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      Situated CognitionEmbodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and CognitionExtended Mind
How much does stimulus input shape perception? The common-sense view is that our perceptions are representations of objects and their features and that the stimulus structures the perceptual object. The problem for this view concerns... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of Science
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      EngineeringPredictive codingMinimum description lengthNeurocomputing
More and more, developers use reusable components like li- braries to produce high quality software systems. These sys tems need to satisfy not only the initial demands of their stakeho lders, but they need to also offer support for... more
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      Machine LearningOpen SourcePredictive codingSoftware Systems
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      Visual CommunicationPredictive codingPrediction errorLower Bound
While the notion of the brain as a prediction machine has been extremely influential and productive in cognitive science, there are competing accounts of how best to model and understand the predictive capabilities of brains. One... more
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      Dynamical SystemsEmbodied CognitionPattern RecognitionSpeech perception
Přednáška základně představuje v současnosti velmi prominentní teorii, která si klade za cíl být sjednocenou teorií funkce mysli a mozku. Hlavním principem je, že se mozek neustále snaží předvídat následující vstupy a díky tomu si tvoří... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBayesianCzechPhilosophy of Cognitive Science
Résumé  Le traitement de la parole a connu ces dernières années un formidable développement lié aux avancées technologiques des composants de traitement numérique des signaux et à la numérisation grandissante des réseaux. Cet article... more
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      Signal ProcessingSpeech SynthesisSpeech RecognitionSpeech Processing
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      Cognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingDecision Making Under UncertaintyMemory
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      Adaptive SystemsQuantizationDistortionPredictive coding
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      NeuroarthistoryPredictive codingDecorum
Mindreading accounts of social cognition typically claim that we cannot directly perceive the mental states of other agents and therefore have to exercise certain cognitive capacities in order to infer them. In recent years this view has... more
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      Embodied CognitionSocial CognitionTheory of MindPredictive coding
This paper is in Dutch, if requested (& time permitting) we'll translate it into English. The HIPPEA theory of autism not only created a lot of interest in academic circles but also got a lot of response in the autistic community. This... more
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      Participatory ResearchAutismPredictive coding
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical ProgrammingGenetic AlgorithmSystem Design
This paper aims to offer an account of affective experiences within Predictive Processing, a novel framework that considers the brain to be a dynamical, hierarchical, Bayesian hypothesis-testing mechanism. We begin by outlining a set of... more
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      EmotionDynamical SystemsPredictionAffect/Emotion
We distinguish between three philosophical views on the neuroscience of predictive models: predictive coding (associated with internal Bayesian models and prediction error minimization), predictive processing (associated with radical... more
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      EnactivismPredictive codingEnactive cognitionFree Energy
This paper argues that the still-emerging paradigm of situated cognition requires a more systematic perspective on media to capture the enculturation of the human mind. By virtue of being media, cultural artifacts present central... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesDigital MediaUrbanism
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      PsychiatryPsychological AnthropologyOntologyPhilosophy of Mind
The relationship between the states of awareness that emerge in hypnosis and meditation or even between different meditation practices is of fundamental importance to understanding the range of potentials open to human consciousness. The... more
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      NeuroscienceMindfulnessYogaAltered States of Consciousness
This presentation gives a broad introduction to the exciting concept of predictive processing as the unifying theory of the brain and mind, in particular the Bayesian brain, predictive coding and free energy principle. I show how these... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBayesianComputational NeurosciencePhilosophy of Cognitive Science
The imagination is central to esoteric practices, but so far scholars have shown little interest in exploring cognitive theories of how the imagination works. The only exception is Tanya Luhrmann's interpretive drift theory and related... more
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      Cognitive Science of ReligionImaginationWestern Esotericism (History)Occultism
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceAesthetics
How do cultural artifacts influence the ways we experience and act? In this paper I propose that habits provide a central link between human organisms and the socio- cultural environment and that cognition is cultural tout court. I will... more
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      PragmatismEmbodied CognitionCultural PsychologyCross-Cultural Psychology
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      SchizophreniaMagnetoencephalographyMagnetic Resonance ImagingPrediction
This commentary is structured according to the following discussion points: (1) the compatibility of the recently popular predictive processing framework with 4E approaches, (2) the possible constraints that phenomenological... more
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      Situated CognitionEmbodied CognitionSocial CognitionExtended Mind
Hallucinations possess two main components: (i) a sensory content; and (ii) a sense that the sensory content is real. Influential models of schizophrenic hallucination claim that both the sensory content and the sense of reality can be... more
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      SchizophreniaNeuroanthropologyPsychedelicsCross-Cultural Psychology
A large body of research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience draws on Bayesian statistics to model information processing within the brain. Many theorists have noted that this research seems to be in tension with a large body of... more
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      BayesianPhilosophy of cognitive neuroscienceIrrationalityHeuristics and Biases
Friston, K., Fortier, M. & Friedman, D. A. (2018). Of woodlice and men: A Bayesian account of cognition, life and consciousness. An interview with Kark Friston. ALIUS Bulletin, 2, 17-43. The entire issue of the ALIUS Bulletin can be... more
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      Bayesian ModelsVariational BayesNeuropsychiatryPredictive coding
We argue that one important aspect of the "cognitive neuroscience revolution" identified by Boone and Piccinini (2015) is a dramatic shift away from thinking of cognitive representations as arbitrary symbols towards thinking of them as... more
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      BayesianMental RepresentationIntentionalityPhilosophy of Cognitive Science
Recently, a number of neuroscientists and philosophers have taken the so-called predictive coding approach to support a form of radical neuro-representationalism, according to which the content of our conscious experiences is a neural... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindPhenomenologyEdmund Husserl
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindEmbodied Mind and CognitionExtended Mind
ABSTRACT: The free-energy principle states that all systems that minimize their free energy resist a tendency to physical disintegration. Originally proposed to account for perception , learning, and action, the free-energy principle has... more
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      Ergodic TheoryAutopoiesisBiologyTheory Of Mechanisms
Predictive processing (PP) is a paradigm in computational and cognitive neuroscience that has recently attracted significant attention across domains, including psychology, robotics, artificial intelligence and philosophy. It is often... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive SciencePerceptionComputational Neuroscience
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      Philosophy of MindMental RepresentationEmbodied CognitionMental Representation and Content
Predictive processing has recently been advanced as a global cognitive architecture for the brain. I argue that its commitments concerning the nature and format of cognitive representation are unable to account for two basic... more
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      Mental RepresentationCognitionPredictive codingPredictive Processing
I identify three lessons from Kenneth Craik's landmark book "The Nature of Explanation" for contemporary debates surrounding the existence, importance, and nature of mental representation: first, an account of mental representations as... more
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      PragmatismMental RepresentationMental Representation and ContentMental Models
The full scope of enactivist approaches to cognition includes not only a focus on sensory-motor contingencies and physical affordances for action, but also an emphasis on affective factors of embodiment and intersubjective affordances for... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindEmbodied CognitionSocial Cognition
Researchers in the field of computational psychiatry have recently sought to model the formation and retention of delusions in terms of dysfunctions in a process of hierarchical Bayesian inference. I present a systematic review of such... more
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      PsychosisSchizophreniaDelusionsPredictive coding
The discovery of mirror neurons in the ventral premotor cortex (area F5) and inferior parietal cortex (area PFG) in the macaque monkey brain has provided the physiological evidence for direct matching of the intrinsic motor... more
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      EmotionEmpathy (Psychology)Mirror NeuronsBody Image
Recent research in cognitive and computational neuroscience portrays the neocortex as a hierarchically structured prediction machine. Several theorists have drawn on this research to challenge the traditional distinction between... more
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      Mental RepresentationMental Representation and ContentPerception and CognitionConcepts
We discuss Andy Clark's recent explorations of Bayesian perceptual models and predictive processing, as laid out in his book "Surfing Uncertainty". In the first part of this chapter, we discuss the predictive processing framework (PP),... more
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      Philosophy of MindPerceptionPhilosophy of Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of perception
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      Cognitive SciencePerceptionAttentionPrediction
Motor behavior is a phenomenon where the components making up a biological system are organized so as to ensure the coordination of a purposeful movement. According to computational theories, behavior is defined as a motor problem the... more
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      Motor ControlRepresentationalismBayesian InferenceComputationalism
Thinking Through Other Minds (TTOM) creatively situates the free energy principle within real-life cultural processes, thereby enriching both sociocultural theories and Bayesian accounts of cognition. Here, shifting the attention from... more
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      NeurosciencePsychiatryHuman EvolutionDevelopment Studies
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      Chemical EngineeringComputational Fluid DynamicsModelingBioleaching
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      GeneticsCognitive ScienceAlgorithmsMusic
The general principles of perceptuo-motor processing and memory give rise to the Now-or-Never bottleneck constraint imposed on the organization of the language processing system. In particular, the Now-or-Never bottleneck demands for an... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageContextLanguage Comprehension
According to the predictive coding theory of cognition (PCT), brains are predictive machines that use perception and action to minimize prediction error, i.e. the discrepancy between bottom–up, externally-generated sensory signals and... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of PsychologyMental Representation
The contrast between self- and other-produced tickles, as a special case of sensory attenuation for self-produced actions, has long been a target of empirical research. While in standard wake states it is nearly impossible to tickle... more
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      The SelfDreamsPredictive coding