Ronald Reagan
Recent papers in Ronald Reagan
When investigating the evolution of the FDA that led it to an era of regulatory capture by pharmaceutical companies, the role of Reagan’s neoliberalism and his administration is clear and undeniable. To fully understand the scope of the... more
Paper given at the HOTCUS Winter Symposium at the British Library's Eccles Centre for American Studies: The “Second Cold War” that followed the breakdown of US-Soviet detente in the latter half of the 1970s led to a renewed cultural... more
One of Reagan's well known talents was his ability to act. His speech about the Challenger Disaster was so moving because he was able to act in different roles throughout the speech in order to properly address the different parts of his... more
Ronald Reagan and John Paul II had a plan to take down the Soviet Union and restore freedom to Eastern Europe.
In Theaters November 6, 2019
In Theaters November 6, 2019
The year 1989 saw revolutions across Central and Eastern Europe that led to the collapse of communist states that had been part of the Soviet Union bloc. These remarkable revolutions were mostly peaceful, led by ordinary citizens and... more
The American withdrawal from Iraq leaves in place a Sunni insurgency against an American-supported, corrupt Shi’ite prime minister, Nouri Kamal al-Maliki, who has a shaky alliance with the Kurds. On June 10, 2014, the Sunni fundamentalist... more
In December 1979, Soviet troops entered the small, poor, landlocked, Islamic nation of Afghanistan, assassinated the communist president, Hafizullah Amin, and installed a more compliant Afghan leader. For almost ten years, Soviet troops... more
Written in 1981 by the late Robert Keleher of the St. Louis Fed (after some discussion with Reynolds), this was one of the earliest surveys of the evidence then available to support the hypothesis that macroeconomic incentives from... more
Este trabalho se intitula A revista Veja e o bloco soviético - do Império do Mal ao fracasso do comunismo: 1985-1991, por cobrir o período cronológico recortado de suas páginas e por identificar o percurso que o anticomunismo declarado... more
The article (p. 24 - p. 30) deals with the causes and effects of US sanctions towards Russian fuel and energy sector. It goes back to Ronald Reagan times and the Siberia-to-Europe Gas Pipeline project, which has been crumbed and harmed... more
A Review of Sebastian Mallaby’s Life of Alan Greenspan. Greenspan’s Chief contribution to US economic understanding occurred before he was Chairman of the US Federal Reserve: Greenspan identified the financial services as part of the... more
Resumen: La trilogía original de Rambo muestra una clara finalidad propagandística, marcada por su afinidad con la política estatal estadounidense o, más específicamente, con la línea seguida por el Presidente Ronald Reagan. Estas tres... more
La Reaganomics ha cambiato profondamente gli USA e la loro economia negli Anni Ottanta. Sotto le spinte concomitanti esercitate dalla manovra della Fed, dalla deregulation e dal colossale piano di riarmo contestuale alla Sdi, gli Usa... more
« La France, maîtresse de maison »: cette expression, tirée d’un vade mecum du ministère des Affaires étrangères, résume la tradition d’accueillir avec attention sur le territoire national les dirigeants étrangers pour quelques jours.... more
From the Ogaden War to the Black Hawk Down incident, the Horn of Africa was a theatre of events with far-reaching international consequences. This paper argues that the distinctive process leading to the end of the bipolar conflict in the... more
Contracting and possibly folding in the late 1970s, the global success of the NBA in the 1980s and 1990s is often attributed to the charismatic personalities and talents of its players, but the NBA’s resurgence was actually the result of... more
Reagan, Thatcher, Mitterrand, Kohl, Clinton, Blair, Schröder, Berlusconi, Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel, Renzi: nelle parabole di questi leader, accomunati dalla pretesa di rappresentare il nuovo e il cambiamento, si può cogliere il... more
A view on the male representations in the action movies of the 1980s, a reflection of the conservative politics of the Reagan era.
American prevailing perceptions of the Cold War serve current US national foreign policy process goals that emphasize the expansion of US global influence. The prevailing view in the American polity remains that the Soviet Union was an... more
The U.S. immigration detention center is both a transnational space and a foreign policy microcosm. Its detainees reside physically within the nation yet legally outside, while its walls, fences, and doors clearly demarcate those bodies... more
Dikenal luas sebagai salah satu aktor papan atas Hollywood pada masanya, Ronald Wilson Reagan lekat dengan dunia politik melalui figurnya yang dikenal sebagai seorang antikomunisme. Terpilih sebagai presiden ke-40 Amerika Serikat pada... more
Top Gun jako film w pełni realizujący wzorzec współpracy pomiędzy Pentagonem i Hollywood rozpatrywany jest często przez pryzmat propagandowych obrazów rekrutacyjnych, stanowiących pochwałę amerykańskiego systemu politycznego. Okazuje się... more
Eric J. Schmaltz. "Soviet 'Paradise' Revisited: Genocide, Dissent, Memory and Denial -- Part II." Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Fall 2015): pp. 22-31. [Journal PDF uploaded.]... more
A través de siete apartados se analiza la cronología de Star Wars, el contexto histórico-social que la determina y cómo se evidencia en la saga. También por qué se puede considerar Star Wars como un mito moderno y cómo refleja el viaje... more Die Geschichte, die wir ob der weltweiten Kriege zu hören bekommen, läuft immer nach dem gleichen Muster ab. Gesellschaften, vor allem "Diktaturen" versinken im Chaos, so... more
This essay analyzes two speeches delivered by President Ronald Reagan on June 6, 1984, within the broader context of Reagan's Cold War foreign policy rhetoric. In his remarks at Pointe du Hoc and Omaha Beach, Reagan provided a vivid... more
Comunicare la politica e fare politica non sono mai state attività distinte. Questo principio è ancor più vero se si guarda al caso statunitense, vero e proprio laboratorio delle innovazioni nella comunicazione politica.
Ronald Reagan’s victory in the 1980 presidential election marked a watershed moment in the history of the United States, heralding the triumph of the American conservative movement. Once a supporter of the New Deal, Reagan had come to... more
This analysis applies Kenneth Burke's dramatistic pentad to Ronald Reagan's "Challenger Address." First, I explain the rhetor's construction of the pentadic terms, and then I describe the dominant ratio in the speech: agency-agent. The... more
The Rastafari in the Caribbean is still an enigma, long seen only in mythic terms by the majority of people globally. Here I will examine them in light of a seminal historic event, in the history of the Caribbean, namely the... more
This paper reviews the Reagan administration's Iran-Contra scandal by approaching it from Kenneth Waltz' Three-Level Analysis. First, a brief contextualization of the developments in Nicaragua are provided. Then, the International System... more
Contrary to characterizations of the Berlin Wall as antithetical to modern developments, the article shows that the famed symbol of the Cold War in fact monumented modernity. It enabled the spliced projections of self and Other along... more
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les transformations économiques, sociales, politiques et idéologiques qui caractérisent le développement du néolibéralisme aux États-Unis, depuis l’essor du mouvement conservateur qui porte Ronald... more
rising star in the Warner Bros. short subjects department, met with Lieutenant General Henry H. "Hap" Arnold, Chief, United States Army Air Forces in Washington, DC. 1 The meeting would mark the conception of the First Motion
Patrick Bateman, the notorious dystagonist of Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho, is an obtrusively sexist, racist, classist serial killer. Importantly, Bateman, who perceives most of those around him as excremental “dirt,” sets out on a... more
I aim to locate the scriptural force of American conservatism’s secular canon. My basic claim is that the canon created and managed the potential for symbolic fusion and fracture among conservatives. The canon provided the tools to... more
Tutti i volumi pubblicati nelle collane dell'editrice Studium "Cultura" ed "Universale" sono sottoposti a doppio referaggio cieco. La documentazione resta agli atti. Per consulenze specifiche, ci si avvale anche di professori esterni al... more
This paper attempts at understanding the representation of the otherized identity of homosexual men suffering from HIV/AIDS in Hollywood movies. Through an analysis of movies such as Parting Glances (1986), Longtime Companion (1989), and... more