Recent papers in Publish/subscribe
The IEC61499 is an open standard for distributed control and automation. The interface between control software and hardware or communications is achieved by means of the so-called Service Interface Function Blocks (SIFB). This paper... more
Publish-subscribe middleware allows the components of a distributed application to subscribe for event notifications and provides the infrastructure enabling event routing from sources to subscribers. This model decouples publishers from... more
Despite the availability of the sensor and smartphone devices to fulfill the ubiquitous computing vision, thestate-of-the-art falls short of this vision. We argue that the reason for this gap is the lack of an infrastructure to... more
Reliable delivery of messages is an important problem that needs to be addressed in distributed systems. In this paper we present our strategy to enable reliable delivery of messages in the presence of link and node failures. This is... more
Description/Abstract In this paper we present our A/V collaboration system based on our XGSP collaboration framework and NaradaBrokering messaging middleware. Using publish/subscribe event model, this system can provide videoconferencing... more
We report on a fruitful combination of applying academic experience with formal modelling and verification techniques to an industrial case study. The goal of the case study was to investigate a priori, i.e. before implementation, the... more
Users of modern digital libraries (DLs) can keep themselves up-to-date by searching and browsing their favorite collections, or more conveniently by resorting to an alerting service. The alerting service notifies its clients about new or... more
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is a non-piloted airplane designed to operate in dangerous and repetitive situations. With the advent of UAV's civil applications, UAVs are emerging as a valid option in commercial scenarios. If it must be... more
Publish/subscribe is a distributed interaction paradigm well adapted to the deployment of scalable and loosely coupled systems. Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ are two popular open-source and commercially-supported pub/sub systems that have... more
RESUMEN: Se presenta la especificación de cuatro patrones arquitectónicos que permiten modelar los mecanismos de interacción en sistemas distribuidos utilizando un Lenguaje de Descripción Arquitectónica (ADL) denominado "RAPIDE". Las... more
Content-based publish-subscribe is emerging as a communication paradigm able to cope with the needs of scalability, flexibility, and reconfigurability typical of highly dynamic distributed applications. However, very few efforts address... more
In the past decade, new communication schemes have been designed and retrofitted into substations by utilities to integrate data from relays and Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) and capitalize on the protection, control, metering,... more
In this paper we present a scalable networking middleware designed for multiplayer and massively multiplayer games. We argue that objects can implement an ideal interface between the game logic and the communication middleware. This... more
Auctions have been a popular trading paradigm for centuries but have gained new interest through world-wide trading on the Internet. Many B2C sites are embracing reverse auctions, in which a potential buyer posts her maximum bid, as an... more
The completely decoupled interaction model offered by the publish/subscribe communication paradigm perfectly suits the interoperability needs of todays large-scale, dynamic, peer-to-peer applications. The unmanaged environments, where... more
Recent trends in data-centric systems have motivated significant standardization efforts, such as the Data Distribution Service (DDS) to enable data dissemination with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). However, clear design guidelines... more
A Real-Time Wireless Distributed Embedded System (RTWDES) is formed by a large quantity of small devices with certain computing power, wireless communication and sensing/actuators capabilities. These types of networks have become popular... more
In this paper we describe SelectCast, a self-repairing multicast overlay routing facility for supporting publish/subscribe applications. SelectCast is a peer-to-peer protocol, and leverages Astrolabe, a secure distributed information... more
Connectors in distributed architecture play an important role. Software engineers meet more and more challenges of designing connectors. Particularly, in a distributed MVC architecture, there are many issues in the design of connectors... more
Managing multi-tenant edge devices with heterogeneous capabilities scattered across an urban area requires significant communication and computing power, which is challenging when devices are also resource-constrained. These devices play... more
This paper presents a novel adaptation mechanism that allows every node of a gossip-based broadcast algorithm to adjust the rate of message emission 1) to the amount of resources available to the nodes within the same broadcast group and... more
Considerable research has been performed in applying run-time reconfigurable component models to the domain of wireless sensor networks. The ability to dynamically deploy and reconfigure software components has clear advantages in sensor... more
Narada is a distributed event brokering system designed to run on a large network of cooperating broker nodes. Narada supports heterogeneous client configurations that scale to arbitrary size and incorporates efficient routing algorithms... more
The software components of embedded control systems get extremely complex as they are designed into distributed systems consisting of a large number of inexpensi ve microcontrollers interconnected by low-bandwidth real-time networks such... more
Content-Based Publish/Subscribe (CBPS) is an interaction if it believes that some brokers could resell or otherwise model where the interests of subscribers are stored in a content-based forexploit this information.
Reliable delivery of events (or messages, where the terms messages and events are used interchangeably) is an important problem that needs to be addressed in distributed systems. Increasingly, interactions between entities within a... more
Semantic web service technology has a high potential for integrating heterogeneous applications. Web service capabilities are impossible to be used without having a precise service discovery mechanism. The increase in the precision of... more
Well adapted to the loosely coupled nature of distributed interaction in large-scale applications, the publish/subscribe communication paradigm has recently received increasing attention. With systems based on the publish/subscribe... more
In this paper, we discuss one of the most important issues in Sensor-Grid, i.e., to develop a fast and flexible content-based publish/subscribe information dissemination (CBPSID) system for automatic fusion, interpretation, sharing and... more
Online Social Networks (OSNs) are taking the world by storm and are urging the development of a new type of ad hoc networks that is Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs). The inclusion of social networks within vehicles has attracted... more
The rapid development of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) technologies gave rise to the need for abstraction mechanisms that can simplify the data management tasks. Under this respect, the publish/subscribe paradigms play an important role... more
This paper defines and discusses the implementation of two novel extensions to the Siena Content-based Network (CBN) to extend it to become a Knowledge-based Network (KBN) thereby increasing the expressiveness and flexibility of its... more
Distributed content-based publish-subscribe is emerging as a communication paradigm able to meet the demands of highly dynamic distributed applications, e.g., those made popular by mobile computing and peer-to-peer networks. Nevertheless,... more
Tugas Resume Sistem Terdistribusi
Quality-of-service (QoS)-enabled publish/subscribe (pub/sub) mid-dleware provides powerful support for scalable data dissemination. It is hard, however, to maintain specified QoS properties (such as reliability and latency) in dynamic... more
Mission-critical, distributed systems are often designed as a set of distributed, components that interact using publish/subscribe middleware. Currently, in these systems, software components are usually statically allocated to the nodes... more
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file.
In the information filtering (or publish/ subscribe) paradigm, clients subscribe to a server with continuous queries that express their information needs while information sources publish documents to servers. Whenever a document is... more
Internet of Things (IoT) application deployment requires the allocation of resources such as virtual machines, storage, and network elements that must be deployed over distinct infrastructures such as cloud computing, Cloud of Things... more
1 Secure media broadcast over the Internet poses unique security challenges. One important problem for public broadcast Location-Based Services (LBS) is to enforce access control on a large number of subscribers. In such a system a user... more
The MObile Teamwork Infrastructure for Organizations Networking (MOTION) 1 service platform that we have designed and implemented addresses an emerging requirement in the daily business of large, distributed enterprises: support for... more
Publish/subscribe is considered one of the most important interaction styles for the explosive market of enterprise application integration. Producers publish information on a software bus and consumers subscribe to the information they... more