Polish-Belarusian relations
Recent papers in Polish-Belarusian relations
So-called ‘tutejsi’ in Polesia as a political issue in Poland, 1921–1939This article is an attempt to present the problem of repercussions of the assumption made in the Second Polish Republic that in Polesia there was a compact several... more
Wacław Kostek-Biernacki był jedną z ważnych osób obozu piłsudczykowskiego. W szerszej świadomości funkcjonuje przede wszystkim jako komendant wojskowego więzienia w Brześciu nad Bugiem, gdzie w 1930 r. zostali osadzeni politycy... more
Polish Eastern Policy. Poland’s Eastern Neighbourhood and Nation Policy, 1989-2009 The volume focuses on the eastern policy of Poland (polska polityka wschodnia), concerning the most outstanding events and processes of the years... more
The rise of Belarus to political independence has required it to delineate its cultural boundaries in-between two ‘Others’—Poland and Russia. This essay explores a range of portrayals of Poland in Belarusian cultural artefacts, including... more
Статут ВКЛ з’яўляецца надзвычай каштоўным помнікам айчыннай кніжнай культуры. Ён не толькі аказаў вялікі ўплыў на развіццё прававой думкі Беларусі і ўсяго ўсходнееўрапейскага рэгіёна, стварыў спрыяльныя ўмовы для развіцця беларускай... more
Militray Exercise Zapad 2017 is comming.
А б не-стварэнні ўніяцкай царквы ў 1596 г.
О не-создании униатской церкви в 1596 г.
On the non-establishment of the Uniate Church in 1596.
О не-создании униатской церкви в 1596 г.
On the non-establishment of the Uniate Church in 1596.
This review article presents Michał Ostapiuk’s book Komendant „Bury”. Biografia kpt. Romualda Adama Rajsa „Burego” (1913–1949) (Olsztyn and Warsaw, 2019), and focuses primarily on the post-war part of Rajs’s life and his military... more
Książka omawia dzieje legalnego ruchu politycznego w międzywojennym województwie poleskim, od jego utworzenia w 1921 r. do wybuchu II wojny światowej. Przedmiotem analizy są zarówno inicjatywy polskie, jak i te będące efektem aktywności... more
Książka poświęcona jest wydarzeniom z drugiej połowy 1924 r., kiedy to w województwach północno-wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej doszło do spektakularnych incydentów zbrojnych. Były one inspirowane z zewnątrz przez instytucje sowieckie i... more
The western part of Polesia (Polish: Polesie) was made part of Poland resulting from the Treaty of Riga, 1921. Characteristic to the area were specifi c economic and ethnic traits. Civilisational retardation and, in a number of cases,... more
The article highlights the multilateral aspects of the Polish-Belarusian relations in 2005–2015. It is noted that having achieved the most important goals of foreign policy, becoming a full member of the EU and NATO, Poland decided to... more
This paper looks into four important aspects of mobility between Belarus and Poland. These are short-term travel for non-employment matters, temporary labor migration, long-term travel arrangements including the Polish Cards, and the... more
For over ten years Polish-Belarusian political relations have been characterized by a lack of opportunities for real collaboration, caused by the non-democratic nature of the Belarusian political system. The international isolation of... more
Polska należy do tych nielicznych państw europejskich, których istotna część dziedzictwa kulturowego znajduje się poza ich obecnymi granicami. Wiele ważnych dla polskiej historii i kultury zabytków architektury (zespołów miejskich,... more
This book section looks into the reasons why the Poland-Belarus local border traffic (LBT) agreement was stuck in 2011 with no progress ever since. The Poland-Belarus LBT predecessor, Poland-USSR 1985 agreement on a simplified mode of... more
Książka przedstawia dzieje ruchu komunistycznego na terenie województwa poleskiego w latach 1921–1939. Działalność komunistyczna – m.in. ze względu na swój wywrotowy charakter i inspiracje ze strony ZSRS – stanowiła dla odrodzonego... more
“We would expect that environmental politics in the region would support a re-territorialized forest, given the global and pan-European conservationist and preservationist agenda. But this is not the case. It is in fact foresters who have... more
Under specific circumstances of northern-eastern lands in 1923–1924, the Department of Security (Information Agency) of the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs in Warsaw addressed in the autumn of 1923 a question to the Commissar of the... more
Kwestia finansów, jak się wydaje, ma podstawowe znaczenie w poznaniu mechanizmu funkcjonowania białoruskich organizacji. Pieniądze nie tylko wyznaczały możliwość działalności kulturowo-gospodarczej, ale też w pewnym stopniu, granicę... more
Książka poświęcona jest trzem najpoważniejszym przypadkom zaburzenia porządku publicznego jakie miały miejsce w latach 30. XX w. Były to: wystąpienia zbrojne na pograniczu Polesia i Wołynia latem 1932 r., napad w 1933 r. na posterunek... more
The Judicial and Legal Reality of Odnodvortsy in the Light of Wincenty Dunin-Marcinkiewicz’s Work The Nobility of Pinsk Abstract The article presents an analysis of historical and legal reality depicted in Wincenty Dunin-Marcinkiewicz’s... more
The subject of studies is Poland’s policy towards Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in the years 1989–2010. It encompasses analysis of the bilateral diplomatic relations from the point of view of political science. It is not an attempt at a... more
From the Germans of Danzig (now Gdansk, in Poland) to the Turks of Rhodes: the «Europa etnografica» map (1:6.000.000) of the Atlante internazionale del TCI (1st ed., 1927). For a later version of this map (3rd ed., 1929) you can see... more
The book review is in Belarusian. This collection of articles by three leading historians and sociologists from both sides of Polish-Belarusian border looks at the profound and at times drastic changes in socio-demographic and... more
В специфической политической обстановке, царствующей на северо-восточных землях в 1923–1924 гг. Департамент безопасности (Информационное отделение) Министерства внутренних дел в Варшаве осенью 1923 г. направил запрос к Делегату... more
Poland, due to its geographical and cultural proximity as well as stable economic growth in recent years, may be a natural destination country for labour migrants from Belarus. The statistics related to their residence and employment show... more
The review of the exhibition “BELARUS. FREEDOM MARCH" organized at Kordegarda Art Gallery in Warsaw from 4 to 25 March 2021.
Tekst dotyczy akcji zbierania środków na tzw. Pożyczkę Obrony Przeciwlotniczej, ogłoszoną przez władze II Rzeczypospolitej wiosną 1939 r. Zostały zaprezentowane uwarunkowania jej prowadzenia w województwie poleskim, ze szczególnym... more
An element which should be analysed was the underestimation by Poland of the fears of Belarus concerning Polonisation and the activities of the Catholic Church. Initially, issues which were of slight importance to Poland later became the... more
Artykuł porusza problematykę obrazu Republiki Białoruś i Białorusi nów w świadomości mieszkańców wschodniej części województwa podla skiego . Przez wschodnią część województwa podlaskiego rozumiem rejon... more
English: The subject of the article refers to relations between Belarus and Poland over the years 1991-2018. The text presents a two-track period in Polish Eastern policy, the stage of warming (1991-1992) and criticism from Poland after... more
Kościół rzymskokatolicki na Białorusi jest pod ciągłą presją autorytarnych władz. Towarzyszy temu szybki proces jego depolonizacji. To koniec epoki,
która zaczęła się 30 lat temu.
która zaczęła się 30 lat temu.
An essay from a book of an exhibition in Arsenał Art Gallery, Poznań: Leon Tarasewicz, Małgorzata Dmitruk, Agnieszka Arnold, "Zaleszany". Poznań 2018. What is concealed below the surface of Tarasewicz and Dmitruk’s world? What do they... more
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known orihereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any... more