Recent papers in Philostratus
The article explores the semantic and historical tension between heresy and orthodoxy. It seeks also an answer to the question whether there were any saved examples and evidence of accusations of heresy in the polemics between... more
Private portraits of women as mythological figures in cross-gendered dress were set up in the funerary contexts of Rome especially between the late 1st and early 4th centuries A.D. This might initially seem surprising. Female-to-male... more
L’ouvrage examine la polémique qui a visé le « savoir de l’invisible », appelé « météorologie » parce que s’enquérant des « choses d’en haut » (μετέωρα). Après qu’Aristophane et l’auteur d’Ancienne médecine ont attaqué la météorologie,... more
This chapter explores the overlaps and points of intersection between Plutarch and Dio of Prusa with regard to Roman-era assembly politics. More precisely, it compares Plutarch’s advice on demegoric rhetoric, articulated in the Political... more
Of the three versions of the so-called "ass-tale" that circulated in the Roman Empire from the second century AD onwards,1 two have been preserved-the Greek Lucius or the Ass transmitted among Lucian's writings and Apuleius's Latin... more
A patera attributed to the artist Galeazzo Mondella from Verona is published. It depicts a series of duels. The warriors engaged in these duels are inspired by figures of the Trajan Column. Probably it dates to the late 1510s and early... more
In the present paper I examine a rhetorical game played by Plutarch, Lucian, and Aelius Aristides. This game entails citations of mutilated verses, verses where the authors have replaced one or more words in the original text, and verses... more
Standard narratives of the overthrow of the emperor Elagabalus in 222 tend to see the event as an anomaly, caused especially by his aggressive and unpopular promotion of the Syrian god Elagabal. This view is not properly supported by the... more
- by samuel muñoz
This pdf contains the text of the review as it was published. The page numbers of the original publication are indicated by numbers in bold between square brackets.
The paradigmatic form of hybris in Greek sources (consistent with how the concept is conceptualised in modern psychology and business studies) had to do with the self-assertion of the rich and powerful, which results in their... more
The original Dutch language version of my doctoral thesis, which was supervised by Professor Lukas de Blois. For an extended English summary, see pp. 307-321.
After introducing the author and the addressee of Philoshatus' letter to Julia Domna, this paper offers a characterisation of their relationship, a concise analysis of the functions of imperial cultural patronage for the parties... more
Review Of: Alice König, Rebecca Langlands, James Uden, Literature and Culture in the Roman Empire, 96-235: Cross-Cultural Interactions. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. xviii, 408. ISBN 9781108493932. £90.00.
The Ambrosian Iliad is a Late Antique manuscript that depicts Homer's Iliad. Originally written in Greek, much of its text was lost when the pictures were later removed from the original codex and pasted on separate sheets of vellum.... more
The Didache and other documents of the post-Apostolic Christians demonstrate their concept of a universal church. This evidence is explored in the context of the world of the Mediterranean Roman Empire in which these Christian communities... more
The article discusses the tremendous impact of the Greek language on sport terminology, especially referring to the Olympic events. The authors present the nature of the Greek language and its historical role as a source of loanwords in... more
L’immagine rappresenta un medium linguistico in cui si esplicano forme che si possono tradurre in espressioni verbali, creando una connessione reciproca di due processi apparentemente distinti. Nel caso di un’opera d’arte, il nostro... more
This article addresses how the sophistic-style analysis in Philostratus' Gymnasticus gives expression to the physical and social complexities involved in ancient athletic training. As a case in point, the article provides a close... more
The book explores ancient Graeco-Roman attitudes to time, its perception, measurement and daily management, with a particular focus on medical approaches and medical sources.
My essay wants to clarify some aspects on which Eric Dodds dealt with in two of his famous works: some extracts are from The Greeks and the Irrational, published in 1951, and other elements are from the book Pagan and Christian in an Age... more
The notion of a martyr, or martys, has undergone a significant conceptual shift since its first attestation in the Iliad, where the martyroi are those witnesses who punish oath-violators with gruesome deaths rather than those who suffer... more
Trama: Ned, un pubblicitario di New York, si è sottratto alla massacrante futilità della corsa al successo rifugiandosi in un paesino del New England. A contatto con la gente del luogo, in un'atmosfera un po' ottocentesca, legata alla... more
El pasaje de Filóstrato sobre Menipo y la Empusa (VA IV 25) se examina aquí desde una perspectiva tipológica doble: en primer lugar, señalando los elementos que tiene en común con otras historias sobre amantes serpentinas y demoníacas,... more
The following paper deals with the rep- resentation, visualisation and perception of monuments and architecture in the Ancient world. Scholarship on ancient images of architecture has displayed marked in- terest in the subjects... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı Antik dönemlerdeki Yunan güreşinin diğer medeniyetlere yansımasının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Güreş antik dönemde Yunan destanlarında çokça yer bulmuştur. Antik Olimpiyatlarda... more
Le film de Fellini, dont le sujet est pourtant « antique », n'est pas, n'est en rien, un peplum. En tout cas, il ne s'inscrit pas dans la tradition du peplum, il n'en partage pas les caracteristiques habituelles ni la... more
Allo stesso modo, al giungere della Primavera, si scioglierà la neve nel vostro cuore ed il vostro segreto di trasformerà in un ruscello che corre alla ricerca del Fiume della Vita. Ed il Fiume della Vita lo accoglierà nel suo seno,... more
Rencontre avec Maxime Rovere, philosophe, et Valentin Decloquement, helléniste, autour de leurs derniers ouvrages : Le Livre de l'amour infini et Vie d'Apollonios de Tyane. Avec des lectures par les étudiant•es de la licence Études... more
Cicero reworks Demosthenes’ presentation (21.83-100) of a silent victim unable to testify, in order to offer the Roman jurors, especially those familiar with Demosthenes’ speech, a visible and powerful testimony to Verres’ malfeasance.
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 19 mai 2021. Les contenus de la revue Exercices de rhétorique sont mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les... more
Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente... more
Dans Dialogues d'histoire ancienne Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 2010/Supplement3 (S3) 2010/Supplement3 (S3), pages 13 à 42 Éditions Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté
This paper on Lucian's De morte Peregrini aims to analyse Peregrinus's extravagant suicide of in contrast with the significance of the death of heroes in epic poetry, as well as with the death of citizens. The death of those who... more
La Médée de Sénèque ne laisse aucun lecteur indifférent. Ou bien elle nous plaît pour ses références philosophiques à peine voilées, son style impérial un brin pompeux, sa myriade de référents culturels, ses descriptions poignantes de la... more
Emerging from scholarship on ancient fiction, "pseudo-documentarism" describes the invocation of fabricated sources in a narrative work. This article places pseudodocumentarism into a constellation of attributive practices, of which... more
In the earliest versions of the Lamia myth, she is portrayed as a childkilling monster. In the later tradition, however, the figure of Lamia is reshaped into an archetypal seductress/sorceress figure, who preys upon and devours attractive... more
The decision to include a chapter on 'material culture' in a Critical Guide to Latin Literature bears witness to a fundamental truth: without 'material culture' there would be no 'Latin literature' to speak of. 1 The study of Latin is... more