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      Property RightsSquattingSquatters
In this paper, we argue that, relative to chief executives at higher levels of government, mayors in Latin America often operate with fewer outside checks on their scope of action, with problematic consequences for democracy. To make this... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment StudiesPolitical ScienceDemocratization
Školstvo v Československu počas komunistického režimu podliehalo ideologickým zásahom, ktoré ovplyvňovali aj prístup detí k vzdelaniu. Deti rodičov s „nevyhovujúcim“ politickým alebo náboženským zázemím čelili obmedzeniam pri prijímaní na... more
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      DiscriminationPolitical ClientelismCommunist Regimeškolstvo
The article deals with the usefulness of military treasury records for military historians of the Vasa era (1587–1668). After a brief discussion of the current state of research, the authors characterise the state of the source base,... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary RevolutionHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish - Lithuanian art of war in early modern period
Frédérique Langue reseña nuestro libro colectivo
Grietas Argentinas
En el número 123 de la prestigiosa revista Caravelle
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      HistoriaHistoria ArgentinaDivulgación HistóricaHistoria Del Tiempo Presente
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    • Afet Ve Acil Durum Yönetimi
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      historia wojskowościRzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów
Celem jest pokazanie, czy i na ile senatorowie litewscy wykazywali w okresie wydarzeń tzw. rokoszu Lubomirskiego aktywność na sejmach i czy ów konflikt był dla nich sprawą najistotniejszą. Jak wyglądała frekwencja senatorów litewskich w... more
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      RussiaGrand Duchy of LithuaniaSejmWielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Las mediaciones personalizadas en política social constituyen una instancia central en su implementación, en especial en relación a la asignación de beneficiarios. Las representaciones sociales de los habitantes... more
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      Política SocialMediadores
The concepts of clientelism and patronage have been widely used in the analysis of political and social relations. In contemporary political science literature, both concepts have increasingly come to denote a particular strategy of... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical SciencePoliticsTurkish politics
El manuscrito 2556 de la Livraria del Arquivo de Torre do Tombo de Lisboa alberga una copia (incompleta) de la Crónica de los Reyes Católicos de Fernando de Pulgar, a la que sigue un breve e inédito Caso de Tordesillas, anónimo, que narra... more
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    • Historia medieval de España
Wydatki skarbu koronnego na poselstwo tatarskie w 1654 r. * Część 2 Z bigniew Wójcik, omawiając koszty sojuszu polsko-tatarskiego, wyliczył na podstawie analizy akt skarbowych dokładne sumy, poniesione na ten cel przez Rzeczpospolitą 1.... more
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      TatarzyDyplomacja Europejska
Participación ciudadana en el manejo del agua: una nueva relación entre la ciudad y el campo en el sur de Veracruz. .. .. .. .. LUISA PARÉ CARLOS ROBLES Relaciones exitosas entre el Estado y las organizaciones sociales en el campo de la... more
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      Political ScienceParticipacionPoliticas SocialesGobierno
Two images of the Philippine state prevail. One is the neocolonial or dependent state and the other is a weak state dominated by an oligarchic and patrimonial elite. The latter has become the dominant paradigm since the 1990s. In this... more
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      Political EconomyRegional SecurityPhilippine Development
The encroachment of certain influential individuals who employ cronyism, patronage, and networking into the recruitment and hiring processes of employees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a widely discussed issue in media and... more
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    • Labour Market
Are referendum campaigns involving issues about sovereignty more likely to succeed if framed in a positive rather than a negative way? We ran a survey on a hypothetical referendum on a peace agreement between Serbia and Kosovo to answer... more
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      BalkansProspect Theory
Bu çalışma yerel siyasetin ve yereldeki toplumsal yaşantının belirleyici aktörlerinden olduğu düşünülen “aracı (broker)” karakterler hakkındadır. Aracı karakterler klientalist ilişkinin bir bileşenidir. Siyasal alanda klientalist ilişki,... more
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      Turkısh PoliticsClientelismPatronagePolitical Clientelism
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    • Humanities
Este artigo apresenta o panorama do rádio de proximidade a partir das conexões estabelecidas com a política no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, situado no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Metodologicamente, a investigação está alicerçada no método da... more
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      PoliticsRadioRadio BroadcastingAgentes Políticos
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Where societal, political, and economic change is the only constant under colonisation, informal care in Palestine has become important within the Palestinian community during crises. This paper examines the question of why Palestinians... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical EconomyPalestineSocial Protection
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      Latin American StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesCommunity DevelopmentConflict
The article examines the foundation and formation of populist logic in the Philippines, focusing on the presidencies of Manuel Quezon, Ramon Magsaysay, and Ferdinand Marcos—leaders who relied heavily on populist rhetoric. Combining... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryPropagandaPolitics
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      Social WorkPolitical Science
La universalización de derechos sociales implica el reconocimiento y materialización de una serie de garantías, traducidas en servicios sociales prestados por el Estado al conjunto de la sociedad. La... more
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      Derechos socialesFocalizaciónLazos sociales
In this article, we are interested in discovering to what extent the liberal Parliament of the Restoration placed restrictions on the publicity of its decisions and how this issue was maintained during the Second Spanish Republic. For... more
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    • Liberal Parliamentarism
Abstract Various participatory planning and design approaches have been applied in urban public space arrangements for many years. In cities of different scales governed within the framework of democratic urban governance principles, the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceParticipatory DesignCommunity-Based Participatory ResearchCo-design/Co-creation/participatory design
The conventional wisdom in political science predicts that clientelistic and personalistic parties will have a decentralized party organization, particularly in candidate-centered systems. This paper casts doubt on that belief, showing... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical Clientelism
RESUMO: O conhecimento convencional em política comparada prevê que os partidos personalistas brasileiros terão uma organização partidária descentralizada. No entanto, apresento dados empíricos qualitativos e quantitativos mostrando que... more
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      Party PoliticsPolitical Clientelism
El artículo analiza representaciones sociales sobre entramados personalizados de mediación en política social de habitantes de Villa Itatí, un barrio popular ubicado en el Municipio de Quilmes, en el Gran Buenos Aires. Los sentidos de los... more
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      Políticas Públicas Y SocialesMediadores
The chapter describes how the Brazilian national congress is reversing decades of anti-corruption advances by amending critical legislation. The Brazilian case illustrates how changes supported by multi-party agreements can make... more
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      Political CorruptionLegislative StudiesAnti-CorruptionCorruption
Hay ciudadanos que se relacionan con la política solo en el nivel local. El contacto con un alcalde o un concejal, su participación en el mitin de un partido, la recepción del beneficio de un programa social o la posibilidad de quejarse... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
El estudio de la historia de la educación pública en Colombia ayuda a comprender cómo el Estado ha sido constituido y las dificultades por las que ha atravesado para llegar a todas las regiones del país. Igualmente, este itinerario... more
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      Historia de la EducaciónHistoria De ColombiaClientelismo
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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      SociologyHumanitiesPolitical ParticipationSocial Sciences
Resilience, while common in discourses, policies and strategies against radicalization and violent extremism, is rarely defined. Such concept encompasses a wide range of discourses, practices and policies aimed at consolidating the... more
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    • Political Science
Biografia do Capelão Álvaro Augusto dos Santos Álvaro Augusto dos Santos nasceu nos Anjos, em Lisboa, no dia 12 de Junho de 1884 e foi batizado a 8 de setembro do mesmo ano. Era filho de Bernardo Augusto dos Santos, enfermeiro no hospital... more
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      LisboaGrande Guerra
The aim of this paper is to systematize existing research on media reporting related to various aspects of citizenship, and to contribute with a primary analysis of media content, in order to define how the leading print media in four... more
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      Media StudiesContemporary HistoryPolitical ScienceNationalism
Empirical accounts suggest that senior politicians in India expend considerable time assisting their constituents to acquire basic public benefits, yet recent research on clientelism focuses substantially on understanding the role of... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsMediationClientelism
Le document ci-dessus établit, sans l'ombre d'un doute, que le baron de Clinchamp, homme de guerre de Charles IV et général des troupes espagnoles auxiliaires, lors de la Fronde des Princes, est bel et bien Charles de Mailly.
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Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh tingkat klientelisme politik terhadap tingkat partisipasi politik masyarakat di Desa Talagasari pada Pilkades tahun 2020 serta seberapa besar pengaruhnya. Penelitian ini... more
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      Political SciencePolitikClientelismPolitical Clientelism
We are grateful to Mauricio Benitez-Iturbe and Sebasti an Mazzuca for their outstanding research assistance. Our greatest debt is to Jonathan Conning who persevered through at least three previous versions, pointing out all the mistakes... more
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      EconomicsVoting BehaviorPoliticsVoting
This study reveals the underlying factors promoting electoral-related violence and its effects in the Tamale metropolis. The case study design guided the research, with a mixed-methods approach used for the data collection. Two hundred... more
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Structure and Strength of the Lithuanian Army during the War with the Ottoman Empire in 1690-1691: An Analysis Based on the Documents of Financial and Military Institutions from 1691-1692 Previous research has established the structure of... more
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.The Grand Duchy of Lithuania
This study delves into autocratic tendencies in Ukraine from the last election held in 2019 up until 2023, including during the Russian full-scale invasion. There will be a focus on informal factors of autocratization such as clientelism... more
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      NATOPolitical SciencePolitical CorruptionAutocracies
What is the relationship between clientelism and political participation in popular urban neighborhoods? This article addresses the question based on qualitative research in two popular neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, drawing on... more
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      Latin American StudiesPolitical ParticipationUrban StudiesPolitical Clientelism
The Constantinian Order is a subject of canon law, a religious military confraternity, confirmed and approved by successive Popes. It is not the property of any individual but is an autonomous institution governed by its own statutes,... more
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      Military religious ordersThe Kingdom of Two SiciliesOrders of KnighthoodOrders of Chivalry and insignia
This chapter has been made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND license.
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      State FormationNationalismHopeNeoliberalism
En esta ponencia, se buscará discutir el anclaje de las representaciones de los mediadores en torno a reciprocidades personalizadas esperadas. Se sostendrá que, si bien la vinculación con entramados de politicidad da lugar a... more
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    • Mediadores