Religion in Soviet Union
Recent papers in Religion in Soviet Union
This is the first draft of the first two chapters of my theis.
The article, based on extensive archive and oral history materials, discusses the life stories of all the Greek-Catholic clergy of the Brody deanery during the tumultous period of 1939-1946, marked by the first Soviet (1939-1941), German... more
This chapter explores the intersection of religion and dictatorship in Europe after WWI. It examines the question of institutional relations between church and state and seeks to explore how these relations shed light on the question of... more
Il caso di Tuva nello sciamanesimo post sovietico. Implicazioni sociologiche, politiche, economiche, ambientali ed identitarie dello sciamanesimo contemporaneo in Siberia. Il difficile rapporto tra modernità e tradizione, la "sacralità... more
FR. IGNATIUS SOLTYS AND THE “APPARITIONS OF SEREDNE”: ESCHATOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE UNDERGROUND GREEK-CATHOLIC CHURCH. The article summarizes all extant biographical data about fr. Ignatius Soltys (1912 – c. 2003), an underground... more
Dissertation summary [longer version can be found at the end of the attached file]: Largely based on archival documents, this study describes the functioning of the institutions involved in anti-religion campaigns and their... more
Historiography During the Soviet Nation and State Building Process The concepts of nation and state embody in themselves both normality and artificiality. It is firmly established by historical experience that the human, as the subject of... more
2-page Soviet report giving statistics on numbers of religious communities, places of worship and clergy of various faiths as of 1 June 1941.
Libertatea gândirii, conştiinţei şi religiei care face parte din libertăţile fundamentale ale omului a fost îngrădită în mod constant în perioada sovietică. Atitudinea regimului sovietic faţă de religie se poate explica nu atât prin... more
Two rare campaigns in the late Soviet period tried to save and reopen Armenian Apostolic Churches, in Rostov-on-Don in Russia and Leninakan in Armenia. Both failed.
В статье анализируются многочисленные письма верующих Советского Союза в 1960- начале 1980-х годов в государственные инстанции. В статье показано, как одобряемая система коммуникации общества с властью через письма становится... more
Although the Soviet Union’s constitution regulated the freedom of expression, religion and conscience, from the perspective of official state ideology, religion was viewed as the direct antipode of the communist worldview. Being perceived... more
This is a translation of an article published in Estonian academic journal Tuna [Past], no 3/2013, pp 65-81. Abstract: Religiously motivated repressions in Estonia during Soviet era can be divided into two: first, a particular kind... more
В статье на материалах Украины анализируются трансформации обрядово-церемониальных практик Русской православной церкви, как в период хрущевской кампании, так и в последовавшие десятилетия. Внимание уделено распространению секретной... more
Published in Russian Review 65 (October 2006): 637-56.
Репинецкий С.А. «…Актив верующих усилил свою пропаганду...» Докладные записки уполномоченного Совета по делам религиозных культов при Совете министров СССР по Куйбышевской области о деятельности еврейских общин (1948-1959 гг.) //... more
NARCISSUS-ELIAS GUMINSKI AND A FORGOTTEN ATTEMPT AT CATHOLIC CHURCH REFORM IN UKRAINE. The article, based on previously unknown documents from the former KGB archives, discusses the life and teaching of Narcissus (Elias) Guminski... more
Pärast taasiseseisvumist ja arhiivide avanemist on Nõukogude Eesti perioodi religiooniloo valdkonnas ilmunud mitmeid arhiivimaterjalidel põhinevaid uurimusi, 1 kuid suur osa religioonipoliitikasse puutuvatest allikatest on endiselt... more
Compte rendu de Michel Niqueux, Julia Danzas (1879-1942). De la cour impériale au bagne rouge, Genève, Éditions des Syrtes, 2020
The process of forming a parish separate model in the conditions of church schism, Soviet state regulation and repression is analyzed in the article. The main stages of reforming the parish orthodox church institutions in 1920s and 1930s... more
The article is published as: ‘Orthodox’ and ‘Soviet’: the Identity of Soviet Believers (1940s – early 1970s) / Natalia Shlikhta // Forum for Anthropology and Culture. – 2015. – No. 11. – P. 140-164. This article, based primarily on... more
Book Review Albert W. Wardin, Jr., On the Edge: Baptists and Other Free Church Evangelicals in Tsarist Russia, 1855-1917, Foreword by Gregory Nichols (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2013), x + 533 pp., paperback. ISBN#... more
This article analyses the influence of Soviet religious politics on society’s attitude to religion, as well as on the transformation of religious practices taking as an example the Komi Republic. I focus on the Orthodox tradition,1 as the... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Situation der katholischen Kirche und der russlanddeutschen (römisch-)katholischen Priester in der Sowjetunion, die während der Zwischenkriegszeit einer ideologisch begründeten, politisch... more
Метою статті є аналіз складних та багатогранних стосунків різноманітних баптистських громад Донецької області з радянською владою в обличчі уповноваженого Ради у справах релігій по Донецькій області в період загострення кризи радянської... more
In the article the author states that the Ukrainian Greco Catholic Church under the Soviet communist regime and religious persecutions in the second half of the XX century continued to thrive through the believers’ faithfulness and... more
The article deals with the process of formation of the identity of late Protestants (Evangelical Christians, Baptists and Pentecostals), which combines both religious and specific "Soviet" fea-tures. The article argues that the Soviet... more
It is imperative to identify and analyze the educational policies, embarked in Soviet Central Asia. This paper investigates the seven decades Communist rule in Muslim oriented Central Asia with a special focus to Islamic education... more
The given publication brings to light the transcript of the speech by the Deputy Chairman of the Council for Religious Affairs of the USSR, Peter Makartsev, during the organization’s meeting in Vilnius in 1977. This transcript is of... more
В ходе Второй мировой войны общины поздних протестантов (баптистов, евангельских христиан, меннонитов, части пятидесятников) оказались в СССР в принципиально новых условиях: власти уравняли их в правах с другими деноминациями и разрешили... more
Interview with Gregory Freeze, professor at Brandeis University (USA), and his research on the history of the Russian clergy, Russian Orthodoxy in 1917-1941, and Church, state, and laity in Imperial Russia (1750-1917) [the interview is... more
A number of extra-ecclesiastic charismatic religious leaders appeared in Udmurtia in the early XX century. The historian Yevgeny Shumilov links their appearance with the survivals of paganism among the Udmurts. Meanwhile, some of them... more
The compromise policy pursued by Stalin's government during World War II regarding religious organizations did not at all mean that the state refused to control religion and interfere in its affairs. On the contrary, it has become much... more
Published in Cahiers du monde russe 52 (2011): 163-84.
Ярославль — один из самых древних городов России. Первое, что удивляет тех, кто посещает город - контраст в архитектуре Ярославля различных исторических периодов. Это демонстрирует нам идею русского исторического процесса, который... more
На матеріалах офіційного друкованого органу Російської православної церкви – «Журналу Московської Патріархії» аналізується діяльність Ради у справах Російської Православної церкви впродовж 1943–1954 рр.
Статья посвящена духовенству храма Собора Иоанна Предтечи в селе Фрянове Щелковского района Московской области. Основными источниками для реконструкции священнических генеалогия стали материалы Центрального государственного архива Москвы.