Regulatory Policy
Recent papers in Regulatory Policy
In this paper we argue that service-based competition may deter (or delay) facility-based competition. Hence, to the extent that service-based and facility-based entry are perceived as substitute strategies by the entrants, regulatory... more
Regulatory policy for transgenic live- stock is being developed concurrently with several rap- idly advancing technologies for creating such animals. Adequacy of ethical, welfare, physiological, and envi- ronmental criteria applied to the... more
Цель настоящей статьи состоит в анализе способов оценки обязательных требований в системе правовых средств регуляторной политики. Исследование опирается на толкование нормативных предписаний, закрепленных в федеральном законе «Об... more
В коллективной монографии, посвященной 10-летнему юбилею института оценки регулирующего воздействия в России, анализируется опыт формирования и развития системы публичных обсуждений проектов нормативных правовых актов на наднациональном,... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that a new and unforeseen threat easily outmatched political-administrative systems currently in place. Our commentary on the Italian case contributes to the call for public administration scholars... more
This paper calls for a reevaluation of the pollution problem in order to devise efficient strategies for its control. It contends that a fundamental cause of pollution is inefficiency in input-use during the production process. This... more
This paper explores the economic impacts of regalatory and legislative intervention in the Clean Air Act Amendment's sulfur dioxide (SO 2) allowance trading market. This intervention is of two types: (1) direct intervention through laws... more
This paper reports the results of the quantitative analysis of international experience of the relationship between infrastructure investment in the deployment of capacity that can carry large volumes of voice and data traffic and... more
In the light of several ongoing antitrust investigations in the E.U. and the U.S., the following research paper analyzes whether 'big tech'-same as the big banks-need special regulatory (and economic-political) attention and if so, how an... more
Surface coal mining in Appalachia has caused extensive replacement of forest with non-forested land cover, much of which is unmanaged and unproductive. Although forested ecosystems are valued by society for both marketable products and... more
There is a large body of literature examining the determinants of juvenile crime, which highlights economic, family, peer, and educational factors associated with delinquency and recidivism, and the important roles of social service and... more
This paper seeks to interrogate the impact of legislation, regulations, regulatory action and inaction on the development of the insurance industry in Nigeria. The paper will in the introductory part review the historical trajectory and... more
Sri Lanka's telecommunications industry was profoundly transformed during the 1990s and became one of the most open and competitive among developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This was driven by a series of government... more
Summary The major causes of cancer are: 1) smoking, which accounts for 31% of U.S. cancer deaths and 87% of lung cancer deaths; 2) dietary imbalances which account for about another third, e.g., lack of sufficient amounts of dietary... more
Hydrogen is emerging beyond its conventional role as an additive component for gasoline production, chemical and fertilizer manufacture, and food production to become a promising fuel for transportation and stationary power. Hydrogen... more
This Article tackles a question that has vexed the administrative state for the last half century: how to seriously take account of the distributional consequences of regulation. The academic literature has largely accepted the view that... more
The objective of radiologic image compression is to reduce the data volume of and to achieve a low bit rate in the digital representation of radiologic images without perceived loss of image quality. However, the demand for transmission... more
The potential environmental hazards and associated public health issues related to exposure to respirable dusts from the vicinity of natural in-place asbestos deposits (commonly referred to as naturally occurring asbestos, NOA) have... more
Presidents have long sought to roll back their predecessors’ regulatory policies. They have typically relied on efforts to repeal regulations and to withdraw unpublished or non-final regulations pursuant to “stop-work” orders directed at... more
Of all the renewable energy sources used for power generation, biomass energy has experienced the greatest growth over the last decade. Spurred by requirements established in the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), as... more
Happily, the revolution going on in the telecommunications industry is benign. Technological change and competition are making possible changes considered improbable even 15 years ago. The WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications... more
An economic analysis of new meat and poultry inspection rules evaluates the benefits and costs of reducing microbial pathogens and preventing foodborne illness. The new rules require federally-inspected processors and slaughterhouses to... more
The "hydrogen energy station" is one method of hydrogen production at small and medium scales. Unlike more conventional hydrogen station designs where hydrogen is simply delivered or produced on-site with a fuel "reformer" or water... more
Road traffic problems, such as congestion and accidents, are high in many countries, leading to economic losses, environmental damage due to increased pollution, waste of time in congestion and lives lost. In order to reduce these... more
In this paper we discuss how the interests and field theory promoted by public administration as a stakeholder in policy argumentation, directly arise from its problem solving activities, using the framework for public administration... more
The Supreme Court has made clear, in the five cases in which it has dealt with this issue, that the major questions doctrine applies only in exceptional cases. In contrast, during its four years in office, the Trump Administration... more
This paper compares the historic German discourse on forest functions with the current international debate on ecosystem services and analyzes the factors that may have triggered or inhibited the development and the institutionalization... more
We construct a regulation model in which renegotiation occurs due to the imperfect enforcement of concession contracts. This enables us to provide theoretical predictions for the impact, on the probability of renegotiation of a... more
The efficient operation and expansion of infrastructures in developing countries is crucial for growth and poverty reduction. However, recent reforms aimed at improving the performance of these sectors have had limited success. Evidence... more
Развитие евразийской интеграции все чаще становится предметом различных оценок и дискуссий, что делает актуальным анализ данного феномена, влияющих на него факторов, а также, собственно, более глубокую дискуссию о том, нужна ли... more
Benefit-cost analysis can play a very important role in legislative and regulatory policy debates on improving the environment, health, and safety. It can help illustrate the tradeoffs that are inherent in public policymaking as well as... more
Access to financial services, or rather the lack thereof, is often indiscriminately decried as problem in many developing countries. This paper argues that the "problem of access" should rather be analyzed by identifying different demand... more
Critical information infrastructure protection is the subject "du jour." An important part to addressing the issue is to answer the question whether the private sector or the government should be responsible for protection. The choice of... more
An average of 500,000 tons of obsolete Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE) are dumped into Nigeria monthly with its associated health and environmental hazards. E-waste includes computers, entertainment electronics, mobile... more
În ultimii doi ani, principalul subiect de discuţii a fost "criza economică mondială"; de ce?, cu ce efect?; sau când şi cum o să o depăşim?, sunt întrebări pe care fiecare om şi le-a pus cel puţin o dată în aceste ultime douăzeci şi... more
The rapid and widespread emergence of an anti-plastic shopping bag norm and associated regulatory policies around the world in recent years forces a rethinking of current understandings of norm dynamics and policy implementation. The... more
Recent research has emphasized the role of regulatory measures in the adoption of new technologies, specifically mobile telephony. This study describes in detail the three phases of cellular licensing in Israel. It surveys policy changes... more