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      Belarusian StudiesGenocide StudiesCollaborationUkrainian Studies
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      Post-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet StudiesReligious PersecutionSoviet, post-Soviet, Russian politics
Belarus at Sea

(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020.  Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
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      Cultural StudiesEuropean StudiesDystopian LiteratureLiterature
Ukraine is an outsider in terms of political values and standards of governance. Transparency, efficiency and accountability, rubber-stamped in official papers and declarations, are superseded by other standards: informal networks,... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesInternational RelationsGeopolitics
The Freedom of the Press ranking recently published by Freedom House has found Belarus’ media environment to be Europe’s most restrictive. The ranking placed Belarus as 192nd out of 199 countries and territories within the “worst of the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsBelarusian StudiesPolitical SciencePolitics of Belarus
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      Slavic LanguagesBorder StudiesBelarusian StudiesPost-colonial Studies (Belarusian Studies)
As protests continue to galvanize Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko is consolidating his grip on power. Volatile domestic dynamics – and Russia’s reactions to them – will shape the discredited regime’s future. This paper outlines four... more
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign Policy
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      Politics of BelarusAuthoritarianismBelarusian Politics
The E40 notably may lead to the revitalization of a centuries-old transcontinental transportation/trade corridor, connecting two important European seas and more deeply integrating Ukraine (and Belarus) into the EU’s infrastructural and... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationGeopolitics
Ostatniego ćwierćwiecza polskich przemian politycznych dotyka i niniejsza publikacja, która jest zbiorem artykułów przygotowanych przez pracowników naukowych i doktorantów z różnych ośrodków w kraju. Prace dotykają zarówno polityki... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisBelarusian StudiesNATOSecurity
During moments of nationwide mass mobilization, what distinguishes the towns and cities that rise in the first week from those that do not see protest? Taking the case of nationwide protests in Belarus in August 2020, this study employs... more
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      Social NetworksProtestPolitics of BelarusProtest Movements
Die Studie untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Sprachverwendung, sozialer Positionierung und kollektiver Identitätsbildung in Weißrussland zwischen dem Weißrussischen, Russischen und der weißrussisch-russisch gemischten Rede (Trasjanka).... more
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeSlavic Languages
Guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 2(1) (2016), ‘Gender, Nationalism, and Citizenship in Anti-Authoritarian Protests in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine’.... more
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      Russian StudiesGender StudiesBelarusian StudiesGender and Sexuality
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      Politics of BelarusPolish-Belarusian relationsPolish Eastern Policy
Политические убийства, немотивированные аресты, принудительная эмиграция, подавление мирных протестов грубой силой -- все это стало неотъемлемой частью жизни белорусов с приходом Александра Лукашенко к власти, состоявшимся более четверти... more
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      Belarusian StudiesNationalismPolitics of BelarusFeminism and Social Justice
A Szovjetunió felbomlását követően a NATO keleti bővítése szinte végig teljes mértékben az USA és nyugati szövetségesei elképzelései szerint alakult. Az identitás-válságban szenvedő, útját kereső, súlyos gazdasági gondokkal küzdő, gyenge... more
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesRussian PoliticsEuropean Security and Defence Policy
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      Belarusian StudiesPolitics of BelarusBelarusian PoliticsEU institutions, EU foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, securitization
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      Politics of BelarusEU institutions, EU foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, securitization
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      Russian Foreign PolicyEastern PartnershipPost-Soviet StudiesPolitics of Belarus
В книге предлагается целый спектр определений понятия европе- изации: от «европеизации политики» и «европеизации сверху и снизу» до европеизации социальных практик, знания и повседневной куль- туры. Все эти стратегии помещаются авторами в... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPolitics of BelarusBelarus
Ukazanie sytuacji na ziemiach białoruskich w czasie II wojny światowej, pomimo bogatej historiografii, wymaga nadal kompleksowej analizy. Jeden z najmniej zbadanych problemów tego okresu dotyczy prasy białoruskiej i jej funkcjonowania w... more
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      Belarusian StudiesWorld War IIPolitics of BelarusBelarusian History
This publication assesses implications of the post-2020 Belarus for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, as well as for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization collectively. Chapters on Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish... more
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      Politics of BelarusLatviaNATO-Russian Relations
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      Eastern European StudiesBelarusian StudiesPolitical ScienceDemocratization
Власть и общество: БССР в 1929-1939 годы в документах Секретного отдела/ Особого сектора ЦК КП(б)Б /Составитель, автор предисловия И.Романова. Вильнюс: Логвінаў, 2019. 1240 с. К началу 1930-х годов сведения о текущем состоянии в сельском... more
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      Soviet HistoryBelarusian StudiesPolitics of BelarusSlavic Studies
How do authoritarian regimes remain in power? Focusing on the case of Belarus where he lived for more than five years, the author highlights several mechanisms of assent to tyranny, beyond the regime’s ability to control and repress,... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPost-Soviet PoliticsPolitical ethnography (Research Methodology)Post-Soviet Studies
Depuis l’élargissement de 2004, la Biélorussie est frontalière de l’Union européenne (UE). Pourtant, contrairement à l’Ukraine et à la Moldavie, l’État biélorusse ne s’est pas donné pour objectif d’adhérer à l’UE. La Biélorussie a préféré... more
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesPolitics of BelarusRussian-speaking minorities
Executive Summary • Belarus' geopolitical position as Russia's close ally on the borders of the EU means that the West has a vested interest in ensuring a democratic outcome for the crisis that has gripped the country for over six... more
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      Belarusian StudiesForeign PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyPost-Soviet Studies
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      DemocratizationPost-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet PoliticsEuropean Neighbourhood Policy
Polish Eastern Policy. Poland’s Eastern Neighbourhood and Nation Policy, 1989-2009 The volume focuses on the eastern policy of Poland (polska polityka wschodnia), concerning the most outstanding events and processes of the years... more
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      Politics of BelarusPolish Foreign PolicyPolish-Ukrainian relationsPolish minority in the former USRR
In the report the authors elaborates on possibilities and barriers for local democracy and municipal partnerships. The report gives insights into the local contexts, the capabilities of local governments, and fiscal and political... more
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      Politics of BelarusLocal Government and Regional Administration
W temacie wiodącym numeru i w pedeefie artykuły ówczesnych doktorantów (A.M. Dyner, B. Kapinos, M. Mozol') i magistrantki (K. Psujek) Piotra Załęskiego. - Marek Ilnicki: Nowa strategia prezydenta Putina - Katarzyna Psujek: Odbudowa... more
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian Studies
One should not expect the 23 September election to comply with democratic standards. The current legislation in Belarus does not guarantee a free and fair process. The institutional setting prevents a transparent vote count and the... more
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      Post-Soviet PoliticsPolitics of BelarusElectoral StudiesElection Monitoring
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      Belarusian StudiesPolandPolitics of BelarusPoland's Foreign and Security Policy
The Russians and the Ukrainians, and indeed the Belarusians too, share an origin myth which reaches back to the legendary Rurik’s founding of the kingdom of the Kyivan Rus However, rather than reaching fruition in the early 20th century,... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryUkraine (History)Politics of Belarus
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      Belarusian StudiesInternational SecurityPost-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet Studies
Masowe protesty po sierpniowych wyborach prezydenckich w Białorusi unaoczniły wszystkie słabości oficjalnej machiny propagandowej i polityki tożsamościowej Łukaszenki. Prezentowana monografia ukazuje rolę kontrkultury w procesie budowania... more
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      Politics of BelarusConterculture2020 electionsBelarusian protests
The nature of the Belarusian protests is indeed different from those that has taken place in other post-Soviet states. The country has neither extreme poverty, nor aggravated social inequality, nor radical anti-Russian nationalism. The... more
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      Eastern European StudiesBelarusian StudiesPolitical ScienceDemocratization
For failure of complying with democratic standards, since 1997 Belarus has been (self-) isolated from European integration dynamics. Save for a short-lived 'thaw' with the West in 2008-2010, when Alexander Lukashenka’s regime was seeking... more
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      Belarusian StudiesEastern PartnershipPolitics of BelarusEU institutions, EU foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, securitization
Книга представляет собой анализ женского активизма в современной Беларуси — как с точки зрения самих активисток, так и тех, кто изучает их деятельность, включая ее в свои политические планы и социальные стратегии. Авторы активно... more
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      Gender StudiesBelarusian StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesPolitics of Belarus
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      Media StudiesLiteratureBelarusian StudiesDemocracy
У айчыннай гістарыяграфіі гэта праблематыка толькі пачынае набываць сваё даследчыцкае поле з выкарыстаннем новых падыходаў і метадаў. Аўтар раскрывае ролю гістарычнай адукацыі і асветы ў палітыцы памяці беларусаў у міжваеннай Польшчы,... more
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      Belarusian StudiesMemory StudiesPolitics of BelarusBelarusian History
In August 2020, the presidential election took place in Belarus, followed by unprecedented mass protests due to apparent election fraud. Aliaksandr Lukashenka, the country's long-term authoritarian leader, faced the biggest electoral... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPublic and Political CommunicationPolitical communicationElectoral Behavior
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureRussian Literature
The New Polish Cyrillic in Independent Belarus (pp 79-112). 2019. Colloquia Humanistica. Vol 8. After the fall of communism and the breakup of the Soviet Union, the... more
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian Studies
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      Belarusian StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesSocial ActivismProtest
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      Russian Foreign PolicyPolitics of BelarusEU institutions, EU foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, securitizationSoft Power and International Relations
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      Belarusian StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet PoliticsSocial Activism
Аляксандр Ланеўскі, Гісторыя палітычнай неэфектыўнасці: польскі погляд на беларускую апазіцыю, "Беларускі Гістарычны Агляд" 2016: Т. 23, Сш. 1-2 (44-45), с. 288-310. Рэцэнзійны артыкул на кнігу: Arkadiusz Czwołek, Opozycja polityczna na... more
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      HistoryBelarusian StudiesPolitical SciencePolitics of Belarus