Stress and Burnout
Recent papers in Stress and Burnout
Perfectionism in sports has been shown to be associated with burnout in athletes. Whether perfectionism predicts longitudinal changes in athlete burnout, however, is still unclear. Using a two-wave cross-lagged panel design, the present... more
El presente artículo es producto de una revisión sistemática que tuvo como objetivo determinar y contrastar los elementos metodológicos y hallazgos principales de las investigaciones relativas al estudio conjunto de la salud, estrés y... more
Personal sustainability in social movements is a huge and complex topic, but one which is immediately important to many participants, both in terms of keeping going themselves and of supporting their fellow-activists and preventing... more
Seit mehr als dreissig Jahren zeigt eine wachsende Zahl von wissenschaftlichen Studien auf immer zuverlässigere Art, dass wir Stress wirksam begegnen können mit Achtsamkeit. Die Wirkung der Achtsamkeit beruht auch darauf, dass sie uns... more
The impact of ministry on Australian families is understudied. We conducted a qualitative survey across four years, including an online, anonymous survey of over 281 participants. 99.1% told us that we needed to provide structured, long-... more
Prevalence studies show high levels of burnout, anxiety, fatigue and other symptoms of distress among medical doctors. However, there are very few randomized controlled trials testing interventions against these problems. This randomized... more
How can we have a balanced lifestyle and alleviate stress in our work-driven society? Examining the state of work-life imbalance in our everyday lives and discussing real life examples from professionals working in health and social care,... more
Primeiramente, devido à sua atual dimensão, o burnout deve ser tratado como um problema de saúde pública ou coletiva. O seu impacto nas sociedades, nas organizações e na vida das pessoas é suficientemente grave para que esta síndrome seja... more
This study sought to identify and analyse the relationships between burnout syndrome, occupational stress and pleasure and suffering at work from young Brazilian workers’ perspective. The research was conducted with a probabilistic sample... more
"Counselling and palliative care" is the title of the book written by Dr. Esperanza Santos and Professor José Carlos Bermejo. This book, which is easy to read and contains very practical and useful advice, presents fundamental elements... more
This study examines the relationships between burnout and short-term consequences of mental strain within and outside human services professions, at the same time contributing to the understanding of the development of burnout as a... more
Educational system of a country plays a key part in rearing a mentally and physically rich nation. The crucial role of teachers in the development of this system and training creative students is undeniable. Teacher creativity research... more
Workplace bullying is one of the most common work-related psychological problems. Bullying costs seem higher for organizations composed of health-care workers who perform direct-contact patients-complex tasks. Only a few studies have been... more
The aim of this study was to observe how journalists manage their time and what are the most time-consuming practices. Empirical data were gathered by using a non-participant observation in a national daily newsroom and two participant... more
Vast literature holds testimony to the fact that stress has now pervaded the academic world. the A paradigm shift in the role of teacher has made the job of teaching stressful. Objectives:This research paper is an effort to bring to... more
The syndrome of burnout has been the focus of much research in the caring professions. Maslach and Jackson operationally de®ned the syndrome as comprising high levels of emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization and a reduced sense of... more
La meditación mejora la respuesta biológica, psicológica y emocional al estrés académico, brinda claridad mental, contribuye a disminuir la agresividad e irritabilidad de los alumnos, creando ambientes de aprendizaje positivos.
Work stressors in the Emergency Unit is higher compared with the stressors in other units. The high level of work stressors can cause to job stress. Each individu actually has an ability to adapt and being flexible when they were faced to... more
These accounts of the implementation of best practices, including mentoring, social and emotional learning, teacher leadership, and community involvement, illustrate instances where the knowing-doing gap has been bridged to create... more
Objectives This study aims to assess the prevalence of health problems (eg, insomnia, binge-eating, substance use and ill health) among UK doctors and to investigate whether occupational distress increases the risk of health problems.... more
This paper uses available literature and expert opinions to asses, identify and prove Emotional Labour as one of the strong forces that leads to high employee turnover.
This paper concerns the psychometric evaluation of the Polish version of a self-report questionnaire to measure burnout. Although the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is the most commonly employed measure of burnout, researchers have been... more
Pfeifer, Samuel/Schweyer, Stefan, Brennen ohne auszubrennen. Biblische Werte als Gegenkultur zur Leistungsgesellschaft, in: Theologische Beilage zur STHPerspektive November 2012 2012, 6 S.
She worked like mad," said Iiris of her friend Saija as the three of us sat outside of the rehabilitation center not far from Helsinki where Saija attended an in-patient program for occupational burnout (työuupumus). Iiris explained how... more
This is a power point file, written in spanish about the burnout syndrome. Here you can find the main symptoms and general characteristics
1. El problema objecte d'estudi 2. Justificació de la investigació 3. El context educatiu i els problemes psicosocials 4. Objectius de la investigació 5. Pla de treball 6. Cronologia de la investigació 7. Principis bioètics II.... more
Background and aims. This article examines two questions concerning teacherbehaviours that are characterised in Self-Determination Theory as autonomy-supportive or suppressive: (1) Can children differentiate among various types of... more
A model of burnout and life satisfaction amongst nursesThis study, among 109 German nurses, tested a theoretically derived model of burnout and overall life satisfaction. The model discriminates between two conceptually different... more
В обзоре рассматриваются психофизиологические аспекты эмоционального выгорания. В классической многофакторной теории выгорания Кристины Маслач были рассмотрены её компоненты. Также обращено внимание на критический момент в появлении... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to focus on home care organization employees, and examine how the interaction between job demands (emotional demands, patient harassment, workload, and physical demands) and job resources (autonomy,... more
презентація включає матеріали Джона Taссi, професора кафедри психіатрії і поведінки Медичного коледжу Університету Оклахоми. Містить психологічні причини ризику спеціалістів допомагаючих професій. Вторинна травматизація. Фактори... more
This study investigated the relationship between university faculty’s gender, age, academic position, and working environment with their burnout levels. In addition, the relationship between the participants’ burnout levels and the use... more
Acil yardım çalışanları ve özellikle ambulans görevlileri travmatik etki oluşturabilecek durumlara sıklıkla şahit olabilmektedirler. Bu nedenle acil yardım çalışanlarında ve özellikle ambulans görevlilerinde travma sonrası stres bozukluğu... more
Much research has been conducted on why teachers leave the profession. Yet limited research exists on why teachers stay, despite the profession's many stressors. This exploratory study examined teachers' perspectives on the role that hope... more
Objective: Physicians are expected to be compassionate. However, most compassion research focuses on compassion fatigue – an outcome variable – rather than examining the specific factors that may interfere with compassion in a... more
Burnout can be devastating to individuals and organisations, and is often not recognised until it has already caused physical, mental and financial damage. This study found that employees and solo entrepreneurs experience burnout very... more
Gerade in Zeiten von (persönlichen) Krisen benötigen Studierende eine ausreichende psychische Widerstandsfähigkeit, um mit Belastungen im Hochschulkontext umgehen zu können. Dies hat uns spätestens die COVID-19-Pandemie deutlich vor Augen... more