Culture Wars
Recent papers in Culture Wars
In “Yuletide Terror and Other Holiday Horrors”, columnist Frederick Meekins focused upon the growing war against Christmas and other traditional holidays. In “Return Of The Yuletide Terror & Other Holiday Horrors”, he proves that this... more
Las guerras culturales en torno a la homosexualidad vista desde la prensa norteamericana: Una reflexión oportuna, entre México y Estados Unidos.
full text: How could the ideal of a universal brotherhood of mankind be realized in an age of nationalism, colonialism and culture wars? "With God, for fatherland and humanity?" is a comprehensive... more
This dissertation seeks to examine the canons of knowledge that have traditionally dominated Western culture, and asks whether it is possible to maintain such a canon in today’s fragmented, relativist society, especially one in which huge... more
William F. Buckley afforded conservatives of all stripes a provocative rhetorical style, a gladiatorial style, as I term it. The gladiatorial style is a flashy, combative style whose ultimate aim is the creation of inflammatory drama. I... more
This study takes as its object the reception of Robert Mapplethorpe’s work. By examining exhibitions and publications, it retraces the evolution of the critical discourse. The latter is considered for its deficiencies with regards to the... more
While much has been written on Disney’s America, the theme park the Walt Disney Company wanted to build in Virginia in 1993, the relation of the surrounding controversy to the ongoing Culture Wars in the US has only marginally been... more
This introductory chapter of a senior modern history textbook uses a source-based inquiry into the 'Risdon Cove massacre' of 1804 to develop an understanding of the 'History Wars' in Australia in the early years of the twenty-first... more
Pourquoi Freud, mort depuis 1939, fait-il encore régulièrement scandale dans les grands médias ? Plus encore que la psychanalyse, c’est sa personne qui est régulièrement attaquée. Dernier éclat en date : la parution en 2010 du Crépuscule... more
Since the 'migration crisis' in 2015 at the latest, the politics of a broadly conceived Central Europe has been marked by conflicts over symbols, values and norms. Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Austria, and the Czech Republic have... more
The church in the North Atlantic world functions in many ways out of the memory of its former role within Christendom. Having moved into a post-Christian era, the methodologies and imagination fostered by the church’s habits developed... more
“Cinema is an open eye on the world,” said Joseph Bédier. Through the lens of the filmmaker, it is possible to go through imaginations, values, prejudices, as well as socio-cultural and economic relations of a time and a place. This book... more
Culture became a contested zone the Australia of the 1990s. This is a study of the culture wars of that period, covering controversies about race, gender, multiculturalism and the 'postmodern'.
"After the Wrath of God is a subtle, discerning analysis of religious responses to AIDS that goes far beyond the usual attention to the Christian Right. Petro brings ecumenical Protestants, Roman Catholics, biomedical officials, and ACT... more
Nos Estados Unidos da década de 1990, surgem duas leituras da História que a definem como um conflito intercivilizacional: a de Samuel Huntington, no polêmico artigo The Clash of Civilizations?, e a do videogame Sid Meier's Civilization.... more
Contemporary media representations of migrants tend towards one of two extremes. Migrants are either represented as a threatening force (they are a drain on our resources, they push of crime rates, they are terrorists) or as helpless... more
Photos not included in this document.
In 2016 and 2020, the Bernie Sanders campaign gave American leftists a path towards social change through electoral politics. After progressive Democrats discovered that Hillary Clinton and party insiders had blocked the Sanders... more
In telling the story of cricket from the grassroots up, Different Class demonstrates how the 'quintessentially English' game has done more to divide, rather than unite, the English.
The titles published in this series are listed at
While often associated with a liberal demographic, the increasing online visibility of rhetoric such as "snowflakes," "politically correct," "postmodern identity politics," and "cultural Marxism" demonstrates the presence of right-wing... more
This article analyzes the history, production, circulation, and political uses of the alt-right's discourse about cultural Marxism in the context of the right-wing populist Trump presidency, the rise of fascist movements in the United... more
This article examines the rise of a "right-wing international" around contemporary Russia through the lens of the concept of "bad ecumenism," explored in conjunction with the author's philosophical views and personal experience of... more
This paper analyzes creation museums that explain the biblical creation story as an authoritative “scientific fact,” a certain type of museum that has become popular since the 1980s in the United States. Based on the perspectives gained... more
Предлагаем вашему вниманию второй выпуск журнала Tartaria Magna (Тартария Магна), в котором мы продолжаем тему противостояния и компромисса между "своим" и "чужим". В этом выпуске представлены исследования авторов, так или иначе... more
This paper responds to Donna Zuckerberg's claims in *Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age* (Harvard, 2018) that the embrace of Stoicism by some in the Alt-Right represents more than a wholesale exercise in... more
A perception of “Christian bioethics” developed by the American philosopher Hugo Tristram Engelhardt in Russia requires a systematic interdisciplinary analysis. This is due to the realities of medical practice, as well as cultural and... more
Recently, academic attention has turned to understandings of online misogyny, e-bile (Jane, 2014), trolling (Herring et al. 2002; Hardaker 2010; Mantilla 2015; Phillips 2015) and online hate. This includes the abuse received by feminist... more
Traces how conspiracy theories are constantly reorganized by right-wing movements to meet current enemies
'The outcome of the historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill has been portrayed
as a triumph of Orthodoxy over the Catholic West. Not so, says an expert'
as a triumph of Orthodoxy over the Catholic West. Not so, says an expert'
The remarkable and still increasing expansion of the international Socialist movement at the beginning of the 20th century was an important matter of concern for Catholic Church. This identified socialism as the last standard bearer of a... more
This MA thesis argues that blasphemy can be a tool for institutional critique in political art through the case studies of Oleg Mavromatti, Pussy Riot and Petr Pavlensky. The celebration of artists such as Pussy Riot for their... more
Recent US culture wars have been waged through televised entertainment news (infotainment TV). The imprint left by Jon Stewart and The Daily Show on mainstream news outlets has been analyzed in political communication studies and media... more
2014, International conference “Russian Art and the First World War”, 22–23 October 2014 St/ Petersburg, Russian Institute of Art History)
As a master narrative of modernity, secularization was a product of the European Culture Wars. It was invented in the 1840s by male progressive elites who witnessed conflicts over the place and meaning of religion. Instead of... more
This chapter explores the belief among certain subsets of the US population that Obama is the Antichrist depicted as setting the stage for the end of the world. First, I examine the apocalyptic fears and conspiracies surrounding the... more
This paper clarifies some of the less known aspects of the origin, the development and the success of global Christian and Religious Right movements in Romania. Since 1995 global Religious Right started to offer comprehensive support for... more