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The history of the creation of the first Soviet universal electronic computers is an excellent example of the ability and readiness of the Academy of Sciences to be a leader in the creation and development of new areas of science and... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringHistory of ScienceHistory of Computer Software
Dans cet article, nous presentons une approche pour mesurer la similarite semantique entre des textes heterogenes et de qualite differente provenant de differentes sources Web. Notre approche commence par extraire le contenu des textes... more
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      SociologyOrganizational TheorySociology of KnowledgeSociology of Science
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      Anthropology of ScienceHistory of ScienceSociology Of Scientific KnowledgeSociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)
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      Anthropology of ScienceHistory of ScienceSociology Of Scientific KnowledgeSociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)
Издание призвано дать гуманитарное измерение процессу взаимного влияния науки как части общества и общества в целом. В центре внимания авторов – влияние научной сферы на жизнь всего человечества, воздействие общественных запросов на... more
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      History of ScienceAnthropology Of Science (Science Technology And Society)Sociology of ScienceScientific and Technological Research, Higher Education, Innovation Policy
Издание призвано дать гуманитарное измерение процессу взаимного влияния науки как части общества и общества в целом. В центре внимания авторов – влияние научной сферы на жизнь всего человечества, воздействие общественных запросов на... more
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      History of ScienceSociology of ScienceScientific and Technological Research, Higher Education, Innovation PolicySciences and technology
Keşif ve gerekçelendirme bağlamı ayrımı yeni bir fikrin ya da hipotezin oluşturulması ve sınanması arasındaki farka işaret etmektedir. Ayrım Hans Reichenbach ve Karl Popper'a atfedilse de Larry Laudan bağlam ayrımının tarihinin On yedinci... more
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Je voudrais essayer non pas seulement de faire une communication sur Caillois, mais de prendre appui sur cet auteur, sur quelques textes de cet auteur, pour contribuer à la réflexion commune sur les rapports et les échanges entre... more
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    • Sociology
Seguridad informática y la identidad digital. Fundamentos y aportes.
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      Postcolonial StudiesPolitical ScienceOpen Source SoftwareColonialism
In the first part of this volume, I have collected analyses of the mechanisms that ensure the internal intellectual unity of each intellectual subsystem or sector, based on the legal-dogmatic categorization that does this in law. If not... more
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      Sociology of ArtsSociology of ScienceSelf-CensorshipArtistic Evaluation
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      BiologyHorizontal Gene Transfer
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    • Literary Theory and Criticism
Analyser un corpus d'images scolaires : exemples de sources et hypothèses d'une méthode indiciaire. DENIS MORIN, MCF (HDR) émérite en Archéologie et Histoire des Techniques CÉDRIC PRÉVOT, Doctorant en épistémologie
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    • Humanities
This work examines the idea of deliberative rationality as it relates to peace. It shows that deliberative rationality constitutes a culture of peace or that it can encourage peaceful coexistence among men. It insists that all acts of... more
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Gregor McLennan sees my book as inaugurating a new phase of "multiplex" postcolonial sociology. This approach moves away from sweeping generalizations about Eurocentrism, Manicheaism, complicity, and pervasive coloniality in "Western"... more
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      SociologyPostcolonial StudiesSociology of KnowledgeHistory of Social Sciences
A presente tese visa discutir a possibilidade de um realismo cientifico capaz de fazer frente ao desafio antirrealista da metainducao pessimista. Procuramos mostrar como o desafio, pelo menos do modo como o formulamos, e um argumento... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyHumanitiesScientific Realism
Na nossa sociedade atual, uma sociedade do conhecimento, há uma estreita relação entre desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico e bem-estar sócio-econômico. O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar que há uma centralização da produção... more
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El décimosegundo artículo de la constitución libertaria del planeta proclama el inalienable derecho de la persona a imaginar, intuir, aaprehender, diseñar, desarrollar, generar, adaptar, aplicar y mejorar todo campo de humanidades,... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeGlobal Social ChangeSociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)Sociology of Science
In recent years, a "historiographical turn" in International Relations has led to a great deal of excavation and critique of long-standing traditions and stories, as well as a reevaluation of the role of history in disciplinary history... more
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    • Historiography
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in Finland, we report on the trial of a teleoperated care robot named Välkky introduced onto a fully operational hospital neurological ward. Our data revealed a narrative arc where participants' early... more
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Evidencia-se na contemporaneidade, que a incorporação das TIC em processos de ensino e pesquisa alargam os espaços formais das universidades, favorecendo o estabelecimento de interações entre pessoas, grupos, comunidades, interfaces e... more
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      Tecnologia da InformaçãoEnsino SuperiorTecnologia da Informação e ComunicaçãoContemporaneidade
Titulo d• ti. obra. La 9U\Ade.rla en Amf.ria LatiN Jet Caribe: altemativaa p.ara la producci6n compeutiva, auatentable t lneluyente de alimentos de ori9en animal Edltoret Rafael NW\e:z Dommguez RodOlfo Ra.mlrtt Valverde
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    • Geography
most modern clinicians find that a majority of their patients suffer from the symptom complex generally referred to as “stress.” Emotional stress, however, is usually regarded as a confounding rather than a causative factor in... more
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Jean-Marc LÉVY-LEBLOND, ancien élève de l'École normale supérieure, est docteur ès sciences physiques (Université d'Orsay, 1965). Il a été successivement chargé de recherches au CNRS, maître de conférences à l'université de Nice,... more
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    • Philosophy
Interdisziplinäre Projekte sind häufig nicht so erfolgreich wie erwartet und brauchen unverhältnismäßig viel Zeit und Geld. Gerade die Medizintechnik ist jedoch auf erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Disziplinen angewiesen.... more
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    • Computer Science
Since incorporating Latin America into its foreign assistance portfolio in the early 1960s, the Ford Foundation typically privileged working with academic institutions and private think tanks over direct collaborations with government... more
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      Sociology Of Scientific KnowledgeHistory of EconomicsSociology of ScienceHistory of Political Economy
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      GeographyHumanitiesCiencias SocialesEconomía Y Negocios
En application de la loi du 11 mars 1957, il est interdit de reproduire intégralement ou partiellement le présent ouvrage sans autorisation de l'éditeur ou du Centre français du copyright, 6 bis, rue Gabriel-Laumain, 75010 Paris. La... more
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      Georges CanguilhemBiopoliticsHistorical Epistemology
Ursula Klein, del Instituto Max Planck para la Historia de la Ciencia en Berlín, y profesora de la Universidad de Constanza, es una reconocida historiadora de la química moderna. En su libro Conocimiento útil. La invención de las ciencias... more
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      Historia de la CienciaHistoria de la técnica y de la Ingeniería
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has instigated educational changes and reforms globally, in particular, introducing and intensifying neoliberal logic and governance in testtaking countries and beyond. PISA... more
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      South KoreaEducational GovernancePISA and TIMSS Result
Desde ciertas perspectivas –como las economicistas neoliberales– la globalización constituye el icono más emblemático de una lógica de progreso; conceptos como los de sociedad del conocimiento, economía informacional, diseño geo-económico... more
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    • Bureaucracy
espanolDesde ciertas perspectivas – como las economicistas neoliberales – la globalizacion constituye el pinaculo de la logica del progreso; conceptos como los de sociedad del conocimiento, economia informacional y diseno geo- economico... more
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L'idée novatrice est de travailler dans un esprit fédératif et de relier un objet documentaire ou culturel à tout un environnement. Les liaisons se font au travers d'un nouvel outil social et particulièrement adapté à l'esprit... more
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      Computer SciencePolitical ScienceMetadataDigital Collections
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Entre os vários problemas filosóficos que tem ocupado os filósofos envolvidos com a pesquisa ética está aquele da objetividade do valor. Alguns teóricos defendem que não há objetividade nos juízos valorativos. Outros, os realistas,... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyMoral RealismRealism
Nell’articolo "'History and Class Consciousness' as an Unfinished Project" del 1988, il critico letterario americano Fredric Jameson affermava che è possibile rinvenire l’autentica discendenza del pensiero di Lukács nella feminist... more
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismFeminist PhilosophyFredric Jameson
decisions. This prompted two federal circuit judges to call for similar changes to the § 284 willful infringement analysis. On October 19, 2015, the Supreme Court granted certiorari to review whether such a change is warranted. This... more
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      LawPatent Law
Il contributo esamina come la pandemia di Covid-19 abbia esposto la vulnerabilità della scienza di fronte alla politicizzazione e alla disinformazione. Vengono descritti tre principali frame utilizzati dai media per rappresentare la... more
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      Health CommunicationScience CommunicationTrustSociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)
Mariana Flores' reflections on scientific rationality and its social dimension are based on the argument that the social dimension of knowledge distorts philosophy of science. According to Flores, the social element would affect the... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyArtSociology of Science
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The ongoing displacement of Palestinians remains one of the most pressing humanitarian crises, calling for scholarly attention and meaningful action. The International Migration and Refugee Studies Program at Birzeit University invites... more
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      Spatial AnalysisIsrael/PalestineUrban StudiesMigration Studies
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The biometric identity project in India called Aadhaar was established with the purported intent of giving every resident of India a unique ID to ensure that social security measures and other welfare mechanisms would reach the last mile.... more
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      Anthropology of ScienceSouth Asian StudiesSouth AsiaSociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)
The scientific community (or the academic profession) is one of the key players in the global and local dynamics of R&D and affects enormously the performance of contemporary societies. Nevertheless, historical, and institutional... more
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      SociologyEconomicsSociology of EducationEconomics of Education
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      SociologyBioethicsEnvironmental EthicsLife Sciences
Join us on the 25th Nov to this special virtual workshop which will provide a platform to discuss the pivotal issues surrounding forced migration, particularly in light of recent escalations in Gaza and the genocide against civil... more
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      DiasporasColonialismForced Migration
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    • Decree