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The rise of Belarus to political independence has required it to delineate its cultural boundaries in-between two ‘Others’—Poland and Russia. This essay explores a range of portrayals of Poland in Belarusian cultural artefacts, including... more
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      GeopoliticsBelarusian StudiesPost-ColonialismNational Identity
“We would expect that environmental politics in the region would support a re-territorialized forest, given the global and pan-European conservationist and preservationist agenda. But this is not the case. It is in fact foresters who have... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPolitical EcologyEnvironmental HistoryPostsocialism
So-called ‘tutejsi’ in Polesia as a political issue in Poland, 1921–1939This article is an attempt to present the problem of repercussions of the assumption made in the Second Polish Republic that in Polesia there was a compact several... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPolish HistoryUkrainian StudiesUkrainian History
The subject of studies is Poland’s policy towards Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in the years 1989–2010. It encompasses analysis of the bilateral diplomatic relations from the point of view of political science. It is not an attempt at a... more
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      Polish-russian relationsPolish-Ukrainian relationsPolish-Belarusian relationsPolish Eastern Policy
For over ten years Polish-Belarusian political relations have been characterized by a lack of opportunities for real collaboration, caused by the non-democratic nature of the Belarusian political system. The international isolation of... more
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      Polish-Belarusian relationsPolish Eastern Policy
В специфической политической обстановке, царствующей на северо-восточных землях в 1923–1924 гг. Департамент безопасности (Информационное отделение) Министерства внутренних дел в Варшаве осенью 1923 г. направил запрос к Делегату... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPolish-Belarusian relationsKresy Wshodnie
Under specific circumstances of northern-eastern lands in 1923–1924, the Department of Security (Information Agency) of the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs in Warsaw addressed in the autumn of 1923 a question to the Commissar of the... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPolish-Belarusian relationsKresy Wshodnie
The article draws attention to the fact that the diplomatic pressure of Poland on Belarus in the framework of the “critical dialogue” did not have tangible results, since the latter was neither economically nor politically connected with... more
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      Polish-Belarusian relationsForeign Policy of Poland, and Central and East European States
Książka omawia dzieje legalnego ruchu politycznego w międzywojennym województwie poleskim, od jego utworzenia w 1921 r. do wybuchu II wojny światowej. Przedmiotem analizy są zarówno inicjatywy polskie, jak i te będące efektem aktywności... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPolish HistoryUkrainian StudiesUkrainian History
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      Polish-Belarusian relationsPolish Eastern Policy
Among the many press titles published illegally by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Western Belarus (CC CPWB) during the Second Polish Republic, about a dozen were published partly or entirely in Russian. All of these... more
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      HistoryBelarusian StudiesHistory of CommunismBelarusian History
Poland, due to its geographical and cultural proximity as well as stable economic growth in recent years, may be a natural destination country for labour migrants from Belarus. The statistics related to their residence and employment show... more
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      MigrationLabor MigrationMigration StudiesBelarus
Słowacja należy wraz z Polską do nieformalnej koalicji państw, które współdziałają na forum Unii Europejskiej w kształtowaniu elastycznej polityki nacisku na Białoruś. Działania na rzecz obrony praw człowieka w tym państwie i jego... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisBelarusian StudiesEU institutions, EU foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, securitizationVisegrad Group