of... more
The purpose of this work is to describe the appearance and location of typographically unmarked pauses in any Spanish text to be read. An experiment is designed to derive pause location from natural speech: results show that Intonation... more
Against the background of a ‘cline model’ of increasing fluency/decreasing disfluency from ENL to ESL to EFL forms of English, the present pilot study investigates (dis)fluency features in British English, Sri Lankan English and German... more