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Bu çalışmamızda, fikri ve sınai haklarla ilgili uyuşmazlıklarda kanun koyucu tarafından dava şartı olarak öngörülen arabuluculuğun kapsamı ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nun tabiri ile "fikri mülkiyet hukukuna dair... more
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      MediationMediation (Law)Fikri ve Sınai Mülkiyet HaklarıSMK
Conntoh format macam2 buku kas berbentuk excel
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Soal UAS Keterampilan Komputer dan Pengelolaan Informasi (KKPI) Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kelas XII
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      MarketingPendidikanSMKMateri Ajar
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      SMKPemasaranManajemen BisnisStrategi Pemasaran
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      SMKKurikulum 2013
Untuk jurusan administasi Perkantoran SMK
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      Teacher EducationPedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)SMK
Untuk siswa Analis Kesehatan Tingkat SMK
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Buku ini mencoba untuk memberikan gambaran tentang sistem pendidikan vokasi di Inggris
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      SMKInggrisPendidikan vokasi
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Contoh SILABUS (Memahami Prinsip-Prinsip Bisnis) untuk SMK
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      MarketingPendidikanSMKKurikulum 2013
Informasi artikel ABSTRAK Kata kunci: Praktik kerja industri, SMK, kesiapan kerja. Kunci utama seorang siswa dapat terampil dalam mengembangkan kemampuan dirinya adalah dengan pendidikan yang tepat, sebagai penyedia tenaga kerja terampil... more
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Vocational School Nuurul Bayan Kalapanunggal located in Sukabumi District , is one of the schools that use conventional learning methods , which can only be done on condition that the meetings between students and teachers in the... more
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      E-learningLearningSMKMetode Waterfall
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SMK Tritech Nusa Bangsa merupakan cabang pengembangan daripada SMK Tritech Informatika Medan dengan mengusung konsep The Best Industrial School untuk capaian Modrenisasi Pendidikan.
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      SMKPendidikan Kejuruan
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      GrafikSMKSPLDVSistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel
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Understanding secretary secretary whose job is to help an executive or leadership . When viewed in etymology , the secretary comes from the word " Secretum " which means " secret " , or seceretarius or secretarium which means a person who... more
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      EducationHuman Resource ManagementSecretaryBusiness Management