Roman Mosaics
Recent papers in Roman Mosaics
Nel 1950 venne scavata una villa romana in loc. Su Loi a Capoterra (Cagliari). L’intervento d’emergenza è documentato solo da uno schizzo e da 59 fotografie, ma grazie a queste ultime è stato possibile ricostruire la pianta dell’edificio... more
(review- english)
R. Sahin, Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens (Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.), Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail, JMR 8, 2015, 185-187.
R. Sahin, Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens (Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.), Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail, JMR 8, 2015, 185-187.
New discoveries in the gallery of the Baths of Trajan on the Oppian hill
Hadrianopolis is a site located on the principal western route from the Central Anatolian plain through the mountains to Bartın and the Black Sea, 3 km west of the modern town of Eskipazar, near Karabük, in what was in Roman times... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
Povodom 80 godina muzeja na Medijani
The visual devices used by Tony Blair and George Bush to get themselves elected and maintain power, come not from modern times, but a world that is thousands of years old. How Art Made the World ventures back to the creation of Stonehenge... more
The aim of this research is the analysis of mosaic materials and the practice of making in Aquileia, discussing two emblematic case studies from Casa delle Bestie Ferite, a housing context that is being stratigraphically excavated by the... more
Main features of the Roman city of Conimbriga in Central Portugal.
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Wiley Encyclopedia, 2015
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Wiley Encyclopedia, 2015
Catalogue of Roman paintings and mosaics in the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
New hypothesis around the provenance of a mosaic, preserved in Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli from the territory of Fondi (Southern Latium - Italy).
Eine Bestandsaufnahme (1990)
RESUMEN El artículo describe y realiza un primer estudio de las estructuras y los materiales de una villa romana recientemente excavada en Antequera. Entre ellos destacan el repertorio musivo y escultórico, de los que emerge la... more
Antik Dönem Hellen sanatında deniz ve nehir tanrıları önemli bir yer tutar. Bu tanrı ve tanrıçalar ile ilgili sahneler, Roma Dönemi mozaiklerinde sevilerek konu edinilmiştir. Antiokheia ad Orontes ve Zeugma kentleri zemin mozaiklerinde... more
e paper deals with mosaic pavements from Philippopolis, the capital of the Late antique province of race, which are supposed to be made after Syrian in uence or by masters from that region. ree main types of examples are studied: 1).... more
The art of Italian craftsmen Cosmati, who created unique mosaic production at XII and XIII centuries in Rome and its environments, had delighted people over centuries. The filigree technique of the stonework, polychrome, and diversity of... more
Abstract The Lod mosaic, discovered in the city bearing that name in Israel, was laid in a luxurious villa urbana in the late 3rd or early 4th century AD. It contains inter alia a nautical scene presented as a floor carpet in the form of... more
The famous Mosaic of the Philosophers, known as Plato’s Accademy, was discovered in 1897 outside the city walls of Pompeii in the Masucci-D’Aquino estate. The problems related to its acquisition by the Museum of Naples, influenced by the... more
Maceira 500 anos Território.História.Património
Plan de la mosaïque de Thésée et du Minotaure, mosaïque d'une grande salle des thermes publics de Dellys (antique Rusuccuru)
ambito del progetto di studio dedicato ai rivestimenti pavimentali di Aquileia attualmente in corso da parte del Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università degli Studi di Padova 1 e sulla scia dell'attenzione dedicata alla colonia... more
Durante el mes de abril de 1982, con motivo de la realización de unas cimentaciones para la construcción de un nuevo edificio en el solar que ocuparon las antiguas fincas nq 3 y 5 de la calle Holgufn de Mérida, aparecían las ruinas de una... more
Mozaik, çizgisel üslubun temelidir ve kesin konturlarla sınırlan/dırıl/mış betiler yapma anlayışıdır. : Dekoratif Üslup Derinlikli Yüzeyler Halinde Gölgesel Kitlesel Tasvir: Betimlemeci Üslup Çizgisel üslup, resim sanatında 16. yüzyıla... more
Various red, black and grey ‘Belgian marbles’ (coloured dense fossiliferous Palaeozoic limestones suit- able for polishing — ‘calcaires marbriers’) decorated private and public buildings as well as sanctuaries within and beyond the... more
The paper presents the life story of the Bees, a mosaic from the Roman town of Emona (modern Ljubljana), which was reworked in the 1930s in such a way as to give it new function and meaning in its new context. It is the opinion of the... more
Recensione a «Musivaria» di Licia Vlad Borrelli, pubblicato da Viella. Non un manuale tout court, ma un racconto scientifico su una delle produzioni artistiche più affascinanti degli antichi
The Villa Romana del Casale is a 4th century luxury Roman villa located outside the town of Piazza Armerina in Sicily. The villa is justifiably famous for its impressive assemblage of mosaics, stretching over 3,500 square meters; these... more
univerSity nOva OF LiSBOn -POrteKiz/POrtugaL), MiCheL FuChS (LauSanne univerSity -ISviçre/SwiSS), KutaLMiS gÖrKay (anKara ÜniverSiteSi -tÜrKiye), anne-Marie guiMier-SOrBetS (aieMa -FranSa/FranCe), werner JOBSt (auStrian aCaDeMy OF... more
Again, a so-far-unpublished essay by M. L. Morricone on Privernum, this time about the elegant polychrome floor of the triclinium of the domus of the figured Emblem which stands out for its large coffered entrance and a pseudo-emblem with... more