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The book focuses on the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation and wars that followed viewed through the comic art in the local and international press. War propaganda and political discourse are examined and placed in the larger historical... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesBalkan StudiesInternational SecurityKosovo
Before the former Yugoslavia was divided by wars, its inhabitants successfully lived side by side in peace. This collection seeks to explain how former neighbors became enemies, with the hope that understanding what drove these peoples... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Media and Cultural StudiesComics StudiesKosovo
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      History Of PropagandaNazismNazi PropagandaHolocaust Shoah
На архивных материалах рассказывается о подготовке в Челябинском областном краеведческом музее выставки, посвящённой столетней годовщине битвы на Чудском озере. Подготовка проводилась в 1942 году в условиях полного отсутствия... more
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      Visual propagandaMedieval HistorySoviet HistoryHistory of Museums
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceMigrationConflict Transformation
Following the events of 9/11, the Bush Administration launched the Global War on Terror. Abroad, U.S. Forces aggressively pursued alleged terrorist organizations and supporters in Central Asia and the Middle East – beginning with... more
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      Television StudiesPopular CulturePropagandaWar on Terror
The purpose of this chapter is to review Russian Information Operations as exercised in recent years and analyze their significance as part of a broader grand strategy scheme. In order to do that, we will first analyze the way information... more
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      PropagandaInformation WarfarePsychological operations (PSYOP)Information operations (IO)
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      DemocracyOccupation and Resistance in WW2Luxembourgish StudiesWar Propaganda
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      Jane AustenWorld War IIFilm adaptationsWilliam Shakespeare
This paper analyses de visual construction of the Francois's myth of Crusade, Holy War and Reconquest beside its application to the Spanish Civil War. After revising the national catholic historiography and the ideology of those groups... more
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      Medieval HistorySpanish Civil WarMedieval ArtWar Propaganda
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      PropagandaWar PropagandaRadio Londra
What is hybrid warfare? And what role does information play in today's conflicts? In the context of the technological/information revolution of the last two decades--which has greatly amplified the danger posed by nonmilitary means of... more
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      PropagandaStrategic CommunicationInformation operations (IO)Colour Revolutions
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      History and MemoryPrisoners of WarWorld War IHistory of War
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      PhotographyWorld War IIPressWar Propaganda
The amount of new semantic content circulated in a society is limited by implicit norms and explicit rules. Belonging to a community means knowing, mastering, and even interiorizing such restrictions. Some of them are imposed by economy,... more
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesVisual Studies
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      Literary JournalismCensorshipRomanian HistoryBalkan Studies
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
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      Jewish StudiesPropagandaWar StudiesFascism
Art historians have almost invariably focused on the seeming ideological contradictions in Antoine-Jean Gros’s Battle of Eylau, pointing consistently to the “shocking” display of wounded and dead Russian soldiers in the foreground of the... more
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      Military HistoryFrench HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-century Art
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      First World WarWar Propagandacentenario della Grande Guerra/Prima Guerra Mondialemanifesti prima guerra mondiale
Tras casi medio siglo la proyección histórica de Marcos Pérez Jiménez ha sobrevivido en el imaginario venezolano con benévola nostalgia. De hecho, dentro de la cultura política criolla, en teoría sensiblemente democrática, el... more
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      Military DictatorshipWar PropagandaRelaciones Civiles MilitaresDictaduras en américa del Sur
Descrizione del fondo archivistico del generale Tullio Marchetti (1871-1955), uno dei più importanti conservati nell'archivio storico del Museo della Guerra, in quanto comprende documentazione di grande rilevanza nazionale sia... more
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      Military HistoryFirst World WarArchivísticaWar Propaganda
Although Disney was making animated defense films with an instructional meaning for the Canadian government, it wasn’t until the attack on Pearl Harbor (McEvoy 1942; Grainge, Jancovich and Monteith 2012) that Walt began to employ his... more
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      PropagandaSecond World WarWar PropagandaDonald Duck
The usage of art as propaganda is a long-established endeavor. For example, propaganda was without a doubt an important goal of the art of ancient Rome. Roman rulers manipulated art in order to entertain, to revive traditional values,... more
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      PropagandaFirst World WarWar Propaganda
Every war is not only the fight of the armies but also a war of the ideologies. One of the forms of the ideological war is propaganda posters. Over forty posters presented and analyzed in this article come from the Polish-Soviet war in... more
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      HistoryVisual SociologyVisual StudiesVisual propaganda
This book offers a unique account of British and United States government's attempts to adapt their propaganda strategies to global terrorist threats in a post-9/11 media environment. It discusses Anglo-American coordination and domestic... more
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      International RelationsCommunicationMedia StudiesJournalism
У раду је дат приказ акције прикупљања и враћања књига немачком писцу Гинтеру Грасу, коју су током бомбардовања СР Југославије 1999. године као вид протеста покренуле и спровеле Вечерње новости. Рад садржи анализу узрока покретања акције,... more
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      Contemporary HistoryNATOSerbian historyHistory of Yugoslavia
Resumen: La trilogía original de Rambo muestra una clara finalidad propagandística, marcada por su afinidad con la política estatal estadounidense o, más específicamente, con la línea seguida por el Presidente Ronald Reagan. Estas tres... more
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      PropagandaRonald ReaganWar PropagandaPropaganda Cinema
Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalism
(il video riguarda l'intera terza sessione dell'Ottavo seminario "Dalla mappa al GIS" coordinata da Paola Pressenda; il mio intervento va da 1:23:00 a 1:47:30) Negli anni della prima guerra mondiale la produzione cartografica in Italia... more
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      CartographyVisual propagandaPropagandaHistory of Cartography
This texts deals with Japanese Interwar belic and propagandistic re ad missappropiations of Japan's most popular folk character: Momotaro (first part).
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      Showa period 昭和時代Fascist propagandaAnimeWar Propaganda
Dans les imaginaires collectifs, la marionnette est tour à tour assimilée à un emblème des rapports de domination et de manipulation. à une créature essentiellement frondeuse et irrévérencieuse, ou bien à un divertissement parfaitement... more
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      Cultural HistoryCensorshipPuppetryCultural Heritage Management
Coinciding with the centennial of the U.S. entry into World War I, this exhibition catalog examines the lives of four individuals from Montana or closely tied to the western state who served their country proudly and whose lives were... more
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      Military HistoryVisual propagandaArt HistoryPropaganda
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      PropagandaCold War and CulturePublic DiplomacyCold War International Relations
Selon le témoignage d'Anthony Cordesman, analyste du Centre d'Etudes Stratégiques et Internationales : « peu importe si nous l'avouons publiquement ou non, nous irons en guerre parce que Sadam Hussein est assis au centre d'une aire... more
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      International RelationsPolitical PhilosophyCommunicationHumanities
Media plays an important role in keeping people informed about the events in the border areas. In this paper, news related to the border areas in the Indian Express national newspaper daily is analyzed for the period of August 1, 2015 to... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismPeace and Conflict StudiesContent Analysis
У раду се анализира извештавање, у то време, најтиражнијег београдског дневног листа "Вечерњих новости" о ратном учинку Војске Југославије током НАТО агресије 1999. године, а које је било део информационог рата. Посебан акценат је стављен... more
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      Contemporary HistorySerbian historyHistory of YugoslaviaWar Propaganda
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      Critical TheoryMedia StudiesPropagandaCritical Media Studies
"According to the just determination A.V. Fateev, "enemy image is an ideological expression of social antag-onism, dynamic character hostile to the state and the citizen forces, a policy tool of the ruling groups of the society. ... The... more
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      PropagandaCold War and CultureCold WarCold War history
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
The Internet has been a counter-public space for Palestinian liberation politics for over a decade, and digital technologies have become an increasingly important tool for solidarity groups across the world. However, the Israeli state and... more
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Among the many mythologized events surrounding Dmitri Shostakovich's Symphony no. 7 ("Leningrad"), op. 60, perhaps the last to be thoroughly investigated is the dramatic microfilm transfer of the piece through the Middle East, across the... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyPropagandaCold War and Culture
Although the existence of propaganda in liberal democratic states is frequently denied it continues to play a central role especially with respect to war and conflict. Propaganda, understood as a non-consensual approach to influencing... more
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      Media StudiesCensorshipPropagandaPolitical communication
Los trabajos críticos que han abordado el estudio de las novelas y cuentos de María Teresa León en claves política, testimonial y feminista se han precipitado al desdeñar sus artículos periodísticos, considerándolos nimios y anacrónicos.... more
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      PropagandaGeneración del 27GUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAHistoria De Las Mujeres
"In an age of proliferating media and news sources, who has the power to define reality? When the dominant media declared the existence of WMDs in Iraq, did that make it a fact? Today, the "social web" (sometimes known as Web 2.0,... more
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      Social MovementsAmerican StudiesCommunicationMedia Studies
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial varias productoras de animación produjeron, por encargo del gobierno americano, insignias, manuales ilustrados, y sobre todo cortometrajes de propaganda de guerra, con un claro contenido anti- nazi.
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      MythologyVisual propagandaPropagandaRitual
The relationship between the US State’s military propaganda agencies, the entertainment industries, media products, and public opinion is of interest to researchers, and the alliance of the military and the entertainment industries is... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Political EconomyWar Studies
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesFascismEurasia
"This article examines the songs that Japanese schoolchildren learned during World War II and their impact on children’s lives. These songs were filled with propaganda such as Japan’s superiority over other nations, the glory of dying for... more
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      Japanese StudiesMusic EducationEthnomusicologyJapanese Language And Culture
Art at war! The Belgium state as patron of combatting artists: benevolent politics or imperious necessity? With the invasion of Belgium by German troops in August 1914, the Kingdom's artistic community was forcefully dispersed. Young men... more
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      Visual propagandaArt HistoryPropagandaFirst World War