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College football has been suffering from an attendance problem in recent years. According to a CBS Sports report, attendance to major college football games is at a 22-year low . Though announced attendance has dropped 7.6 % in the past... more
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      PsychologySports ManagementFootballCollege Football
We are living in very exciting times characterised by advanced technology, easy and fast means of communication, the globe that has been metamorphosed into a global village, shopping that is no longer confined to brick and mortar... more
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      EntrepreneurshipTransformational LeadershipPersonal Branding
In most approaches in the sponsorship literature, sponsorship decisions are considered holistically as decisions of the sponsoring company. From the perspective of value cocreation , this assumption is not comprehensive. In fact, it is... more
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      BusinessMarketingCo CreationService Dominant Logic
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    • Political Science
EPL is the top-level English Football League (EFL) system, contested by 20 clubs. Each team plays 38 matches, playing all 19 other teams in both home and away games. English Premier League (EPL) is headquartered in The Brunel Building,... more
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    • Industrial Engineering
Arabadania marketingowe ZMIANY W SPONSORINGU -OD FILANTROPII DO CAUSE RELATED MARKETING Wstęp Przedmiotem artykułu jest ewolucja trendów w sponsoringu i mecenacie związana ze zmianą skali działania firm wielonarodowych. Wzrostowi obrotów... more
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Running events have proliferated in the last decade and rely on sponsorships for income. However, more needs to be discovered about how effective these sponsorships are in encouraging purchase behavior and connecting to charity... more
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Running events have proliferated in the last decade and rely on sponsorships for income. However, more needs to be discovered about how effective these sponsorships are in encouraging purchase behavior and connecting to charity... more
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This article highlights the journey and impact of Fernando Carmona, a standout Offensive Lineman for the Arkansas Razorbacks. Standing at 6'5" and weighing 322 lbs, Carmona has quickly established himself as a key player with exceptional... more
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      GlobalizationPop CultureWomenSocial Media
To determine how integrated TV advertising and event sponsorship should be best managed and evaluated, a theoretical framework derived from global exploratory research of academic literature and consulting reports was validated by 16... more
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      BusinessMarketingPhilosophy of AgencyAdvertising
When should we use an athlete, a sports star in advertising? Which type of product or service is best suitable for these stars to advertise? What can we expect from these ads? Who is the ideal sports star? Is it true that social media is... more
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      ArtAdvertisingSocial MediaAthletes
When should we use an athlete, a sports star in advertising? Which type of product or service is best suitable for these stars to advertise? What can we expect from these ads? Who is the ideal sports star? Is it true that social media is... more
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      ArtAdvertisingSocial MediaAthletes
A sponsor portfolio exists where multiple brands sponsor a single activity or property, such as a sporting event, team, league, or a charity simultaneously. While sponsor portfolios are common in practice, little is known about how the... more
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This paper contributes to the understanding of sponsorship in eSports, shedding light on an enormously important topic that has been little explored in academia. ESport is growing internationally, mainly due to the easy access to... more
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      BusinessPsychologyAdvertisingSport sponsorship
With increases in sponsorship expenditures outpacing that of traditional advertising, return on investment warrants greater scrutiny. Yet, research has overwhelmingly focused on returns, while neglecting the associated investment. This... more
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      MarketingSports ManagementSport MarketingMarketing Management
Firms from a variety of industries regularly partner with Formula One (F1) racing teams to achieve marketing objectives on an international scale. The sponsored properties offer signals of brand foreignness/localness, country of origin,... more
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      Brand ManagementSports ManagementSport MarketingFormula One
Rationale/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop and test a parsimonious model of brand equity reverse transfer, where the reputations of sponsoring brands influence the brand of a sponsored sports enterprise.... more
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      Brand ManagementStrategic Brand ManagementSport MarketingBranding
Türk kurum ve kuruluşlarının spor yatırımlarını ve sponsorluk desteğini tarihin her döneminde görmek mümkündür. Bu bağlamda Ziraat Bankası AŞ, TRT, Petrol Ofisi AŞ, ÇAYKUR, Eczacıbaşı ve Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı AŞ gibi kurum/kuruluşlar... more
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The aim of this study was to investigate the challenges being faced by the Zimbabwe Football Association in its quest to secure corporate sponsorship. This study adopted a qualitative methodology, utilizing the case study as the research... more
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    • Political Science
The Historical Roots of Sports Betting Sports betting is a practice that dates back to ancient times. Its origins can be traced to early civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans, who engaged in betting on athletic competitions and... more
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    • Sports
El propósito central de este estudio es analizar a fondo el sponsor en México, a través del caso de Dakshina como ejemplo para ilustrar su aplicación. El método empleado consiste en un caso de estudio que detalla las actividades de una... more
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      Sport sponsorshipTercer Sector
Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle beraber internete ulaşımın her an mümkün olduğu günümüzde, kitle iletişim araçlarının etkisi azalmış ve tüketici, internet tabanlı yeni mecralara yönelmiştir. Küreselleşme, rekabetin artması, pazardaki güç... more
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İşletmelerin ürün ve hizmetlerini piyasadaki rakiplerinden farklılaştırmak için kullandıkları marka olgusu; son yıllarda marka değeri, marka sadakati, marka bilinirliği, marka güveni gibi kavramlarla, pazarlama araştırmacılarının... more
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      MarkaMarka DeğeriTüketici DavranışıTüketici Temelli Marka Değeri
Wpływ pandemii na branżę beauty... Analiza komunikacji marek sektora beauty w mediach społecznościowych Wstęp Podejmowane w artykule rozważania dotyczą zmian zachodzących na rynku mody, wywołanych przez pandemię wirusa COVID-19.... more
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UK law prohibits direct marketing of gambling to children. However, our data, gathered between 2018 and 2020, demonstrate that gambling logos occur frequently in football related products and media consumed by children. This is a pressing... more
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      BusinessAdvertisingGambling StudiesApplied Anthropology
The present study has been done to investigate the role of sponsorship in improving brand equity in the Sportswear industry. The research method is descriptive survey based on structural equation modeling. Statistical community of this... more
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The aim of this study is to adapt the Drivers of Sports Sponsorship Policy developed by Miragaia et al. (2017) to Turkish and to present the results of the validity and reliability study. 100 managers and employees in public and private... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationPsychologySport
One of the main sponsorship benefits sought by a firm is a positive effect on corporate image through the association of their brand with a sporting entity. Given the increasing incidence of crises in sport, it can be argued that the... more
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      MarketingTerrorismTypologyPolitical Science
Background: Unhealthy foods are promoted heavily, through food company sponsorship of elite sport, resulting in extensive exposure among young adults who are avid sport spectators. This study explores the effects of sponsorship of an... more
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      BiostatisticsPublic HealthMedicinePublic health systems and services research
Correr es una actividad física de ocio popular y conveniente. La distancia más popular son los 5 km que acumularon 8,9 millones de registros en 2018. Las inversiones de empresas en patrocinio en todo el mundo superaron los $ 65 mil... more
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Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronie internetowej Wydawnictwa Kopiowanie i powielanie w jakiejkolwiek formie wymaga pisemnej zgody Wydawcy
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      BusinessPiFinancial and Banking Sciences
Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronach internetowych Wydawnictwa Publikacja udostępniona na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie... more
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      BusinessCorporate Social ResponsibilitySustainable DevelopmentGerman
Sports marketing being a new and under researched area is highly dependent on mass media treatment. The purpose of this study is twofold: First to examine the impact of team identification on fans trust after the involvement of a player... more
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Sport engagement plays a crucial role in promoting physical well-being, fostering social connections, and enhancing overall quality of life. However, various factors, including financial constraints and limited resources, can serve as... more
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      VolunteerismPublic ExpendituresSport sponsorshipSports Participation
Als Geburtsstunde des Sportsponsorings in Deutschland gilt das Jahr 1972. Der Bundesligaverein Eintracht Braunschweig läuft erstmalig mit dem Logo eines Unternehmens auf dem Trikot auf und bekommt dafür 160.000 DM (ca. 81.700 EUR) von der... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceSportsponsoring
Günümüzün yoğun rekabet ortamında kurum ve kuruluşlar iletişim stratejilerini daha geniş kitlelere ulaşabilmek adına sürekli güncellemektedir. Kurumların pazardaki varlığını sürdürebilmesi ve faaliyette bulunduğu sektörde rekabet... more
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      Public RelationsSponsorshipHalkla ilişkilerSponsorluk
J. (In Press). Configuring perceived fit to mitigate consumer animosity in the context of crossborder sport sponsorships. European Sport Management Quarterly.
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This commentary considers the impacts of COVID-19 on sport governance and management, given the global threat to sport services and organizations evident as a result of the disease since early 2020. To frame this analysis of the impacts... more
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      Corporate GovernancePolitical SciencePublic RelationsLegitimacy
The current study investigated the impact of the COVID pandemic lockdown on gambling and problem gambling in Canada. The AGRI National Project's online panel participants (N = 3449) provided baseline gambling data 6 months prior to the... more
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      SociologyPsychologyGambling StudiesMedicine
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It is important for brands to appropriately respond when their athlete endorsers are involved in a scandal. The present study examines how consumer evaluations of endorsed brands are influenced by a brand's response to an endorser... more
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      BusinessPsychologyBrand ManagementAdvertising
Information technologies are considered to be the main reason for the rapid development of the sports industry. IT industry has become necessary for the functioning and development of sports competitions and organizations. Thanks to new... more
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On July 1st, 2021, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) approved an interim policy that would allow college athletes in every state to monetize their name, image, and likeness (NIL). This meant student-athletes could accept... more
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      Political SciencePublic RelationsLegislationAthletes
Streszczenie Po roku 1989 nastąpił gwałtowny rozwój sportów i sztuk walki wywodzących się z Dalekiego Wschodu. Spowodowało to napływ osób chętnych do treningu w tym głównie dzieci i młodzieży, jak również dorosłych. W prezentowanych... more
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      ArtMartial ArtsPanorama
Bu çalışmanın amacı günümüz devlet yönetiminde tartışılan ve bazı alanlarda uygulanan elektronik devlet (edevlet) uygulamalarında spor alanı uygulamalarının yeri ve önemini tartışmakla; Dünyada sporun etkileşim alan: gün geçtikçe... more
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    • Humanities
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      PsychologyConsumerCued recallFree recall
paper outlines how commercial sponsorship can be conceptualized using an item and relational information framework, and supports this with empirical data. The model presented allows for predictions about consumer memory for sponsorship... more
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      BusinessMarketingApplied PsychologyMemory
Sosyal Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Alanında Uluslararası Araştırmalar XXVIII adlı kitabın on beşinci bölümde Murat Kalfa tarafından kaleme alınan “Sporda Sponsorluk Kanunu ve Süreçleri” adlı çalışmaya yer verilmektedir. Çalışmada sponsorluk... more
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      Sports ManagementSponsorshipSport sponsorshipSpor Yönetimi
In recent years, tourists have incorporated visiting international football clubs as part of their travel itineraries, including taking behind-thescenes stadium tours, visiting team museums, and attending matches. This conceptual paper... more
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      Tourism StudiesFootball (soccer)