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      FinanceEconomic HistoryBusiness HistoryBanking
"Il s'agit d'un premier essai de l'identification et distinction des abondantes monnaies fausses pour servir du royaume de Castille et Leon, frappées aux 16ème et 17ème siècles. This is a very first attempt to identify and distinguish... more
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsEarly modern SpainNumismatica
The present article analyzes the importance of monetary fraud as link of union among America and the Iberian Peninsula. We study the counterfeit of billon coins and the role played by this fraud fomenting the extraction of silver coinage... more
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      NumismaticsMonetary historyPost Medieval Numismatics
A obra contempla a coleção de Numismática do Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro (MNMC) e outras peças monetiformes, composta por 1286 exemplares, maioritariamente recuperados neste espaço histórico da cidade de Coimbra. Reúnem-se... more
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      NumismaticsNumismaticIslamic NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
Актуальні проблеми нумізматики у системі спеціальних галузей історичної науки: тези доповідей ІІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 5-6 листопада 2015 р. – Кіровоград – Київ – Переяслав- Хмельницький, 2015. – 94 с. До збірника... more
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      NumismaticsNumismaticIslamic NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
Any large amount of data raises processing and interpretation issues. Coin finds, particularly hoards made of several thousand pieces, are no exception. In front of a great number of specimens, a comprehensive study, conducted with... more
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      Relational DatabaseStatisticsDigital HumanitiesDatabase Systems
Сборник содержит материалы к докладам по античной, византийской, восточной, западноевропейской и русской нумизматике, а также исследования в области бонистики, фалеристики, медальерного искусства и истории нумизматики.
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      NumismaticsNumismaticIslamic NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
In 2012-2013, during the archaeological research conducted in the city of Roman (Neamț county), the "At the Library" spot, 42 coins were found. Of these, 26 pieces came from the archaeological layer, while the other 16 pieces were... more
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      NumismaticsMedieval ArchaeologyPost Medieval NumismaticsEarly medieval numismatics
Las monedas han tenido otros muchos usos distintos a los medios  de pago: donaciones, ofrendas, limosna, adornos, fichas de juego... Desde la realidad física al lenguaje.
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsNumismatica
The archaeological intervention of a preventive nature carried out at the site of San Martín de Dulantzi (Alegría-Dulantzi, Álava) brought an unexpected stratigraphic sequence, especially on the each less darks centuries of Late... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
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      Post Medieval NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsCuencaNumismatica
La primera normativa sobre fabricación de las pesas monetales, comúnmente denominadas en la actualidad ponderales monetarios, en la corona castellana se produce a través de la Pragmática de Valencia de 12 de abril de 1488 complementada... more
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsNumismatica medieval y moderna
This paper focuses on how the coin was used in the Middle Ages: the steps that are part of the process of spending and saving money, as well as the feelings of medieval man in Northern Spain. Que la moneda se fabrica, contiene unos tipos... more
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsEarly medieval numismaticsMedieval numismatics
The numismatic finds of Borniş "Silişte" consist in 23 pieces, which are isolated finds as well as a small "hoard" . Most of the coins were uncovered during the archaeological excavation in the medieval site, mainly inside houses, with... more
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsMediaeval Archaeology
The fieldwork of the Santa Ana College northern sector, has provided indicators of the beginning of the medieval settlement in the southwest area of Alcala de Henares (Madrid). The digging works has registered an initial occupational... more
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      Medieval PotteryPost Medieval NumismaticsUrban archaeologySpanish medieval archaeology
Are analyzed the coins recovered during the archaeological intervention carried out in the Roman baths of Arcaya, between the years 1976-1982, under the direction of Ramón Loza Lengaran. Se analizan las monedas recuperadas durante la... more
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      NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Post Medieval NumismaticsRoman Empire
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      Post Medieval NumismaticsMedieval numismatics
The Hoard of Medieval Coins from the Village Stizhok. In the spring of 2011, a clay pot was found in a field nearby the village Stizhok (Shumsk district, Ternopil’ region,Ukraine). The pot contained about 2500 silver coins struck in the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistoryEastern European Studies
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsMedieval and Modern Numismatics
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      Post Medieval NumismaticsPhilip IVHistory of the Low CountriesMedieval and Modern Numismatics
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsCoins finds as archaeological artefactsMedieval and Modern Numismatics
La noticia de la aparición de un conjunto monetario hallado en la República Dominicana da pie a las reflexiones siguientes. Nuestra fuente en este caso es algo confusa y no se deriva de un hallazgo oficial, por lo tanto, no pueden quedar... more
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval Numismatics
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval Numismatics
The monetary discovery analyzed in the previous pages is a hoard found in the area of Marghita city and it is preserved in the collection of the Criş County Museum (Bihor county). The hoard consists of 2884 small silver coins issued... more
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      Numismatics16th Century (History)16th and 17th c.Post Medieval Numismatics
Convegni tenutisi a Torino e a Mantova durante le manifestazioni per ricordare il passaggio del Monferrato dai Gonzaga ai Savoia. I saggi qui pubblicati intendono ripercorrere alcuni dei momenti che caratterizzarono quel periodo storico:... more
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsGonzagaPiemonte
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsGonzagaPiemonte
The classification currently proposed for the silver coins with a diameter of 40-45 mm issued by the mints of Mantua and Casale Monferrato shows important limits. It can be demonstrated that the names of "ducatone", "tallero" and "scudo"... more
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsMetrology, Weights and MeasuresGonzaga
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      Post Medieval NumismaticsMedals
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      NumismaticsFinancial History (History)Monetary historyPost Medieval Numismatics
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      Business HistoryHistory of TechnologyNumismaticsPost Medieval Numismatics
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      Art HistoryHistory of TechnologyNumismaticsMonetary history