Sport sponsorship
Recent papers in Sport sponsorship
Competitive cycling has always been particularly popular in the Benelux, France and Italy, but has spread first continetally and then globally in recent decades. But how global is actually competitive cycling today? In this article we... more
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to single out the key variables in the sport sponsorship relationship, and more specifically to examine the impact of Team Achievement, Sponsor Recognition and Sponsor Altruism on two major... more
Zgodnie z przyjętą przez Autorów koncepcją, struktura monografii przedstawia się następująco. Monografia składa się z pięciu rozdziałów . W pierwszym rozdziale opisano płaszczyzny funkcjonowania rynku sportu odnosząc się do kwestii... more
Sport is a lucrative and universal form of popular culture, transcending international and social boundaries (Andrews & Jackson, 2001) providing sports men and women with increasingly lucrative financial opportunities through involvement... more
SOMMARIO 1. I contratti commerciali di comunicazione e sfruttamento dell'immagine: sponsorizzazio-ne e pubblicità. Inquadramento generale.-1.1. I contratti di pubblicità.-1.2. Sponsorizza-zione e diritto all'immagine.-1.3.... more
There is strong evidence that athletes have approached the improvement of their performance with intelligence and creativity from the very beginnings of formal competition. This has involved the evolution of training methods, the... more
Grassroot organizations are largely dependent on sponsorship, often derived from the local communities and companies (Appendices, ‘Interview with Leif Gjørtz Christensen’). However, the challenge of attracting corporate sponsorships is a... more
The business model of motorsports has evolved to prominently feature corporate sponsorship as a B2B exchange mechanism in both the supply and marketing channels. As a result, racing series managers and teams are often simultaneously... more
Modern anlamda sponsorluk uygulamalarının, 19. yy sonlarında ve 20 yy baslarında ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. 1896 ve 1928 Olimpiyat Oyunları, 1861 Avustralya turu, 1898 İngiltere Nottingham Forest futbol takımına (40, 49) yapılan... more
Accessing and exploiting organizational resources are essential capabilities for competitive sport organizations, particularly those engaged in motorsports, where teams lacking resources frequently dissolve. Corporate sponsorship... more
There is an unprecedented growth of sponsorship spending in many international marketing budgets and it is thus expected from sponsorship to bring some tangible and measurable branding results. Undoubtedly event sponsorship has an... more
The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between McDonald’s and its sponsorship of The Olympics by testing how the consumer has been influenced. H1 = Attributes associated with sporting events are transferred to sponsoring... more
Since its creation in 1903, the Tour de France has remained the biggest of all professional cycling events. This chapter aims to present three aspects of the economic history of the Tour de France and what they tell us about the economic... more
Due to its beauty, since the first half of the 19th century that football makes millions of fans follow this show passionately, making it the most popular sport in the world nowadays (Sawe, 2018). After more than a hundred and fifty... more
It is our contention that the 2019 esports industry’s revenue size is massively undervalued at $1.1B USD within the literature. This paper provides a more accurate sizing of the esports landscape, incorporating into the analysis six major... more
While the benefits sought by engaging in non-traditional marketing tactics such as sponsorship are well-documented, determining return-on-investment (ROI) remains an evolving science. To advance ROI analysis in sponsorship, we utilize... more
The globalization of media content has encouraged the growth of cross-cultural promotional channels; yet empirical evaluations of advertising strategies at an international level are sparse. This paper advances research in this emerging... more
Why did cycling become professional as early as the late nineteenth century, while other sports (such as rugby) and other sport events (such as the Olympic Games) remained amateur until the 1980s? Why are the organizers of the most... more
Sponsorship fit is frequently mentioned and empirically examined as a success factor of sponsorship. While sponsorship fit has been considered as a determinant of sponsorship success, little knowledge exists about the antecedents of... more
Developing technology and the widespread use of the Internet have changed many habits in our daily lives. In this period, when daily work is done over the Internet, the number of users of social media platforms has increased, and... more
Theorists have emphasized brand differentiation in achieving a competitive advantage through sponsorship, and managers of sports sponsorships have recognized product category exclusivity as among the most valued rights afforded sponsoring... more
Purpose – Existing research on sponsorship effects shows that the congruence (i.e. fit) between sponsor and sponsored cause is critical for a change in brand image. Congruence between sponsor and sponsored cause is seen as static in... more
""The titular sponsorship as the way of financing sports facilities". The purpose of the paper is to present the essence of the titular sponsorship (naming rights) and possibilities, which it is creating in the scope of earning incomes... more
In this research the questions “What are critical success factors in sport sponsorship deals?” and “How are sponsorship deals in esport beneficial for the sponsor?” are answered through a literature review on sports sponsorship and a... more
Sponsorship studies have generally been focused on attitudinal measures of fan loyalty to understand the reactions to abstract sponsors. This study examines the relationships between both attitudinal and behavioral loyalty with... more
Environmental stimuli in the form of marketing inducements to gamble money on sports have increased in recent years. The purpose of the present paper is to tackle the extended definition of the gamblification of sport using sponsorship... more
"Purpose – While various scholars have identified relationship marketing objectives as a rationale for sports sponsorship engagement, analytic investigations of the implications of a relational approach to the corporate sponsorship... more
While discussion and media coverage of esports (i.e., organized competitive video gaming) has dramatically increased since 2016, the use of esports by established consumer brands has not been emphasized in the sport marketing and... more
This research aims to examine football fans’ awareness of their team sponsors and to compare sponsorship awareness between season ticket holders and casual spectators. Data was collected from among fans of a professional football team... more
The purpose of this study was to assess brand equity in professional soccer teams. Through a preliminary analysis and further adaptation of the Spectator-Based Brand Equity (SBBE) scale, a refined model was tested among soccer fans.... more
This is a study concerning the result of sports sponsorship where the research focuses on how would a specific construct of Brand Equity would correlate with the sponsorship outcome. The study takes one of the forerunners of professional... more
The congruence or fit between a sponsored brand and sponsoring firm is a central tenet of sponsorship research. The influence of such congruence on the sponsored brand however, has received scant attention. This question is important... more
One of the most common means of resource acquisition for both large administrative firms and smaller entrepreneurial enterprises is interorganizational alliances (Ireland, Hitt, & Vaidyanath, 2002). The promotional alliance is defined... more
Streszczenie: Sponsoring sportowy w ciągu kilkudziesięciu lat przeszedł ewolucję od prezentacji logotypów sponsora do komunikacji 360 stopni. Biznes szuka nowych dróg dotarcia do tradycyjnych kibiców sportu, a jeszcze bardziej stara się... more
In 2007, Major League Soccer (MLS) became the first major professional sports league in the USA to allow individual franchises to sell advertising space on their game jerseys. While these shirt sponsorships are considered the norm in... more
Brand sponsorship connects brands with large, passionate audiences. The sponsorship literature emphasizes the importance of brand sponsor–team congruence; however, prior research has largely focused on the relevance of the brand to the... more