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Mivel a lektorálás a szakmai gyakorlatban egyre inkább a minőség biztosításának nélkülözhetetlen eszközévé válik, immáron szükséges a szakemberek képzése is, akik kellő hozzáértéssel és tudatossággal végzik a munkát, nem csupán... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationRevisionFordítás
The quest for possible translation universals have enjoyed considerable interest in descriptive translation studies (Laviosa 2009), however, almost all research aiming to reveal phenomena specific for translated texts seem to disregard... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation universalsRevision
The aim of this study is to highlight the role of technology-based instructional intervention in enhancing the composing competence of struggling student writers at Majma'ah University (MU) in Saudi Arabia. Such instructional choice... more
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The quest for possible translation universals have enjoyed considerable interest in descriptive translation studies (Laviosa 2009), however, almost all research aiming to reveal phenomena specific for translated texts seem to disregard... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation universalsRevision
Hernández-Corona, M. E., Méndez-Rizo, J., & Rojas-Solís, J. L. (2021). El síndrome de burnout en policías: Una revisión sistemática sobre aspectos metodológicos, factores asociados, causas y consecuencias (Burnout in police officers: A... more
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      Meta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewSystematic ReviewsStress and BurnoutPolicia
In July 2020, trenches No. 3 and 4, which contained Hallstatt Period sediments, were excavated in the Entrance Hall of the Habrůvka - Býčí skála cave in the Moravian Karst (Blansko District). The layers in trench No. 3 were intact... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Archaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)
Useful for an outline of the common law offence of assault
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      Criminal LawCivil LawEnglish lawUniversity
En el presente artículo se expone una interpretación, a través de una metodología en los proyectos de desarrollo de software, del requisito ISO para el diseño. Esto responde a la necesidad de brindar aplicaciones informáticas que... more
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      VerificaciónRevisionIngenieria IndustrialValidación
This resource lists some of the key revision activities and strategies that can be implemented during the three months leading up to a major academic examination. "The team that is going to win is the one that does its homework the... more
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      English LiteratureEnglish languageAcademic WritingEnglish
Days: Mon/Wed Office: WMS 331 Time: 5:15-6:30PM Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3-5PM, and by appt. Room: BEL 0008 COLLEGE COMPOSITION MISSION STATEMENT College Composition courses at Florida State University teach writing as a recursive and... more
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      CompositionRevisionEnglish Composition
What happens when we consider the traditional, ‘Romantic’ notions of inspiration and imagination in the light of the often messy, chaotic traces of the creative process that we observe in a poet’s drafts and manuscripts? Although the... more
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      Poetry CompositionCreativityWilliam WordsworthW. B. Yeats
I hope this document can help the hopeless Changelog: 18/5/2016 Corrected some typographical errors 19/5/2016 Adjusted stock valuation as part of the explanation was missing 19/5/2016 Adjusted Provision for bad debts as the case when... more
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Background. It is well established that the activity of producing a text is a complex one involving three main cognitive processes: Planning, translating, and revising. Although these processes are crucial in skilled writing, beginning... more
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      Reforma procesal civilRevisionNulidad de cosa juzgada
This article showcases how transmediation via digital tools enhanced students’ writing and revision during a three-week flash science fiction unit of study. It begins with a brief rationale for pairing transmediation with revision. Then,... more
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      Creative WritingDigital LiteracyNew LiteraciesWriting
RESUMO. Este estudo tem o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar a produção acadêmica de publicações nacionais acerca da assertividade. Fez-se uma busca sistemática em três tipos de fontes: Banco de dados de teses e dissertações da... more
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      PsychologySocioemotional DevelopmentPsicologíaPsicologia Social
Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
R E S U M E N El presente trabajo identifica los campos actuales de investigación alrededor del comercio internacional y los negocios, desde lo que se registra en la literatura académica hasta el abordaje del tema desde la... more
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      Negocios InternacionalesRevisionComercio InternacionalANALISIS BIBLIOGRAFICO
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      Criminal LawRevisionProperty ConfiscationConfiscation
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The Basic Tourism Planning Process (based on slides by Dr. Johan Afendi bin Ibrahim)
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Introduction to Tourism Policy, Planning and Development (based on slides by Dr. Johan Afendi bin Ibrahim)
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Resumen Este artículo presenta una revisión general de los modelos de detección y filtrado de correo spam existentes en la actualidad. En concreto, se realiza una subdivisión de las técnicas existentes en dos grandes tipos: modelos... more
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      SPAMRevisionaproximaciones colaborativas
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La ayahuasca o yajé es una bebida psicotrópica ampliamente utilizada en toda la cuenca del Amazonas por los pueblos indígenas y mestizos en sus prácticas mágicas, adivinatorias, rituales y como elemento central de su medicina. Es una... more
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      Philosophy of MindDepressionEvidence Based MedicineMindfulness
The Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological experience in which an affective bond between hostages and their captors is developed. However, currently there is no unification of criteria with respect to... more
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      Stockholm SyndromeCharacteristicsDefinitionRevision
Study notes of CPC including a comparison between; Review, Revision, and Appeal
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      LawComparative LawCivil ProcedureComparison
La investigación tuvo el objeto de indagar una práctica de revisión de textos producida en una situación didáctica donde los alumnos interactúan entre sí para resolver la tarea. En este estudio se trabajó la producción de epígrafes... more
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Licuala is represented by 41 species, including 15 newly described, in the Malay Peninsula. Three new varieties are also described. Keys to and descriptions of all species and varieties, and listings of representative specimens, are... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)MalayaRevisionPALMAE
Full text of my chapter available at
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      American LiteratureWomen's StudiesLiteratureCritical Pedagogy
La lettera di attestazione prevista dal PdR ISA Italia 580 rappresenta un documento fondamentale della revisione legale dei conti. Il contributo, partendo dall'analisi del principio di revisione richiamato, approfondisce il caso... more
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      AuditRevisione Legale Dei ContiRevisionRevisione Legale
La manualística ha experimentado un notable crecimiento durante las últimas cuatro décadas debido a una nueva forma de entender los libros de texto como objetos que permiten estudiar la cultura escolar. La proliferación de los trabajos ha... more
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      RevisionEducacion musicalHistoria Y Teoría De La EducaciónLibros De Texto Y Manuales Escolares
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Resumen La evaluación de la inteligencia emocional (IE) es centro de interés para profesionales de diversos campos de la salud y la educación. Este arrculo ofrece una revisión sistemáca cuantava sobre los instrumentos de evaluación de la... more
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      RevisionInteligencia EmocionalInstrumentos de evaluación
Fundamental principles of co-ownership of land
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      Land LawEnglish lawUniversityRevision
Tugas Mata Kuliah Menulis Karya Ilmiah yang dibina oleh Dr. Erizal Gani, M.Pd.
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      RevisionBahasa IndonesiaProposal Penelitian
This is my Italian Master's Degree Thesis in American Literature and translation in Italian. IF YOU FIND IT INTERESTING, PLEASE GIVE ME A FEEDBACK or A RECOGNITION ON YOUR FOOTNOTE :) Stesichorus of Sicily is the first poet that... more
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      American LiteratureAncient Egyptian ReligionPsychologyMythology
Student engagement is a common concern among many instructors in higher education. This is particularly true relative to student feedback. Indeed, of all the responsibilities inherent in university teaching, grading papers and offering... more
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      EngineeringPerceptionHigher EducationAcademic Writing
Analisi della tragedia Antigone di B.Brecht come ripresa del mito classico e opera di traduzione tra testo classico e revisione linguistica di Hölderlin. Base per l´analisi il concetto di Correzione del mito.
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      Bertolt BrechtFriedrich HölderlinTeatroAntigone
This study aims to advance our knowledge of the character of Th-Dan within the larger framework of the Theodotionic problem. Chapter 1 ascertained the necessity of the inquiry. For decades scholars had routinely referred to Th-Dan as a... more
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      Translation StudiesSeptuagintBook of DanielTranslation
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      Mughal HistoryMughal IndiaRevision
One of the ongoing debates within textual studies on the Book of Daniel relates to properly characterizing the relationship between the two Greek versions of this book, i.e. Old Greek (OG-Dan) and Theodotion (Th-Dan). Do these texts stand... more
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      Textual CriticismSeptuagintBook of DanielThe Book of Daniel
With The French Lieutenant's Woman generally accepted as one of the first British works of postmodern fiction, John Fowles must be seen as a key writer linking modernism and postmodernism (McHale 2013, 174). According to Brian McHale... more
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      Postmodern LiteratureRevision
The introduction of mandatory legal representation by a lawyer or a person with a bar exam in third-instance civil procedure has a clear logic. The overall goal is to professionalize the proceedings before the Supreme Court, so that... more
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      Access To CourtsEuropean Court of Human RightsEuropean Convention on Human RightsRevision
The aim of the present study was to find out whether revisers perform shifts resulting from explicitation and implicitation while working on translated texts. Some of the studies dedicated to the issue of explicitation and implicitation... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation universalsRevisionUniversals of Translation
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Few studies have examined the revision processes of second grade students and even fewer have explored the impact of digital writing on young students’ revisions. This study utilized a within subject crossover trial using randomized block... more
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      LiteracyEducationEducational TechnologyEarly Childhood Literacy
Número completo de Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Volumen 6, número 1, año 2019.
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      MedicinaArticulos AcademicosSalud PublicaSalud
Cómo citar este artículo / Referencia normalizada P Herrero-Diz, M Ramos-Serrano, J Nó (2016): ―Los menores como usuarios creadores en la era digital: del prosumer al creador colaborativo.
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      Children and MediaProsumersRevisionContenidos Digitales
This thesis investigates the expenditure of cognitive effort in post-editing of machine translation. A mixed-method approach involving the use of eye movements, subjective ratings and think-aloud protocols was adopted for the... more
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science