Seasonal Adjustment
Recent papers in Seasonal Adjustment
The effects of seasonally adjusted 24-h exposure to cold and darkness on cognitive performance in urban circumpolar residents was assessed in 15 male subjects who spent three 24-h periods in a climatic chamber at 65 ° latitude during the... more
We test for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in crude oil, heating oil, and unleaded gasoline futures prices from the early 1980s. Evidence on chaos will have important implications for regulators and short-term trading... more
Considering the unique seasonal pattern in university dining environments, this study attempts to determine the degree of improvement in accuracy of each forecasting method tested when season-alIy adjusted data is employed. This study... more
We conduct tests for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in the futures prices of four important agricultural commodities. Though there is strong evidence of non-linear dependence, the evidence suggests that there is no... more
Many economic time series exhibit important systematic fluctuations within the year, i.e. seasonality. Differently from usual practice, we argue that using original data should always be considered, although their process is more... more
As might be expected, surveys show accuracy is the most important criterion in selecting a forecasting strategy. This may lead to the expectation that computer based software would be used to aid the forecasting eort. However, despite the... more
The dates of holidays such as Eid-ul Fitr, Eid-ul Adha, Chinese New Year and Deepavali vary from one year to the next and non-fixed date can affect time series data. The moving holidays need to be taken into consideration in the seasonal... more
This paper investigates the performance of various conditional volatility models to forecast the second moment of tanker freight rates. Justified by existing theoretical and empirical evidence, we focus on asymmetric Markov... more
This paper applies methods of seasonal ARIMA time series analysis to U. S. monthly birth and death rates for January 1950-December 1978. For model selection, the conventional Box-Jenkins (1970, 1976) diagnostic checks are used in... more
Due to their high relative cost, solar electric energy systems have yet to be exploited on a widespread basis. It is believed in the energy community that a technology similar to photovoltaic (PV), but offered at about $1/W would lead to... more
This paper focuses on the construction of a composite leading indicator (CLI) for Turkish economic activity to provide earlier signals of turning points between expansions and slowdowns. For this analysis, Index of Industrial Production... more
Different estimates of the seasonal effects in an economic time series can arise from different choices of the options in the seasonal adjustment software. Or, with an aggregate series, different estimates can also result from different... more
A general methodology is described for identifying and statistically modeling trends which may be contained in a water quality time series. A range of useful exploratory data analysis tools are suggested for discovering important patterns... more
This paper examines the information available through leading indicators for modelling and forecasting the UK quarterly index of production. Both linear and non-linear specifications are examined, with the latter being of the... more
The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of different methods of forecasting malaria incidence from historical morbidity patterns in areas with unstable transmission. We tested five methods using incidence data reported from... more
In this paper, forecasting models for the monthly outgoing telephone calls in a University Campus are presented. The data have been separated in the categories of international and national calls as well as calls to mobile phones. The... more
Several important economic time series are recorded on a particular day every week. Seasonal adjustment of such series is difficult because the number of weeks varies between 52 and 53 and the position of the recording day changes from... more
How much effort to expend in any one bout of reproduction is among the most important decisions made by an individual that breeds more than once. According to life-history theory, reproduction is costly, and individuals that invest too... more
The hypothesis is advanced that the circadian pacemaker in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is composed at the molecular level of a nonredundant double complex of circadian genes (per1, cry1, and per2, cry2). Each one of these... more
This study empirically investigates the role of trade policy along with physical capital, human capital and labour force on economic growth in an isolated economy (ie North Cyprus). We use a sample of quarterly and seasonally adjusted... more
In this chapter we use a simulation experiment to examine whether theseasonal adjustment methods Census X12-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS effectivelyremove seasonality properties from time series data, while preserving otherfeatures like the... more
Focusing on the widely-used Box-Jenkins "airline" model, we show how the class of seasonal ARIMA models with a seasonal moving average factor can be parsimoniously generalized to model time series with heteroskedastic seasonal frequency... more
Using software being developed by the National Bank of Belgium to estimate and select among Frequency Specific Models, we investigate how often these models are selected over the Box-Jenkins Airline model, which they generalize, for a set... more
In addition to seasonal changes in reproductive function, seasonal changes in immune function are mediated by the pineal hormone, melatonin. Melatonin affects immune function both indirectly, acting through other hormones, and directly by... more
9 2 The Unrestricted VAR and its components 11 2.1 Introduetion 11 2.2 The model 12 2.3 Univariate processes and unit roots 15 2.4 Integrated processes 18 2.4.1 Definitions and notation 18 2.4.2 MA representation, autocorrelation and... more
In this paper we focus on two 'STS' models suitable for forecasting the index of industrial production. The first model requires that the index be transformed with a first and seasonal difference filters. The second model considers the... more
Biological data from 66 populations of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, from eastern North America were analysed to test the applicability of the countergradient hypothesis as an explanation of differences in seasonally adjusted growth... more
The hypothesis is advanced that the circadian pacemaker in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is composed at the molecular level of a nonredundant double complex of circadian genes ( per1, cry1, and per2, cry2). Each one of these... more
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This paper applies the programs TRAMO ("Time Series Regression with ARIMA Noise, Missing Observations and Outliers " ) and SEATS (" Signal Extraction in ARIMA Time Series" ) to seasonal adjustment of the monthly Consumer Price Index Swiss... more
In India, year-on-year percentage changes of price indexes are widely used as the measure of inflation. In terms of monthly data, each observation of a one-year change in inflation is the sum of twelve onemonth changes. This suggests that... more
This paper investigates the intraday and day-of-the-week seasonalities, as well as the non-linear dynamics of the two most traded American stock Index futures, i.e. the E-mini SP500 and the E-mini Nasdaq100, quoted on the Chicago... more
In July 2003, a house with a seasonally adjusted annual average radon concentration of 49 000 Bq m −3 was identified near Castleisland in County Kerry (SW Ireland). The possibility that other houses with similar extreme radon... more
We present two types of diagnostics for SEATS and similar programs. We start with modi…cations of the diagnostic used by SEATS to detect underestimation or overestimation, meaning inadequate or excessive supression of frequency components... more
Among the alternative Unobserved Components formulations within the stochastic state space setting, the Dynamic Harmonic Regression (DHR) has proved particularly useful for adaptive seasonal adjustment signal extraction, forecasting and... more
Downloadable! This paper was written as a technical note to explain the seasonal adjustment procedure used by the Central Bank of Chile. The methodology used here, named X-12-ARIMA, was developed by the US Census Bureau. This paper also... more