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Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang perancangan Visualisasi untuk melihat proses sinkronisasi antara generator sinkron dengan jala-jala PLN. Pada generatror sinkron dan jala-jala PLN dipasang 6 sensor tegangan dengan 3 sensor pada... more
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      Electrical EngineeringArduinoPseudo-Random Number GeneratorPembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro
Naukową refleksję nad zagadnieniem przypadku zwykło się utożsamiać z matematyką czy filozofią. W niniejszej pracy spojrzymy na ten problem z perspektywy sztuk wizualnych. Historia filozofii i nauki pokazuje, iż pojęcie przypadku rozumiane... more
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      SurrealismArt and ScienceGenerative ArtProbability
A novel Mathematical Random Number Generator (MRNG) is presented here. In this case, "mathematical" refers to the fact that to construct that generator it is not necessary to resort to a physical phenomenon, such as the thermal... more
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    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
Additive Congruential Random Number (ACORN) generators represent an approach to generating uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers that is straightforward to implement efficiently for arbitrarily large order and modulus; if it is... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisConvergenceAlgorithm
We deal with randomness-quantifiers and concentrate on their ability do discern the hallmark of chaos in time-series used in connection with pseudo random number generators (PRNG). Workers in the field are motivated to use chaotic maps... more
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      Time SeriesNonlinear dynamicsMultidisciplinaryPseudo-Random Number Generator
There is a lack of good pseudo-random number generators capable of utilizing the vector processing capabilities and multiprocessing capabilities of modern computers. A suitable generator must have a feedback path long enough to fit the... more
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      Open Source SoftwarePseudo-Random Number GeneratorSoftware Optimization
در این مقاله سعی شده است ارتقائی برای مولد نگاشت لوجستیک به عنوان مولد اعداد شبه تصادفی پیشنهاد شود. هدف استفاده از ویژگی اعشار طولانی دنباله نگاشت لوجستیک به شکلی که مشکلات محتمل آن برای کابرد واقعی مانند رمزنگاری و یا تولید اعداد تصادفی... more
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      Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorLogistic MapChoas Theory
Random walks have been created using the pseudo-random generators in di erent computer language compilers (BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C++) using a Pentium processor. All the obtained paths have apparently a random behavior for short walks... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsRandom WalkPseudo-Random Number Generator
Pseudorandom generators are fundamental to many theoretical and applied aspects of computing. We show how to construct a pseudorandom generator from any one-way function. Since it is easy to construct a one-way function from a... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComplexity TheoryCryptography
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
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      Evolutionary BiologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsNumber Theory
RC4 algorithm is one of the most widely used stream ciphers. It is fast, simple and suitable for software and hardware. It is used in many applications, but it has a weakness in the distribution of key stream bytes, the first few key... more
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      Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorRC4 algorithm
tales que a 1 < b 1 y a 2 < b 2. Supongamos que estamos interesados en calcular elárea de una región D en R 2 tal que
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      Monte Carlo SimulationProbabilityMonte Carlo MethodsSimulation
In this paper, neural network based cryptology is performed. The system consists of two stages. In the first stage, neural network-based pseudo-random numbers (NPRNGs) are generated and the results are tested for randomness using National... more
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      CryptographyPseudo-Random Number GeneratorArtificial Neural Network
Mersenne Twister
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      Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorMersenne
Blockchain-based random number generation represents a provably fair mechanism for online games of chance if implemented correctly. Depending on the blockchain technology, seeds used for random number generation may not have sufficient... more
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      CryptographyOnline GamingMathsPseudo-Random Number Generator
A detailed comparison between pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) based on cellular automata (CA) and linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) is presented in this paper. Various statistical tests have been applied in order to reveal... more
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      Cellular AutomataComputer HardwarePseudo-Random Number GeneratorStatistical Test
Bu çalışmada, düşük kaynağa sahip Nesnelerin İnterneti (Internet of Things IoT) gibi cihazların güvenli kablosuz iletişiminde önemli bir yer tutan rastgele sayı üreteçleri için doğrusal geri beslemeli kaydırma yöntemi üzerine kurulu yeni... more
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      The Internet of ThingsPseudo-Random Number GeneratorNISTLinear Feedback shift Register
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      ArchitectureGame DesignComputer Games TechnologyProcedural Content Generation
Security is considered the most important requirement for the success of electronic commerce, which is built based on the security of hash functions, encryption algorithms and pseudorandom number generators. Chaotic systems and... more
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      Chaos TheoryCryptographyHash FunctionsPseudo-Random Number Generator
La Teoria del Caos applicata alla generazione di numeri casuali attraverso il circuito di Chua
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      Chaos TheoryCryptographyElectronic CircuitsPseudo-Random Number Generator
Modular algebra is widely used for synthesis of pseudo-random number generators and in data cryptography. However, electronic components to carry out the operations of this algebra remains quite rare on market. In order to facilitate the... more
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      Applied MathematicsImage ProcessingQuantum CryptographyPublic Key Crypto systems
Abstrak Pengambilan sejumlah sampel dalam populasi tertentu mempergunakan random sampling memerlukan randomisasi atau pengacakan yang baik untuk menghindarkan terjadinya bias dan tidak tersebarnya sampel secara acak. Seringkali keacakan... more
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      RandomizationSamplingPseudo-Random Number Generator
Smart cards rely on pseudorandom number generators to provide uniqueness and freshness in their cryptographic services i.e. encryption and digital signatures. Their implementations are kept proprietary by smart card manufacturers in order... more
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      Embedded SystemsCryptographyJava CardSmart Cards
Abstrak—Penggunaan random sampling dalam mengambil sejumlah sampel dari populasi tertentu memerlukan randomisasi atau pengacakan yang baik, agar mendapatkan ketersebaran sampel secara acak dan terhindarkan terjadinya bias. Seringkali... more
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      RandomizationSamplingPseudo-Random Number Generator
Portfolio Analysis of Financial Market Risks by Random Set Tools The eventological theory of decision-making, the theory of eventfull decision-making is a theory of decision-making based on eventological... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryRandomized AlgorithmsStatistics
Traditional approaches to understanding prime numbers such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes, prime number theorem and Riemann hypotheses posit the existence of counting numbers and regard “primeness” as a feature or substructure thereof.... more
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      Number TheoryComplexity TheoryPrime NumbersPseudo-Random Number Generator
Since 1940s, and the pioneering research by Hilbert-Polya, many studies on the Riemann Zeta Function suggested a connection between the pattern of prime numbers along the critical line ½, and a quantum oscillator, according to the model... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryPhysicsQuantum Physics
This paper presents the implementation and comparisons of uniform random number on Field Programable Gate Array (FPGA). Uniform random numbers are generated based on residue method. The circuit of generating uniform random number is... more
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      FPGAPseudo-Random Number Generator
Steganography is the technique of hiding a confidential message in an ordinary message and the extraction of that secret message at its destination. Different carrier file formats can be used in steganography. Among these carrier file... more
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      SteganographyPseudo-Random Number GeneratorPixelsLSB insertion technique
For a long time, random numbers have been used in many fields of application. Much work has been conducted to generate truly random numbers and is still in progress. A popular method for generating random numbers is a linear-feedback... more
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      FPGAMatlabGalois TheoryPseudo-Random Number Generator
The purpose of this paper is to present a novel Hybrid Random Number Generator (HRNG). Here "hybrid" refers to the fact that to construct this generator it is necessary to use 1) physical components — texts — and a physical process, and... more
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    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
In this article, we propose a new regenerator of pseudo-random sequences R.A NMJ, based on evolutionist algorithms, in that case the genetic algorithms, in order to regenerate pseudorandom sequences cryptographically reliable. R.A NMJ is... more
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      Chaos/Complexity TheoryPseudo-Random Number Generator
Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG) are the base for stochastic simulations. The usage of good generators is essential for valid simulation results. OPNET Modeler a well-known tool for simulation of communication networks provides a... more
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      Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorStochastic SimulationCommunity NetworksSimulation Study
Generador Congruencial Aditivo Definición. Dada una semilla X 0 ∈ Z + , dos números m ∈ N y a ∈ Z + con a < m, definimos para i = 1, 2, 3,. .. X i = (X i−1 + a) mod m por lo que el i-ésimo número pseudoaleatorio queda definido como u i =... more
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      SimulationPseudo-Random Number Generator
We introduce the Romu family of pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) which combines the nonlinear operation of rotation with the linear operations of multiplication and (optionally) addition. Compared to conventional linear-only PRNGs,... more
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    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
In this paper, we investigate the use of some well-known randomised low-discrepancy sequences (Halton, Sobol, and Faure sequences) for initializing particle swarms. We experimented with the standard global-best particle swarm algorithm... more
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      Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorParticle SwarmFunction optimization
Generator sinkron atau alternator adalah sebuah peralatan listrik yang berfungsi untuk mengubah energigerak (mekanis) menjadi energi listrik AC dimana kecepatan putaran medan dan kecepatan putaran rotornya sama atau tidak ada slip ARUS... more
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    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
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      Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorLinear Congruential GeneratorPRNG
For communication of secret information from one place to another two techniques are used i.e. Cryptography and Steganography. Steganography involves hiding secret data in an appropriate digital carrier e.g. image, audio and video files... more
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      EncryptionSteganographyPseudo-Random Number Generator
Up to now biometric methods have been used in cryptography for authentication purposes. In this paper we propose to use biological data for generating sequences of random bits. We point out that this new approach could be particularly... more
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      Stochastic ProcessComputersGalvanic Skin ResponsePseudo-Random Number Generator
We present an approach to procedural generation of 'pseudo infinite' virtual cities in real-time. The cities contain geometrically varied buildings that are generated as needed. The building generation parameters are created by a pseudo... more
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      ArchitecturePseudo-Random Number GeneratorReal Time
Security of information transmitted through the Internet, against passive or active attacks is an international concern. The use of a chaos-based pseudo-random bit sequence to make it unrecognizable by an intruder, is a field of research... more
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      Internet SecurityPseudo-Random Number GeneratorSecurity AnalysisStatistical Test
This is a survey on the One Time Pad (OTP) and its derivatives, from its origins to modern times. OTP, if used correctly, is (the only) cryptographic code that no computing power, present or future, can break. Naturally, the discussion... more
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      CryptographyPseudo-Random Number Generator
This is a survey on the One Time Pad (OTP) and its derivatives, from its origins to modern times. OTP, if used correctly, is (the only) cryptographic code that no computing power, present or future, can break. Naturally, the discussion... more
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      CryptographyPseudo-Random Number Generator
Sözde rastgele sayı üreteçleri uygulama kolaylığı sebebiyle tercih nedeni olmaktadır. Herhangi bir donanım olmaksızın rastgele sayı dizilerini hızlı bir şekilde üretebilmek önemli bir avantajdır. Üretilen sayıların kriptolojik uygulamalar... more
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      Information SecurityCryptographyEncryptionPseudo-Random Number Generator
The concepts of randomness, unpredictability, complexity and entropy form the basis of modern cryptography and a cryptosystem can be interpreted as the design of a key-dependent bijective transformation that is unpredictable to an... more
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      Time SeriesEncryptionNumerical MethodPseudo-Random Number Generator
The purpose of this paper is to present a novel Hybrid Random Number Generator (HRNG). Here "hybrid" refers to the fact that to construct this generator it is necessary to use 1) physical components-texts-and a physical process, and 2) a... more
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    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
In this paper, a secure and robust cryptographic CDMA watermark algorithm based on DWT2, YIQ color space and Arnold transform is proposed. In the approach, for more security of watermark, the binary watermark image W, after scrambling... more
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      Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorArnolds Cat map
Frequently, randomly organized data is needed to avoid an anomalous operation of other algorithms and computational processes. An analogy is that a deck of cards is ordered within the pack, but before a game of poker or solitaire the deck... more
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      Data StructurePseudo-Random Number GeneratorRandom permutation generationPartial Order