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This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyClassics
A fibula is a brooch or pin for fastening garments, typically at the right shoulder. The fibula developed in a variety of shapes, but all were based on the safety-pin principle. Unlike most modern brooches, fibulae were not only... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
(Stand: Januar 2021) Monographien: N. Franken, Der Leipziger Perseus. Ein wiederentdecktes Meisterwerk etruskischer Bronzekunst, Festgabe des Archäologischen Instituts der Universität Leipzig zur Erinnerung an Johann Joachim Winckelmann... more
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      Roman LampsRoman BronzesEtruscan BronzesRoman bronze lamps
The article is devoted to the publication of brooches of the Avcissa type from the excavations of the Artesian site. A detailed analysis allows us to consider them as the early variants of the type, whereas and the findings themselves are... more
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      Roman military archaeologyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan KingdomRoman military equipment
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignCollecting and CollectionsGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings
Se presentan tres objetos hallados casualmente en la probable uilla romana de Cuencas, en el territorium de la antigua Bursao (Borja, Zaragoza) y que, por su carácter y función, que se describe y comenta desde una óptica tipológica, se... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of GenderGender ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
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      Roman ReligionRoman PotteryIsis CultRoman Architecture
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman ReligionMetallurgyRoman Army
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografi e.
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      Roman HistoryAegean ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyGreek Sculpture
The purpose of this article is to present most of the small finds unearthed at Sarmizegetusa Regia (Grădiștea de Munte, Hunedoara County) in the area located below the southern gate of the fortress. Extensive research at this location... more
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      Late Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron AgeDacian civilizationRoman Bronzes
Una statuetta di piombo rinvenuta a Brescia verso la fine dell'Ottocento e attualmente conservata presso il Civico Museo di Santa Giulia rappresenta una figura maschile nuda con folta barba, le mani legate dietro la schiena e le gambe... more
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      Greek and Roman magicRoman BronzesAncient Greek and Roman Metal WorksRoman Archaeology
Alloys that went under the name of Corinthian Bronze were highly prized in the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Christian era, when Corinthian Bronze was used to embellish the great gate of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem. From the... more
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      PlutarchRoman EmpireJosephusPliny the Elder
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    • Roman Bronzes
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      Roman BronzesRoman ArchaeologyVatican Museums
Discovered in a large number in the Balkan-Danubian provinces of the Roman Empire, the swastika-shaped fibulae with horse-head decorations are in most cases attributed to the military. The iconographic motive and form are the artistic... more
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      Roman military archaeologyRoman military archaelogyMoesia inferiorRoman Small Finds
The restauration of the Columns and of the capitals from the altar of the Holy Sacrament in the Lateran Basilica gave the opportunity to study the four bronze columns and the bronze capital of the first half of the second cent. reused by... more
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      ConstantineRoman ArchitectureRoman BronzesSan Giovanni in laterano
A comprehensive work on Roman figural bronzes from Hungary has not yet been achieved, the earlier research focused mainly on publishing single objects or significant find-groups. Brigetio is one of the most important archaeological sites... more
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      ArchaeologyIconographyRoman ReligionAncient Religion
Un livre essentiel pour la compréhension des artefacts, décors et monuments romains, six années de recherches, de comparaisons et d'observations croisées, ont permis de retrouver les clefs d'un monde riche mais oublié. Sens des formes,... more
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      Roman HistoryArchaeology, Historical Archaeology. Medieval Archaeology, Anthropology, Social Identities, Material Culture, Artefact Studies, Diaspora Studies, Trade and ExchangeFibules Gallo-RomainesRoman Bronzes
Gudrun Styhler-Aydın: "Wie man von Architekten und Archäologen, die in Ephesos jahrelang vereint arbeiten, zu erwarten befugt ist […]" Bauforschung in Ephesos. Eine Erkundung auf den Spuren von Theorie und Methodik .
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptRoman Near EastAphroditeVenus
This video conference took place on May 12-13, 2022 in Izmir, Turkey. All the lectures and discussions in our e-conference were in English, and were recorded for later viewing on YouTube for participants who were unable to attend the live... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsAnatolian Archaeology
Composizione e impaginazione: Francesca Benetti -SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l. © Immagini: Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Archivio della Soprintendenza Archeologia del Veneto. Riproduzione vietata. Le... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman SculptureRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology
The collection "Art and Religion of Ancient Societies" is a continuation of the series of the scientific publications which is devoted to the problems of study of the spiritual culture in the primitive societies. The previous edition "Art... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionComparative ReligionHistory
Introduzione Oggetto del catalogo Modalità di schedatura Cronologia e autenticità Provenienze e collezioni museali Restauri Obiettivo del catalogo Ringraziamenti Catalogo Felini Felini a tutto tondo Applicazioni varie in forma di felino... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman BronzesAncient Bronzes
This paper takes into account, for the regions of northern Italy (Aemilia excluded), bronze and lead figural objects of small and medium size, found presumably in places of worship of Roman imperial period, and some stone votive... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology
We are glad to inform you that an international virtual conference on fibulae in the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean and Black Sea area will take place on May 12-13, 2022 on, with each day... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsAnatolian Archaeology
I recipienti di bronzo in Italia settentrionale tra IV e I secolo a.C. e il caso del territorio veronese Bronaste posode v severni Italiji med 4. in 1. stoletjem pr. n. št. in primer veronskega območja Margherita BOLLA, Marina CASTOLDI
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      Late Iron Age (Archaeology)ProtohistoryIron AgeRoman Bronze Vessels
In the present study we want to present a number of seven fibulae specific to the 6th century AD discovered at Ulmetum. The brooches are divided into two main categories: 1. Fibulae with bent stem - five objects; 2. Cast fibulae with bent... more
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      Roman Small FindsLate Roman and early Byzantine fortificationsLate antique small findsRoman Bronzes
In the burials of the nomads of Asian Sarmatia there were found six intact or fragmented 1st century AD bronze pateras of types Eggers 154–155, one separate handle, one separate foot, as well as one patera medallion in secondary use. They... more
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      Roman Provincial ArchaeologyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyRoman Bronze VesselsSarmatians
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      Roman ReligionArchaeometryArchaeometallurgyRoman provinces
Rubén MONTOYA GONZÁLEZ RESUMEN: A bronze sculpture of a togatus, lost for more than a century in American private collections, has been recently rediscovered. As for its origin, although it had been traditionally located in the Roman... more
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      Roman SculptureRoman BronzesPompelo
The aim is to study ancient fountains in their architectural context, in the belief that the context will reveal their function in the dwelling. This article first analyzes the fountain structures and examines the relationship between... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythologyRoman History
Le présent article se fonde sur l’examen de deux statuettes issues des collections des Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire de Bruxelles. Celles-ci intègrent une série relativement homogène de petits bronzes dont les analogies... more
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      Isis CultRoman BronzesRoman Domestic ReligionIsiac cults
In this paper are presented the roman (and some post roman) figural bronzes of the National Museum of Este (Italy).
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      Roman ArtRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology
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      Roman ArtRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology
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      Roman ArtRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology
The article is devoted to the attribution of a bronze statuette of a naked man with a rounded object in a raised right hand, found in the Late Sarmatian female burial of Valovyy-I burial-ground, dating not earlier than the second half of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyEurasian NomadsArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyBlack Sea Region Archaeology
Dear Colleague, Between May 12 and 13, 2022 we have hosted on Zoom c. 50 participants from 16 countries and 45 papers dealing with fibulae were presented in these two days of symposium. Attached you will also find the updated abstract... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
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      Roman ArtRoman BronzesAncient BronzesRoman Archaeology
The paper discusses Roman bronze strainers of the Eggers 160 type from the burials of the nomads of Asian Sarmatia of the first centuries AD, the peculiarities of their distribution in the territory of the Roman Empire, in the European... more
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      Eurasian NomadsBlack Sea regionBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyRoman Bronze Vessels
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      ArchaeologyTerra SigillataRoman coinsArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)
please, notice that on the page 32 the sequence of the captions 37-44 is wrong
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      Roman BronzesRoman Archaeology
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      Roman BronzesAncient BronzesRoman Archaeology
Three Roman bronze statuettes - two Minervas and one Mercurius - from Montecchio Maggiore and Isola Vicentina are considered. As for the two Minervas, the “Verona-Parma” type has been re-examined and its distribution list has been... more
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      Roman ArtRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology
This paper focuses on a bronze stamp – signaculum ex aere – discovered in 1989, at Dumbrăveni, in Southern Dobrudja, very close to the border with Bulgaria. The phrase signacula ex aere refers to the the Roman artifacts used to stamp food... more
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      Roman HistoryGreek EpigraphyRoman provincial administrationRoman Economy
A roman bronze lamp from Montecchio Maggiore, representing a cucullatus (unusual and valuable object in the roman world) will be examined, attempting to outline the distribution of the type and mentioning the different interpretations... more
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      Roman ArtRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyBone and AntlerRoman IconographyAncient jewellery
This paper presents a study carried out on the inlaid inkwells found at Trieste in the 19 th century, now in the Civici Musei di Arte e Storia di Trieste. The type is commonly referred to as Noll-type (1937) inkwells and is characterized... more
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyNielloArqueología romana / Roman archeologyRoman Bronzes
In this book, metal fi gurines found in Burdur Museum are introduced. The vast majority of the fi gurines are bronze. Besides, there are silver, gold, lead and copper works. Find places have been added to the inventory of some fi... more
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      PisidiaRoman SculptureRoman BronzesRoman statues and statuettes
This volume focuses on bronze and other metal finds from several ancient sites of Asia Minor and other regions in the Mediterranean. It consists of four main parts and 45 papers in total which deal with various genres of ancient bronze... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
In 2013 during the building works in the area of the Archaeological Park at Novae a face padlock was discovered in area of the headquarters building. Face padlocks or mask padlocks (Vorhängeschloss mit Maskendeckel) were usually decorated... more
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      Roman Imperial CoinsRoman Small FindsRoman BronzesRoman Archaeology