Roman rural settlements
Recent papers in Roman rural settlements
A decade of studying the topography/archaeology/history/geography of the Surrey parish I grew up in has left me with a clutch of discoveries of local and supra-local significance, as well as a host of questions to be answered in the... more
This new volume of the Amsterdam Archaeological Studies seeks to offer a fresh perspective on the integration of marginal areas in the Roman empire. Starting from a multidimensional approach it analyses the social dynamics that led to... more
This project presents and analyses all of the signet rings and intaglios so far unearthed in Roman Britain to reinterpret how they were used and their role within provincial society. These small artefacts have traditionally been regarded... more
Analisa‑se a problemática em torno do tipo de ocupação da Quinta do Ervedal (Castelo Novo, Fundão), sítio que alguns investigadores afirmam tratar‑se de um aglomerado secundário do tipo vicus. Procuramos aprofundar esta discussão,... more
Im vergangenen Jahrzehnt konnten auf dem Gebiet des römerzeitlichen Bregenz wesentliche neue Erkenntnisse zur frühkaiserzeitlichen Siedlungsstruktur gewonnen werden. Wenngleich seit 150 Jahren Grabungen im Siedlungsareal durchgeführt... more
La intervención arqueológica realizada en el yacimiento romano de “La Mata I” (Aznalcázar, Sevilla) ha puesto al descubierto los restos de la pars rustica de una villa romana y una serie de enterramientos tardorromanos aislados. The... more
Toponimo: Camugheras -Nuraghe Funtanza Enturzu Cartografia: I.G.M. 514 I -Cuglieri Unità di Paesaggio: IIIalta collina e montagna Geologia / Pedologia: trachibasalti; suoli con roccia affiorante, poco profondi, francoargillosi,... more
Ментор: др Мирослав Вујовић, ванредни професор, Универзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултет, одељење за ахеологију Чланови комисије: др Ивана Поповић, научни саветник, Археолошки институт, Београд др Јелена Цвијетић, доцент, Универзитет у... more
In our study, we want to present the methodological background and the results of geophysical investigations of the Roman rural sites at Bakonya-Csucsa-dűlő, Cserdi-Horgas-dűlő and Szabadszentkirály-Gerdei-árok partja near Pécs (Baranya... more
Contents: Iva Mikl-Curk: Rimska mesta v SIoveniji nekaj parale arheoloških in spomeniško varstvenih paralel Ljudmila Plesničar-Gec: Urbanistične značilnosti Emone Branka Vikić-Belančić: Tipovi naselja u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj Mirko... more
RESUMEN: Se presentan los resultados de una prospección superficial pedestre realizada en la Finca Arenales, sita entre los TT.MM. de Morón de la Frontera y El Arahal (Sevilla), con motivo de la futura construcción de una planta solar,... more
Countryside between Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten) and Atuatuca Tungrorum (Tongeren): The Limburg Meuse Valley in the Roman Period. Wim Hupperetz The region of the Limburg Meuse valley (Middenlimburgse Maasdal) was during the conquest... more
Les forêts du massif des Vosges au nord du Donon cachent de nombreuses ruines de bâtiments et de structures antiques longtemps attribuées à une culture gallo-romaine dite "des sommets vosgiens". Cet article propose un regard sur cette... more
This paper assesses the prime results from the archaeological digs of a site classified as “quinta” (farm) – the author considers that these types of archeological sites are the most common during the Roman period in the Portuguese Beira... more
In the lst century AD the favourable economic and political climates of the client kingdom of Togodubnus led to the construction of a relatively large number of elaborate early villas in Sussex, some of which (e.g. Fishbourne and... more
La zona oggetto del presente studio, posta sui confine tra Liguria e Piemonte, tra i comuni di Ceva e di Ormea, in epoca preromana costitul una porzione del territorio dei Ligures Montani , occupata probabilmente dalla frazione degli... more
Villa und burgus von Obermendig »Im Winkel« (Lkr. Mayen-Koblenz) im Kontext der römischen Besiedlung des Segbachtals Im Bereich des Hauptgebäudes der villa »Im Winkel« konnten mehrere Besiedlungsphasen von der Mittellatènezeit bis hin... more
The provincial landscapes that compose the Empire would be polymorphic. More than just the classic model of the city / villae applied from the outside under whatever circumstance (and understood almost like a paradigm), these landscapes... more
Cumplidas más de cuatro décadas desde el descubrimiento y posterior excavación de este yacimiento, localizado en el concello de Rodeiro, pese a ser una referencia obligada en cualquier estudio, continúa siendo un gran desconocido. La... more
Fund- und Grabungsberichte für die Jahre 1992 bis Ende 1996
"Questo studio riguarda, nella prospettiva della ricostruzione dei paesaggi antichi e medievali, l’analisi di un’area della Sardegna centro – occidentale, costituita dalla zona meridionale del massiccio vulcanico del Montiferru. L’area... more
Rapport d'opération de fouille préventive réalisée à Vaulx-Milieu aux lieux dits "Les Brosses" et "Les Croisettes" à proximité des marais de La Verpillère. L'essentiel des découvertes correspond à un petit établissement rural antique... more
Cet article présente les résultats de prospections intensives effectuées dans la vallée de la rivière de Meimoa (Fundão, Castelo Branco). La forme d’organisation du peuplement rural romain dans le quadre du paysage est également analisée,... more
Roma inizio una politica di penetrazione ed espansione del nord Italia gia a partire dal290-280 a.C., con la conquista dei territori posti a nord dell'Esino (Aesls), cui segui la guerra gallica del284-282 a.C.'. Una tappa fondamentale si... more
Ovom prilikom `elim da izrazim zahvalnost dr Vujadinu Ivani{evi}u na podsticaju, trudu i nesebi~noj po-mo}i tokom izrade publikacije, dr Vesni Biki} na dragocenim sugestijama, dr Ivani Popovi} i dr Miroslavu Vujovi}u na korisnim... more
The small Romano-Gallic cemetery ›Auf der Höll‹ in Kalt (Mayen-Koblenz County, Rhineland-Palatinate), excavated in 1926, gives an insight into the burial customs of the rural Maifeld population. Due to its loess deposits, this region in... more
Der Überblick zur Vorgeschichte und Römerzeit Westhofens (Landkreis Alzey-Worms) beinhaltet bisher unveröffentlichte Funde und Beobachtungen. Unter den wahrscheinlich jungsteinzeitlichen Lesefunden sticht – neben dem bekannten großen... more
New synthesis on rural society and settlements in the Dutch province of Limburg during the Roman period (19 AD - 450 AD).
Studying everyday life outside urban nuclei in the territory of Serbia in the antique period is a great challenge. On formerly fertile fields located in urban peripheries, villae rusticae, the settlements that played a major role in... more
Questa pubblicazione è stata realizzata con un contributo di fondi di ricerca PRIN -© Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa ----
In the area of Ficarolo and Gaiba (Rovigo), object since the 17th century of several occasional archaeological finds, have taken place through time different excavations (1904, 1982, 1990-2000) and a high number of surveys. In particular,... more