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The early broadcast era and our current platform era bear some striking resemblances, but one parallel looms large: In the 1940s, we lost a key battle to build a potentially liberating and wondrous medium—and we are on the cusp of doing... more
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      American HistoryPolitical EconomyCommunicationPolitical Economy of Communication
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      Political SociologySocial TheoryPolitical EconomySocial Policy
Andrei Znamenski argues that socialism arose out of activities of secularized apocalyptic sects, the Enlightenment tradition, and dislocations produced by the Industrial Revolution. He examines how, by the 1850s, Marx and Engels made the... more
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Ludo Moritz Hartmann ge sch ich tssch r e i Bu ng i m l ich t e der frü h en soz i a l de mok r at i e ös t e r r e ichs "Der Sozialist, der Sozialdemokrat hat nicht nur eine politische Überzeugung sondern sein ganzes Leben ist bestimmt... more
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      Popular EducationHistoriography20th century (History)19th Century (History)
The central idea of Rawls’s theory of justice is the idea of democratic society as a fair system of cooperation between free and equal citizens. The moral powers of democratic citizens are the ca-pacities presupposed by this idea. Rawls... more
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      Political PhilosophyDemocratic TheoryEconomic JusticeDistributive Justice
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      Social SciencesPolitical ScienceLiberalismPolitics
El triunfo de Gabriel Boric en las últimas elecciones presidenciales de Chile marcó el fin de un ciclo. Por primera vez desde el fin de la dictadura de Pinochet, el país será gobernado por alguien que no viene del tronco de la ya difunta... more
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      ChileSocial DemocracyGabriel Boric
A reflection on the democratic path to socialism.
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      SocialismSocial DemocracyKeralaEduard Bernstein
Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage dans la RFSP
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      Political EconomySocial DemocracyFrench socialist party
Today, Karl Kautsky (1854–1938) is mainly remembered for his polemics against the young Bolshevik regime or as the ‘renegade’ in Lenin’s The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky (1918), which pillories him for his wavering... more
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      HistoryMarxismGerman HistorySocial Democracy
La noción de justicia se refiere sinópticamente a las formas más convenientes del trato que se da a los individuos y a la manera en que este surge y se fundamenta en el trasfondo de la sociedad. El enfoque normativo de la justicia... more
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      Access to JusticePoliticsLaw and PoliticsGlobal Justice
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      ChileSocial DemocracyFeminismoDemocracia
In general, histories of the Russian Revolution do not touch upon events in the Baltic provinces of the empire in any detail. Only the apparently exceptionally large number of Latvians who supported the Bolsheviks in the election to the... more
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      History of EstoniaSocial DemocracyRussian EmpireHistory of Latvia
sampol 2016/1|24
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      Political PartiesSocialismsSocialismParty organization
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      SociologySocial PolicyWelfare StateSocialism
O objetivo principal deste artigo é discutir os elementos distópicos e utópicos presentes nas séries televisivas escritas ou produzidas por David Simon, como The Wire e Show me a Hero, com especial atenção à análise de The Plot Against... more
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      American LiteratureTelevision StudiesSocial DemocracyAmerican serial television
© S.A. IPM 2017. Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est interdite sans autorisation préalable et écrite de l'éditeur ou de ses ayants droit. 6 La Libre... more
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      SocialismsSocialismBelgiumSocial Democracy
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      Genocide StudiesWorld War IFirst World WarArmenian Genocide
R.H. Tawney (1880-1962) was arguably the most influential thinker on the British Left from the First World War down at least to the publication of Crosland’s The Future of Socialism in 1956, and interest in his work revived from the... more
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      Political EconomyBritish PoliticsPolitical ScienceSocial Democracy
El concepto de la función social del derecho es un tema de debate que tuvo centralidad en el Congreso Internacional de Filosofía del Derecho celebrado en Madrid en el año 1973. Varios autores han trabajo la temática, la que reconocieron... more
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      PhilosophySocial DemocracyTeoría crítica del derechoDemocracia
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      Social MovementsPopulismBiographyDutch Politics
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      Historical ConsciousnessCounter CultureNarrative AnalysisSwedish History
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      Political EconomyMarxismCapitalismSocialism
The failure of ‘progressivism’ to gain traction in the current political landscape can be diagnosed in many ways. The diagnosis pursued here, partly in response to a set of recent debates, is that social democracy and neoliberalism have... more
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      MarxismHuman CapitalSocial DemocracySocial Engineering
Is social justice possible within capitalist societies? Or should progressives and egalitarians be looking for viable alternatives to free-market capitalism? John Rawls, one of the most influential political philosophers of the last... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyLabour Party (UK)Political Theory
On Nov 5, 2014, Australians witnessed arguably the only great piece of oratory delivered 'down under' for a generation: Noel Pearson's eulogy for former Labour Prime MInister, Gough Whitlam. This paper, written for a wider audience (and... more
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      RhetoricAustralian PoliticsSocial DemocracyRace Relations, Noel Pearson
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      Welfare StateSocial DemocracyDemocraziaState sovereignty
Martin O'Neill talks to Matthew Brown about community wealth-building and alternative economic strategies in Preston.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEconomicsPolitical PhilosophyLabour Party (UK)
Am 1. September 1948 trat der Parlamentarische Rat in Bonn zusammen, um die Verfassung eines westdeutschen Teilstaates auszuarbeiten. Die feierliche Unterzeichnung des Grundgesetzes, dem Resultat dieser Beratungen, erfolgte bereits am 23.... more
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      German HistoryLegal HistoryCold WarPolitical History
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      Development StudiesInternational DevelopmentCommunismSocialism
On the State as Political Form of Society
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      Critical TheorySocial TheorySocial SciencesPolitical Theory
El debate de las izquierdas antes de 1917. Revolución Industrial y mundo obrero. Rasgos generales. Los socialistas románticos: utopistas, filántropos y activistas. La propuesta dialéctica de Karl Marx (1818-1883). Las disputas entre... more
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      MarxismAnarchismHegelRosa Luxemburg
la revue socialiste 60 le dossier Pour répondre à cette question, une remarque préliminaire classique s'impose : ce qui réfère au modèle organisationnel social-démocrate concerne, au premier chef, deux des trois types de profils isolés... more
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      European StudiesPolitical PartiesLabour Party (UK)Working Classes
Michael Freeden’s work on the history of British liberal thought has famously highlighted the ideological links between liberals and socialists in Britain during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Although Freeden’s... more
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      LiberalismSocialismsModern British HistoryHistory of Political Thought
La literatura de la imaginación, al contrario de lo que creería el crítico literario Harold Bloom, comprendía la unidad inseparable, como en el caso de la personalidad de Lincoln, de la conciencia estética y moral, permitiendo que la... more
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
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      ManagementHistoryAmerican HistorySociology
"Arbeit-Bewegung-Geschichte" erscheint dreimal jährlich (Januar, Mai, September) im Metropol Verlag Berlin im Gesamtumfang von ca. 600 Seiten. Jahresabonnement 35,-€ (Inland) bzw. 45,-€ (Ausland), einschl. Porto; Einzelheftpreis 14,-€,... more
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      HistoryGender HistoryContemporary HistoryJewish History
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      Political SociologySouthern EuropePolitical PartiesSouth East European Studies
This book argues that 'social democratic criminology' is an important critical perspective which is essential for the analysis of crime and criminal justice and crucial for humane and e ective policy. The end of World War II resulted in... more
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      CriminologyCritical CriminologyNeoliberalismSocial Democracy
My master's thesis from 2007, currently being expanded into my dissertation at Ohio University, on the social democratic roots of neoconservative foreign policy.
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      Neoconservatism (American Foreign Policy)Social DemocracyDemocratic SocialismNeoconservatism
De communautaire spanningen binnen de Belgische Werkliedenpartij liepen voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog hoger op dan tot nu toe aangenomen werd. Niet alleen zorgde de taalkwestie voor onenigheid, maar Vlamingen en Franstaligen bleken zich te... more
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      Political PartiesNationalismNational IdentityCooperatives
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      Identity politicsEthnic minoritiesNew LeftSocial Democracy
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      MarxismSocialismsSocialismSocial Democracy
First Reichspräsident Friedrich Ebert, Weimar’s “only solid political constant,” steered the post-revolutionary Republic into calmer waters during his incumbency 1918-1924. This essay investigates whether Ebert achieved his personal aims... more
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      HistoryGerman HistoryPolitical History20th Century German History
Αν και είναι κοινώς πια παραδεκτό ότι τα κοινωνικά κινήματα αποτελούν κατεξοχήν φορείς της κοινωνίας πολιτών και ως τέτοιοι παρεμβαίνουν πολύ συχνά και ποικιλοτρόπως στην πολιτική διαδικασία, η συστηματική μελέτη της σχέσης κινημάτων και... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceModern Greek Politics
The Australian Labor Party has long been an enigma for socialists. On the one hand it is a party which was formed by and is still strongly influenced by the trade unions and obtains its votes predominantly from workers. Yet the whole... more
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      Australian PoliticsAustralian HistorySocial DemocracyAustralian Labor Party
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      CriminologyPolitical EconomySocial Democracy
This book provides a systematic outline of New Labour's ideas and policies. The authors show how the Party s economic and social policies are more neo–liberal and conservative than ever before. To counter accusations that New Labour is... more
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      Labour Party (UK)British PoliticsSocial DemocracyTony Blair
 Abu-Hilal, M., 2000. 'A structural model of attitudes towards school subjects, academic aspiration and achievement',
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      NeoliberalismSocial ClassSocial DemocracyAchievement Gaps