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A feltárt történeti, néprajzi, régészeti, ikonográfiai és irodalmi források alapján bizonyítható, hogy a magyarországi harci -fegyvertáncokat a Balkánról jött hajdúk közvetítették hazánkba. Ezeket a táncokat megőrizte számunkra a... more
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Where was the Spiš estate of Hnojník (Gnaynik/terra Gnaynyk) situated? The author of the paper, based on the analysis of medieval delimitation of boundaries and historical maps from the Spišské Tomášovce vicinity, situates the Hnojník... more
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      Historical GeographyRoman rural settlements13th CenturySpisz
Bydgoszcz, obieg pieniężny, testamenty i inwentarze pośmiertne,
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Bronisław Piłsudski was the first to initiate comprehensive ethnographic research in the Podhale region. In 1911, he established the Folklore Section at the Tatra Society and drafted the memorandum In the Matter of the Tatra Museum (On... more
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      EtnografíaPodhaleBronisław PiłsudskiMuzeum Tatrzańskie w Zakopanem
At the beginning of the 20th century, Alfonsyna Dzieduszycka supported the Tatra Museum in Zakopane with the sum of 600 crowns to purchase ethnographic specimens. She transferred the subsidy in installments and thus significantly... more
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From approximately the second half of the 13th century, historical sources from the northeastern Hungarian Kingdom regularly mention priests from Sárospatak (Hungary). These clergy members appear in various property-related matters,... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of HungaryHistory of the ClergyChurch History
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      Minority StudiesCivil ServiceHistory of CzechoslovakiaHungarian Minority In Czechoslovakia
Autorka artykułu prezentuje teksty tradycyjnego słownego folkloru dziecięcego, zebrane podczas badań terenowych w okolicach Dukli w woj. podkarpackim. Omówione zostają zabawianki paluszkowe (zwłaszcza reprezentowana przez największą... more
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Some interesting facts (fauna, flora and water) about Slavkovský kras and Slovak village Vyšný Slavkov.
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      Biblical StudiesHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonWittenbergBocatius János
The study explores the life trajectory of a police detective, Dénes Várkoly who during the terror of the Hungarian pro-Nazi Arrow Cross Party in 1944–1945 was responsible for hundreds of deaths of his fellow citizens in Košice. Born into... more
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      Second World WarHolocaust StudiesResearch on Perpetrators
The study analyses the only three preserved modern-age uncertified copies of the King Sigismund’s missing original confirmation of the King Louis I’s lost town charter for the burghers of Bojnice in order to determine the charter’s... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Local and regional historyMedieval TownsChronology
The present study has been based on Vatican archive resources, which have not been used yet -namely Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide. The author presents an analysis of the activities of an outstanding missionary in the Upper... more
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    • Early Modern History
Bonus č. 2 K vývinu farskej siete na Spiši v prvej polovici 16. storočia V roku 2016 vyšiel na stránkach zborníka Spišského dejepisného spolku Z minulosti Spiša príspevok s názvom K dejinám stredovekých farností na Spiši. 1 Odborná spisba... more
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      16th Century (History)ParishSpiszZips
Genealogy, Bratislava - Pressburg - Pozsony, barbers, surgeons and bathers, historical inns and taverns, noble families, early modern hungarian history
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      Early Modern HistoryGenealogyEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryGenealogia
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The old Spiš county was one of the northernmost counties of the medieval Hungarian kingdom, located right on the border of the Polish kingdom. In this paper, I give an overview of the place name system of this area. The organization of... more
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    • Spiš/Szepes
Totus itaque Stolae proventus cum praemissis accidentibus facit 15 68 Jus Patronatus penes Diversos Dominos Terrestres. Ludimagister ex gratia Parochi.
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    • Geography
Leonard Cox, az erazmiánus angol vándorhumanista közép-európai tevékenységével az utóbbi években számos tanulmány foglalkozott az angol, szlovák és lengyel szakirodalomban. Bár a magyar szakirodalom korábban is megemlékezett róla,... more
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      Renaissance HumanismHungary
Po smrti prvého uhorského kráľa Štefana v roku 1038 nastúpil na trón jeho synovec Peter Orseolo. Krátka vláda tohto panovníka, prerušená navyše obdobím jeho exilu (1041–1044) a vlády kráľa Samuela Abu, býva väčšinou charakterizovaná ako... more
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      Medieval HungaryMiddle AgesAnnales
Studia Historica Tyrnaviensia XVIII : cirkevné dejiny - súčasť národných dejín / [editor Mária Kohútová] ; [rec. M. Dobrotková, D. Duchoňová, M. Tibenský]. - [1. vyd.]. - Kraków ; Trnava : Towarzystwo Słowaków w Polsce, Filozofická... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionCzech & Slovak Studies
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The history of the Arch-deanery of Hradná in the area of the Diocese of Nitra goes back to the 12th century. The study examines how the territory of the Arch-deanery of Hradná changed in the 17th and 18th centuries in the context of major... more
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    • Art
Scholars often consider the mid-15th century panel paintings in Lesser Poland as highly conventional. The painterly tradition, which presumably originated from the “beautiful style” around 1400, can be seen as an important, but not an... more
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      Late Gothic PaintingCentral European ArtBernardino da Siena
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval NobilityMedieval HungaryHistory of Slovakia
Bu çalışmada, Tapu-Tahrir Defterlerindeki kayıtlardan yararlanılarak, Amik Nahiyesi'nin 1550-1584 yılları arasındaki sosyo-ekonomik yapısı üzerinde durulmuştur. Amik, 1516 tarihinde Osmanlı hâkimiyetine girdikten sonra Haleb sancağına... more
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      GeographyMustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
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The article makes available the text and analysis of the oldest oath of the Spiš Lanceats, which was written in the last decades of the 16th century and is written in the Slovak language.
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    • Chemistry
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    • Art
Juliusz Zborowski, a graduate of Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University, moved to Podhale in 1913, as he started working as a teacher in a junior high school in Nowy Targ. The historical events of those years, related to the... more
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      PlebisciteKolekcjonowanieOrawaJuliusz Zborowski
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      Genealogy-Family HistoryRákóczi's War of Independence in Hungary (1703-1711)
Otwierając granatową okładkę Kroniki KS „Wierchy”, którą spisał i wykonał Henryk Ciepliński, jeden z najaktywniejszych działaczy tego klubu (z zawodu introligator), nie sposób w niej nie zauważyć pasji, zaangażowania oraz miłości do... more
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      HistoriaSportPiłka NożnaRabka
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Wirkungen des Calvinismus in Siebenbürgen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert 1657 scheiterte der calvinistische Fürst Siebenbürgens, Georg II. Rákóczi, bei dem abenteuerlichen Versuch, ein im protestantischen Europa diplomatisch abgesichertes... more
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Gąsienicową, w skromnym 2-osobowym składzie), kończąc zaś imprezą trwającą od 3 do 6 kwietnia na Babiej Górze (w której wzięło udział również tylko dwóch uczestników). W pozostałych wycieczkach (w tym jednej alpejskiej) brało udział od 2... more
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Sekcja Ludoznawcza Towarzystwa Tatrzańskiego powstała w 1911 r. w Zakopanem z inicja- tywy Bronisława Piłsudskiego. Jej działalność przerwana przez wybuch I wojny światowej została wznowiona przez Juliusza Zborowskiego w 1918 r.... more
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      EtnographyPodhaleBadania TerenoweListy
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    • Art
r [ lak zwany styl międzynarodowy jest jednym z najintensywniej badanych zagadnień w mediewistyce historyczno-artystycznej'. To zainteresowanie przełomem wieków XIV i XV dość długo nie znajdowało zrozumienia wśród badaczy polskich.... more
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      Art HistoryResearch MethodologyCentral and Eastern EuropeMedieval Iconography
The inter-war period in the history of Poland was a time of rebuilding Poland’s statehood in all dimensions, including identity and axiology, which was to be reflected in new model citizens aware of their duties to their homeland.... more
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      AxiologyPolitical SciencePoliticsIdeology
Fossil reptile remains are described from the Lower Miocene deposits of the active mine Baňa Dolina in Veľký Krtíš (southern part of central Slovakia). The fossils come from lignite layers dated to the late Ottnangian. The sediments... more
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1 Fakulta architektúry, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave; Námestie slobody 19, 812 45 Bratislava 1; Grant: 1304 Název grantu: Pasportizácia mestských opevnení na Slovensku Oborové zaměření: AL-Umění,... more
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Katalog do wystawy Marty Bożyk pod tytułem "Na drugim planie. Ukryte w ołtarzu Wita Stwosza" pokazanej w Domu Norymberskim w roku 2023. Na wystawę składały się obiekty z papieru, grafiki i deski drzeworytnicze inspirowane twórczością... more
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      Visual ArtsSztuka Współczesna W PolsceGrafika
RESCUE EXCAVATIONS OF KOŠICE GATE IN LEVOČA. Levoča (Levoča district), rescue excavation, High Medieval period, Post-medieval period, pavement, masonry, blacksmith workshop, slag. Deposition of finds: TRIGLAV Archeologická spoločnosť.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyPostmedieval ArchaeologyHistory of SlovakiaLevoča
This article summarizes a few years of research on the Jewish-Highland smuggling networks which operated at the Polish-Slovakian border, particularly in Podhale and Spiš. It briefly presents the principles of their operation during the... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHasidismSmugglingHuman Smuggling